dananananananana BATMAN!
Ceva13 CAGiversary! Oct 27, 2011 #1,953 This is a great contest for a great game. I hope I win. Good luck everyone!
f421 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Oct 27, 2011 #1,954 nice giveaway..wish they wouldnt have closed all the blockbusters close to me
RandomAlec CAGiversary! Feedback 14 (100%) Oct 27, 2011 #1,959 Don't have the game so I'm definitely in!
M muteprophet2000 CAGiversary! Oct 27, 2011 #1,961 was going to wait for a price drop but id love to win this. big ups cag gang
mrangrypants CAGiversary! Oct 27, 2011 #1,962 Yeah I would not mind this at all, first game was awesome I'm sure the second game will be great too.
Yeah I would not mind this at all, first game was awesome I'm sure the second game will be great too.
Indiana Jones CAGiversary! Feedback 25 (100%) Oct 27, 2011 #1,964 Blockbuster still exists? Just the other week I drove to my local Blockbuster to get in on some of the Blu-rays they were offering for cheap... only to discover that it was long gone! Anyway, Arkham City is much more fun than Arkham Asylum.
Blockbuster still exists? Just the other week I drove to my local Blockbuster to get in on some of the Blu-rays they were offering for cheap... only to discover that it was long gone! Anyway, Arkham City is much more fun than Arkham Asylum.
T Tramz CAG Veteran Oct 27, 2011 #1,965 Man I loved Arkham Asylum. I played it and beat it three times. Winning a copy of Arkham City (for the 360) would rock.
Man I loved Arkham Asylum. I played it and beat it three times. Winning a copy of Arkham City (for the 360) would rock.
iproch CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Oct 27, 2011 #1,967 Game looks awesome and loved Arkham Asylum!
proKoyeon CAGiversary! Feedback 6 (100%) Oct 27, 2011 #1,973 awesome catwoman is a sexy sexy. PS3 fo me!
Killerlampshade CAGiversary! Oct 27, 2011 #1,974 I want to say I would prefer the 360 version but really, it doesn't matter.
Magikarp830 CAGiversary! Oct 27, 2011 #1,976 Good luck to all (and especially ME!)! Thanks to CHEAPY and BBV for the awesome contest! (oh, and PS3 version for me - I have no 360! ;-0)
Good luck to all (and especially ME!)! Thanks to CHEAPY and BBV for the awesome contest! (oh, and PS3 version for me - I have no 360! ;-0)
Roopie CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Oct 27, 2011 #1,978 Arkham Asylum was awesome, winning a PS3 copy of Arkham City would be even more awesome!
S Sneekydapeek CAG Veteran Oct 27, 2011 #1,980 I bought the game and 3 days later the disc got scratched so bad it won't boot up, so disappointed.
AlphaPanda CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Oct 27, 2011 #1,981 Here's to hoping! Would be nice to be able to grab this for Xbox. Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2011
Alien Spider CAGiversary! Oct 27, 2011 #1,985 I'd love to get the Xbox 360 copy! I would generously give my copy I have to a friend.
S shield21 CAGiversary! Oct 27, 2011 #1,987 I got the 1st one. This would be awesome! (PS3 one, of course!) Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2011
0 0wn3d4life CAG Veteran Oct 27, 2011 #1,991 What i would give to win this such an honor. thanks CAG!
C cobrabanana CAG Veteran Oct 27, 2011 #1,994 The only thing i've ever won was bingo in the 3rd grade. The teacher gave everyone a prize though haha 360 please!
The only thing i've ever won was bingo in the 3rd grade. The teacher gave everyone a prize though haha 360 please!
L LarryOfArabia CAGiversary! Oct 27, 2011 #1,995 I'm loving these signed copy drawings. Doubt I'll win, but it's still very cool.
jthm53 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Oct 27, 2011 #1,999 This would be so awesome, I seriously want to play this