Ross Dress for Less Stores Video Game finds

You can probaly find a name brand dress shirt with a huge big ole nut stain on it as well. Rather a white polo Ralph Lauren sweater with brown stains on sleeves like somebody wiped their ass with it. I've seen it all but mainly TJ Maxx.
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I have driven by them many times, never stopped.

Closest I came was turning around in the parking lot several times on McKnight Rd.

I think this is literally the most YMMV thread I've ever seen on here.

I'm pretty sure Ross is mainly stocked with mismanufactured products and returns from non-crappy stores. Pretty much every Ross you walk into is going to have a completely different inventory.

I'm gonna pop some CAGs
Only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I - I - I'm hunting, looking for Skylanders
This is fucking awesome
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Look, it's obviously YMMV.  I've seen some decently maintained Ross stores.  The on in downtown Seattle isn't bad, it's well stocked, and that's with what I assume a big homeless/shoplifting problem.  I've also see Ross stores in decent suburbs that look like shit because they barely staff enough people to man 1-2 registers let alone keep the floor looking good and the customers just trash stuff.  

None of that has ever stopped me from buying cheap shit, though I prefer TJ Maxx/Marshall's.  They are a little pricier, but tend to have a better selection from my experience.  

I mean, you weirdos will literally spend a day driving to 50 different Gamestops that all smell like sweat, teen hormones, and g-fuel, but you act like spending a few minutes in a Ross is the worst thing in the world.  

Most of the Kohls and at least one of the walmarts around me seem to also have Skylanders and Guitar Hero at clearance prices. I went to a Ross on a whim and the place looked.....strange. A lot of asian people and the mens aisles were disorganized with products strewn on the floor in some areas while the women's section (which was easily half of the store) looked more presentable.

Goodwill is definitely worse than Ross aesthetically speaking. The WW1 widows running that place aren't great at maintaining it. Also Goodwill advertises the fact that their employees are literally unemployable anywhere else. It's the primary marketing tool used to get people to go there. Ross looks like a Macy's that was the victim of a 100 person snatch and grab like 5 minutes ago in perpetuity. I like both.
Goodwill is definitely worse than Ross aesthetically speaking. The WW1 widows running that place aren't great at maintaining it. Also Goodwill advertises the fact that their employees are literally unemployable anywhere else. It's the primary marketing tool used to get people to go there. Ross looks like a Macy's that was the victim of a 100 person snatch and grab like 5 minutes ago in perpetuity. I like both.
I was having a bad day until I read the last line. OMG that made me laugh for 10 minutes straight I thank you.

I mean, you weirdos will literally spend a day driving to 50 different Gamestops that all smell like sweat, teen hormones, and g-fuel, but you act like spending a few minutes in a Ross is the worst thing in the world.
I love this. The last Gamestop I went into literally had three sweaty dudes fighting over a Atgames Genesis clone console for 50 bucks. There's no telling what would have happened if I told them I had just bought an actual Genesis for 10 bucks at a thrift store not 20 mins earlier. Onions and Dew sweat would have rained down on me I'm sure.

I used to work at one. I felt dirty just being there. We only had one customer restroom with one stall. The smells oh the horror. I shit you not one time we had a customer shit in the ladies fitting room because another customer was blowing up the restroom. They attempted to persuade me to go in there and clean it up which I didn't. My cowoworker did however since he was a yes man and management had been leading him on making think he was going to move up within the company. He never did. He ended up quitting one day no call no show. A few weeks later I also quit without notice. Ross will just shit on you. Horrible company. This was at the location in Anaheim plaza in commiefornia

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Only in California would some piece of garbage feel justified in shitting in a dressing room in a clothing store because someone else had the audacity to occupy the bathroom. Typical fucking de-evolution on full display.
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Only in California would some piece of garbage feel justified in shitting in a dressing room in a clothing store because someone else had the audacity to occupy the bathroom. Typical fucking de-evolution on full display.

Wow. I guess somehow Im living a sheltered life, this is certainly news to me, and f**king disgusting, and before anybody jumps on me, I dont live in a gated fairy-tale community, the last family dollar I went to a few weeks ago in downtown asbury park had broken crackviles littering the gutter in front of it, a shopping cart bum peeing in the alley next to it, and I was wondering if I was gonna get jumped inside the store.

Furthest northeast this store goes is New Jersey, so there's another thing to add to the YMMV list.

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I went to Ross yesterday and found no video game stuff, but I did find this shirt and these socks:


I assume the shirt says Year of the Dog, but I don't know Chinese so for all I know it says "Your Mother is a Dog!"   I would actually prefer that.  If anyone knows Chinese, let me know.  Socks are cool x-ray socks so I had to get them.  Shirt was $5.99 and socks were $4.99 (Yeah, I know, they should be shoes for that price).  Pictures of me wearing them on request.  Thanks for watching my Ross Dress for Less haul and don't forget to like, subscribe, and follow me!  

New stuff has popped up.
PowerA Zelda Breath of the Wild Collectible Lunchbox Kit for $9.99
PowerA PS3 Wired Controller for $6.99
Arsenal Wireless Bluetooth Controller for PS3 for $12.99
The only time I go to one of these stores is after I've had Mexican at a particular restaurant which happens to be next to a Ross. Basically, I just walk up and down the aisles, crop dusting as I pretend to browse. It smells like ass in there anyway, so no one notices my gaseous contributions.

The only time I go to one of these stores is after I've gave bus to Mexican at a particular restaurant which happens to be next to a Ross. Basically, I just walk up and down the aisles, crop dusting as I pretend to browse. It smells like ass in there anyway, so no one notices my gaseous contributions.
Ahh my favorite thread is back!
Come to the Ross thread for the deals
Stay for the culture.
Ah man, I've got a Ross that just opened in my area about a month ago.  Reading this thread, I'm a little intimidated. 

I've been to a few thriftstores so the smell of soiled clothes and dusty furniture/fixtures has my body prepared maybe.   How much time before a my local Ross becomes the symbol of my despair?

Fortunately,  there are no restaurants or Gamestops nearby to add to the smell.


Ah man, I've got a Ross that just opened in my area about a month ago. Reading this thread, I'm a little intimidated.

I've been to a few thriftstores so the smell of soiled clothes and dusty furniture/fixtures has my body prepared maybe. How much time before a my local Ross becomes the symbol of my despair?

Fortunately, there are no restaurants or Gamestops nearby to add to the smell.
Dude, Ross is just Marshall's with worse lighting.
Ah man, I've got a Ross that just opened in my area about a month ago. Reading this thread, I'm a little intimidated.

I've been to a few thriftstores so the smell of soiled clothes and dusty furniture/fixtures has my body prepared maybe. How much time before a my local Ross becomes the symbol of my despair?

Fortunately, there are no restaurants or Gamestops nearby to add to the smell.
Yeah, it's not really that bad. Now the Rooms To Go outlet in Norcross (north of Atlanta) really stunk like piss. Most furniture was returns (also a lot of scratch and dents) and it seems like everyone returned their furniture after a kid/dog/cat/pig/drunk pissed all over it. I couldn't stand it in there. Ughhh.

Plus, they knocked off 10% for that soiling or broken glass in a case, etc. Wouldn't even cover half the cost of cleaning/fixing the item.

Ross can be great for shoes. Got some Hyperdunk 2017s, Barkley CB34 retro, DRose fancy something edition all for under $40 each. Plenty of Lebron and KD shoes as well. Ross is great for me since it's hard to find my size in a normal store and it's often worth rolling the dice. Got my Chaps dress shoes there too.

Nothing wrong with Ross, the four I’ve been to have never smelled, and I got a damn good deal on some legit brands. It’s a hell of a good store for socks, kitchen stuff, bed and bath sh*t, and sometimes LEGO stuff. I’m not 15 so I have to buy all that stuff for my house. Marshall’s is a little better overall, but not for some stuff.

I’ve never seen any gaming stuff aside from some really bad 3rd party controllers but I’ll keep an eye out.
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Goodwill is definitely worse than Ross aesthetically speaking. The WW1 widows running that place aren't great at maintaining it. Also Goodwill advertises the fact that their employees are literally unemployable anywhere else. It's the primary marketing tool used to get people to go there. Ross looks like a Macy's that was the victim of a 100 person snatch and grab like 5 minutes ago in perpetuity. I like both.
Two Goodwills in my area, the main store is extremely overpriced and they make 100% sure you know if it doesn’t work, you aren’t bringing it back, despite it being 25% higher than MSRP.

The Goodwill bookstore though, it’s great. Always neat and tidy, games and movies have a flat price, and the employees are mostly well spoken, friendly, and well kept.
Dude, Ross is just Marshall's with worse lighting.
Ah man, I've been in a Marshall's before. Marshall's seemed kind of like a Burlington Coat Factory without that old building smell. I think I can handle worse lighting over smell.

If you ever want to feel true despair, go to a Tuesday Morning store.
I've been in a Tuesday Morning store before. I don't recall it smelling like my despair. Are the shelves really supposed to look like a disorganized mess or is it just my local store's employees being lazy/understaffed?

Nothing wrong with Ross, the four I’ve been to have never smelled, and I got a damn good deal on some legit brands. It’s a hell of a good store for socks, kitchen stuff, bed and bath sh*t, and sometimes LEGO stuff. I’m not 15 so I have to buy all that stuff for my house. Marshall’s is a little better overall, but not for some stuff.

I’ve never seen any gaming stuff aside from some really bad 3rd party controllers but I’ll keep an eye out.
Ross Employee: "You do not appear to be 15, welcome to our store!"

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bread's done