Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment for $4.97 on Impulse (one-day sale)

[quote name='carn311']I don't suppose the full game is on sale anywhere.[/QUOTE]

GoGamer still have on sale as part of a compilation pack for $23. Maybe an ok deal if you also want GalCiv 2 Ultimate or Star Assault and Darkstar One.
Can we buy the expansion if we have the disc of the base game? I got mine through the Target clearance, thankfully, gamers in my area don't have much taste, so I was able to snag this.
[quote name='Roninalchemist']Can we buy the expansion if we have the disc of the base game? I got mine through the Target clearance, thankfully, gamers in my area don't have much taste, so I was able to snag this.[/QUOTE]

If you have the original SoaSE, you can buy the expansion.
If you own the disc based game you also own it on impulse--It's like buying a valve game on disc and then registering it with steam.
Can I buy and install later? I have not installed the original on my new machine yet and don't feel like it tonight. but I would like to buy this.
Nice! I haven't played Sins in a while and this is a nice incentive to get back in and play a bit before the next expansion comes out.

[quote name='Killrig']Ah, damn. I already pre-ordered it at PAX.[/QUOTE]

I think you might have pre-ordered Diplomacy, the next Sins expansion. Entrenchment has been out for quite a while now.
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