Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

It's not Synth-Pop Band, Metal Band or other names either, but they're on the game. Eitherway, I'll pass on Toby Keith and it saves me some points so I can't really complain.
Damn looks like I am buying more songs. I have downloaded 48 songs already, yet I still keep buying. :drool:

Definitely getting the journey song! As for SpongeBob . . . . . :rofl:

Oh and if anyone want to play online, hit me up.

Gamertag: biggaveli285
[quote name='brother bendu']Damn looks like I am buying more songs. I have downloaded 48 songs already, yet I still keep buying. :drool:

You prompted me to count mine up.

I stopped counting at around 105...And I'll d/l the 80's tunes this week. Maybe the Toby Keith if the wife wants to badly enough.:whistle2:#
312, not counting the original Rock Band 1 song transfer songs.

Total it out I guess it'll be 451 songs.
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[quote name='bardockkun']It's not Synth-Pop Band, Metal Band or other names either, but they're on the game. Eitherway, I'll pass on Toby Keith and it saves me some points so I can't really complain.[/QUOTE]See this is the correct response when anyone has an "off-week" for DLC. It fascinates me how OUTRAGED some other people get when a given week's DLC doesn't fit their tastes. Do they have an endless supply of MS points or something???
[quote name='bmulligan']Don't Stop Believing? That's it? Come on, the lack of a Journey's Greatest Hits album on Rockband is a travesty.

I was very surprised when the Stevie Ray Vaughn album came out a few weeks ago. It's awesome. And so is the Funk Pak. Rock Band definitely needs a James Brown Anthology[/quote]

Hopefully, they would pick songs that are more challenging/fun to play.
I'm sure this has been asked a billions times already but can anyone recomend a cheap but durable drum pedal? Mine finally busted.
[quote name='Rodimus']I'm sure this has been asked a billions times already but can anyone recomend a cheap but durable drum pedal? Mine finally busted.[/quote]

Funny, we were just having this conversation over on the GH: Metallica thread for some double bass action. All have a bass pedal and splitter:

Best Buy - Block Head $29.99
Gamestop - Official RB2 $24.99
Amazon - Nyko Metal Pedal $19.99
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Anyone Dl and play the new songs yet? I want to know the difficulty of the instruments....Can't really see it at the moment since im away from my 360, but i'm on my online account and Im waiting to hit that purchase button, So i can just start up my xbox when I get home.

EDIT: NVM, Videos of it are already on youtube...
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[quote name='Brainwave0']Funny, we were just having this conversation over on the GH: Metallica thread for some double bass action. All have a bass pedal and splitter:

Best Buy - Block Head $29.99
Gamestop - Official RB2 $24.99
Amazon - Nyko Metal Pedal $19.99[/quote]

Thanks, I'll check those out.
The Pearl Jam album is fantastic! Mostly got Rock Band for my girl, but I'm having a ton of fun with it too.

Sure would like to see that Jane's Addiction album come out soon. Any news on that?

Also has 311 ever been mentioned for Rock Band?
[quote name='TC']
Sure would like to see that Jane's Addiction album come out soon. Any news on that?
Nothing's Shocking they've been pretty vague on details, but popular belief is that it's basically on indefinite hiatus for release because of the whole Warner Music wanting more money for their song's fiasco. Though we'll see. I'm hoping for it as well since I love Perry Farrell vocals.
[quote name='mcgavin27']369 songs downloaded... so 508 total with the two games.[/QUOTE]

Wow, there are people who've bought as much or more than me. Bravo. :)

Only picked up Journey and Von Bondies. I can't seem to cave for Pearl Jam or Heartbreaker since I have some of the songs I really want in other games. If I cared for Spongebob at all, I'd be on the $3 pack, but meh.
[quote name='TC']
Also has 311 ever been mentioned for Rock Band?[/QUOTE]

This is one of the two bands I have been praying for... Feels So Good, T&P Combo, Applied Science (Live version with Chad Sexton breakdown)...:drool:

The other band I am waiting on is Fall of Troy... A Man A Plan A Canal Panama
I've found that I learn a lot about songs I never knew from playing Rock Band. My fiance and I were playing Evenflow last night, and as it got to the spoken parts during the solo, I glanced up at the lyrics. I then glanced over to my fiance and said "I never knew this song was about a homeless person." Of course, I was never really certain Eddie was singing actual words in the song either, so...
[quote name='BlueWingX']I've found that I learn a lot about songs I never knew from playing Rock Band. My fiance and I were playing Evenflow last night, and as it got to the spoken parts during the solo, I glanced up at the lyrics. I then glanced over to my fiance and said "I never knew this song was about a homeless person." Of course, I was never really certain Eddie was singing actual words in the song either, so...[/quote]
Even with the lyrics I just think of Adam Sandler as Opera Man.
Cant we please have Bush - Sixteen Stone as an album download? Little things, Machine Head, Everything Zen, Glycerene.....awesome 90's hits!
[quote name='Corvin']if you're into second rate Pearl Jam's of the world. ;)[/quote]

NOT EVEN! Sixteen Stone > Ten. And this is coming from someone who purchased the Ten DLC. But RB is in serious need of some Bush. And could you forget Comedown?
[quote name='BlueWingX']I've found that I learn a lot about songs I never knew from playing Rock Band. My fiance and I were playing Evenflow last night, and as it got to the spoken parts during the solo, I glanced up at the lyrics. I then glanced over to my fiance and said "I never knew this song was about a homeless person." Of course, I was never really certain Eddie was singing actual words in the song either, so...[/quote]

Playing Rock Band was like a music history lesson, I am now slightly more educated in the appreciation of classic rock songs and artists. Though anytime I hear the songs on the radio or something, it just reminds me of Rock Band.

I personally would want more Muse in Rock Band but what we all need is The Final Countdown.
[quote name='GodlyOne'] but what we all need is The Final Countdown.[/QUOTE]

ill pay 400 points for that song. id love for a europe pack to be released.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']NOT EVEN! Sixteen Stone > Ten. And this is coming from someone who purchased the Ten DLC. But RB is in serious need of some Bush. And could you forget Comedown?[/quote]
Ten >>>>>>>>>>> Sixteen Stones. I'm sorry, but they were just a band of the moment kinda thing to me. Few hits here and there I liked, but nothing that warrants me looking for more from them.
[quote name='GenghisJohn']Cant we please have Bush - Sixteen Stone as an album download? Little things, Machine Head, Everything Zen, Glycerene.....awesome 90's hits![/QUOTE]
Wow, I just listened to this a few days ago and thought the same thing. I really want Body though.
So, like, am I the only CAG who bought the SpongeBob pack? :lol:

My boys saw it and wanted to give it a shot. Considering I'm still running on 1/4 price points I figured $1 or so wasn't too bad even if they just play them once.
[quote name='Brainwave0']You prompted me to count mine up.

I stopped counting at around 105...And I'll d/l the 80's tunes this week. Maybe the Toby Keith if the wife wants to badly enough.:whistle2:#[/quote]

[quote name='mcgavin27']369 songs downloaded... so 508 total with the two games (WTF:hot: LOL).[/quote]

[quote name='bardockkun'] 312, not counting the original Rock Band 1 song transfer songs.

Total it out I guess it'll be 451 songs.[/quote]

[quote name='Trakan']fuckin' crazy. I have 182 downloaded songs, and that's a lot.[/quote]

:shock: Wow all of you have downloaded that many songs! I feel like such a noob lol. I just got this game when TRU had the kit for $110, so I am kinda on a late start.

I already downloaded Journey and The Von Blondies, along with 3 other songs. I will probably add two more Pearl Jam songs and a couple classic rock songs and I will be done . . . . . for now. LOL
[quote name='n8rockerasu']NOT EVEN! Sixteen Stone > Ten. And this is coming from someone who purchased the Ten DLC. But RB is in serious need of some Bush. And could you forget Comedown?[/QUOTE]

It was an off-the-cuff comment for joke purposes. :) Bush was alright but the way I see how music has progressed since the early nineties is kinda like the movie Multiplicity. It just gets dumber and dumber as it goes.

Go with me on this one:
PJ, AIC, Nirvana, STP & Soundgarden(Seattle)* spawn acts like >> Bush & Silverchair** which in turn spawn >> Creed*** which leads us to today and >> Nickelback****

**competent clone of Doug but still not as good as the original
***sensitive clone of Doug
****childish and mildly-retarded clone of Doug

No offense to anyone who likes these acts. All in good fun and just a fun analogy to toss out there.

Speaking of, personally I love Silverchair, but I'm not deaf. If you listen to those first few albums they were essentially PJlite. They have actually turned themselves into quite decent artists (although I've always enjoyed them). Young Modern(2007) was an incredible album.
[quote name='Corvin']Young Modern(2007) was an incredible album.[/quote]

You just lost any credibility you might have had. I've heard cats having sex outside my window at night that have sounded better than that steaming pile of shit.
Van Dyke Parks would probably disagree with you.

Oh and Journey put my song total at 303 (w/RB1 transfer) or 48% of the songs available.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']NOT EVEN! Sixteen Stone > Ten.[/QUOTE]


This lull (for me, anyway) since the Pearl Jam stuff is nice since I just bought GH Metallica. Wallet is hurting.
Ended up getting Journey, Benatar, Von Bondies and the Spongebob Pack this week. It was a good week for drums. Spongebob was much better than expected and the Von Bondies provided a decent challenge.
Definitely in for Black Tide and Bullet for my Valentine. And here I thought there would be nothing for me next week...
bread's done