Some New TRU Clearance starting Dec 26 -updated 12/24-


The list is probably incomplete but this is all I have for now. I also don't know if these prices will be good online but they technically go into effect on Monday so it might be worth checking out.

* new stuff added 12/24

GBA :gba:
Board Game Classics Chess/ Checkers/ Backgammon
Drill Dozer
F-18 Hornet
Gunstar Super Heroes
Klax/Marble Madness
Lemony Snicket*
Lilo & Stitch
Lizzie Maguire 2
Nightmare Before Christmas Pumpkin King
Pinball Tycoon
Pokemon Fire Red w/wireless adapter
Pokemon Leaf Green w/wireless adapter*
Rocket Power Zero Gravity
Rugrats Go Wild
Shrek 2
Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom &Nicktoons Freeze Frame Frenzy 2pk
Sudoku Fever
Tony Hawk American Sk8teland
Top Spin 2
WarioWare Twisted
Winnie the Pooh Rumbly Tumbly
XMen Official Game
YuGiOh Championship 06
YuGiOh Destiny Board
YuGiOh RoD/SC Double Pack
YuGiOh GX Duel Academy
Zelda Minish Cap

DBZ GT Transformation*

Tales of Phantasia

DS :ds:
Feel the Magic*

Advance Wars DS
Castlevania DoS
Deep Labyrinth
Metroid Pinball
Point Blank*
Resident Evil DS
Rub Rabbits
Trace Memory
YuGiOh Nightmare Troubador*

Lost Magic
Pokemon Dash

PSP :psp:
Capcom Classics Remix
Coded Arms
The Con
Gradius Collection
Metal Gear Acid 2
Samurai Warriors State of War
Viewtiful Joe RHR
XMen Legends 2

Ape Escape Academy
Megaman Maverick Hunter X
Megaman Powered Up
Neopets PetPet Adv
Valkyrie Lenneth*
Winning Eleven 9
World Champ Poker 2
Ys Ark of Napishtim

GameCube :gc:
ATV Quad Power Racing*
Batallion Wars
Call of Duty: Big Red One
Chibi Robo
Donkey Konga 2
Harry Potter GoF w/Movie Ticket
NFS Hot Pursuit 2
Pacman World 3
Spiderman 2
Super Monkey Ball
WWE Day of Reckoning*

Curious George

Karaoke Rev Party Bundle
Sonic Heroes/Mega Collection 2pk
Sonic Heroes/Adventures 2pk

PS2 :ps2:
Jampak 11
Robotech Battlecry*
Trivial Pursuit*
Virtual Fighter Evo*
Virtual Quest*

Ace Combat 4
Atelier Iris 2
Ape Escape 3
Call of Duty: Big Red One Collector's Edition
Conflict Desert Storm*
Curious George
Dot Hack //GU*
Full Spectrum Warrior 10 Hammers
Grand Theft Auto III and Vice City Bundle
Grandia III*
Karaoke Rev Party
Metal Saga*
Monster Rancher Evo
Ratchet and Clank
Resident Evil 4
Rogue Trooper*
Samurai Champloo
Scooby Night of 100 Frights*
Simpsons Road Rage*
Sly Cooper*
Steambot Chronicles
Winback 2
World Champ Poker 2
World Poker Tour*
XMen Official Game


Dance Dance Revolution Extreme
Driver Parallel Lines
Eye Toy Operation Spy Toy
Gallop Racer 06
Karaoke Rev Party Bundle
OutRun C2C*
Sonic Heroes/Mega Collection 2pk
Tales of Legendia
TOCA Race Driver 3
Tomb Raider Legend

Xbox :xbox:
Cold Fear*
Dead Man's Hand*
Dead to Rights 2*
Fight Club*
Max Payne
Rogue Ops*

50 Cent Bulletproof
Aeon Flux
And1 Streetball
Atari Anthology
ATV 2 Quad Power Racing
Battlefield 2
Big Mutha Truckers 2
Brothers in Arms EiB*
Capcom Classics Collection Vol 1
Finding Nemo
Full Spectrum Warrior 10 Hammers
Godfather CE*
Goldeneye Rogue Agent
Jade Empire
Karaoke Rev Party
Matrix Path of Neo
MVP 06 NCAA Baseball
NBA Street v3
Pacman World 2
Pinball HoF
Rainbow Six Lockdown
Tomb Raider Legend
Torino 06
True Crime NYC
World Champ Poker 2
World Poker Tour
Worms Forts Under Siege

Fight Night 3
Karaoke Rev Party Bundle

Xbox 360 :360:

Call of Duty 2 GOTY
Final Fantasy XI
The Outfit
Quake 4
Tiger Woods 06
Tomb Raider Legend
XMen Official Game
[quote name='slidecage']i got tales of legendia for like 31 buck shipped this summer used and thought it was a great deal. I never got around to playing it and now i can get it new cheaper then i paid used LOL

its a great game (i rented it off gamefly and play it around 4 hours )

same goes with shadow hearts new world (paid around 30 for it used months ago never played it now its 20 new )[/QUOTE]
i brought a new copy of ai2 for $30 as soon at EB not too long ago. still having open it.
Alright I'm hitting up my TRU tomorrow for a few fellow CAGers. Don't bail on me guys!!

WrathWolves - Castlevania DoS + hack//GU

djkunai - Castlevania DoS

chicagoz - Castlevania DoS + Metal Saga

Hopefully all will work out well as there was plenty of stock. Shoulda saved myself some gas and gotten DoS in bulk today :/
[quote name='Kendro']I have Metal Saga x2 that I was going to return back to TRU tomorrow. If you want them, it's $16 shipped Priority ($11 for game + tax, $4.05 for Priority, 45 cents for PayPal, and 50 cents for yours truly). Sorry, can't do 1st Class with bubble mailer because that means I have to head out to Staples to get those supplies (I already have a bunch of Priority boxes).

I'm heading to bed around 12:30 Eastern so PM me before if interested. I'm leaving for TRU tomorrow morning around 10:30 AM Eastern.[/QUOTE]

money sent thanks again ...

Wooo i think im finally done with this sale thanks to all the cag who help me out getting the ps2 rpg games.
[quote name='Dark Zero']Alright I'm hitting up my TRU tomorrow for a few fellow CAGers. Don't bail on me guys!!

WrathWolves - Castlevania DoS + hack//GU

djkunai - Castlevania DoS

chicagoz - Castlevania DoS + Metal Saga

Hopefully all will work out well as there was plenty of stock. Shoulda saved myself some gas and gotten DoS in bulk today :/[/quote]
If the offer's still open, I'd love a copy too. You might notice this is my first post here, but don't worry. I am completely anti-flake when it comes to gaming deals.
[quote name='Dark Zero']Alright I'm hitting up my TRU tomorrow for a few fellow CAGers. Don't bail on me guys!!

WrathWolves - Castlevania DoS + hack//GU

djkunai - Castlevania DoS

chicagoz - Castlevania DoS + Metal Saga

Hopefully all will work out well as there was plenty of stock. Shoulda saved myself some gas and gotten DoS in bulk today :/[/QUOTE]
you think you can get one more hack//GU?
oh damn, just got back from jamaica to see this - hopefully ill be able to find the ps2 rpgs....grandia 3, metal saga, and atelier iris 2, and steambot.....
Guys PM me so I can keep track of this. I'll try to get what I can, first requests take priority. I won't take kindly to people who will flake out in the end, hate returning things.

*reserving edit*
[quote name='Pookymeister']oh damn, just got back from jamaica to see this - hopefully ill be able to find the ps2 rpgs....grandia 3, metal saga, and atelier iris 2, and steambot.....[/QUOTE]
You're back! I have atelier iris 2, if you cant find it. LMK.
[quote name='waxHead']I'll trade a sealed Battlion Wars (GC) for a sealed Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS).[/quote]

I'd probably trade it for a sealed and mint Zelda: Minish Cap (GBA) as well :cool:
[quote name='Dark Zero']Guys PM me so I can keep track of this. I'll try to get what I can, first requests take priority. I won't take kindly to people who will flake out in the end, hate returning things.

*reserving edit*[/quote]

I have paypal so I can pay ya instantly when you get the game(s). Thanks! Hopefully your trip back to TRU will help us all out.
I Just managed to get a copy of .hack//gu that I am looking to trade. I am looking for resident evil ds, zelda minish cap, or capcom classics remix. However I am open to other offers. I am currently looking to trade it so no money offers please. Thanks
Updating shopping list, my god I'm so damn screwed!! Pming like mad people

WrathWolves - Castlevania DoS + hack//GU

djkunai - Castlevania DoS

chicagoz - Castlevania DoS + Metal Saga

62t - Hack//GU

6669 - Castlevania DoS

RustyOrgan - Castlevania DoS Samurai Warriors (psp)

rarebucky - Castlevania DoS (might be local)*

sarma81 - Castlevania DoS **

NO MORE PMS PLEASE. These are the only people I'm going to try, and its already a handful. If I can get any random one's for misc people I'll try. People in the order of the list have prioroty based on PMs. Sorry guys, no more requests!!!
Tried two Toys R Us and 2 Targets and found 0 Odamas, which I was waiting for to go down in price.

One of the Toys R Us told me "Oh yeah, a guy was in here earlier and bought every single one we had"
All PMs replied to. List has priority people. If I'm able to get extras of requested games I'll try. Please no more requests. I hope there's even that many castlevania's left tomorrow!


*edit* I'm off to bed, cannot reply to more PMs (only from previous ones) until I return tomorrow from the store. All updates will be posted here. Goodnight guys/gals
[quote name='phrogxix']Tried two Toys R Us and 2 Targets and found 0 Odamas, which I was waiting for to go down in price.

One of the Toys R Us told me "Oh yeah, a guy was in here earlier and bought every single one we had"[/QUOTE]

Ha, mine had like 4 when I went to it. Just letting you know, good night!
[quote name='Dark Zero']All PMs replied to. List has priority people. If I'm able to get extras of requested games I'll try. Please no more requests. I hope there's even that many castlevania's left tomorrow!


*edit* I'm off to bed, cannot reply to more PMs (only from previous ones) until I return tomorrow from the store. All updates will be posted here. Goodnight guys/gals[/QUOTE]
OK, thanks a bunch!
[quote name='paz9x']ive got a copy of odama and i like everybody else it seems wants ai2.[/quote]
I have an Atelier Iris 2 going back to TRU tomorrow. $16 shipped Priority with PayPal. PM me if interested.

Edit- Gone. Can't believe these games are so popular...
[quote name='Dark Zero']Ha, mine had like 4 when I went to it. Just letting you know, good night![/quote]

Awww, that breaks my heart. Heh.

Ticks me off. My local KMart never has any of the clearance stuff, and now I can't seem to score an Odama. Stupid suburbs of Chicago.. *grumble* :bomb:
[quote name='Kendro']I have an Atelier Iris 2 going back to TRU tomorrow. $16 shipped Priority with PayPal. PM me if interested.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Kendro']I have an Atelier Iris 2 going back to TRU tomorrow. $16 shipped Priority with PayPal. PM me if interested.[/QUOTE]

Ive got an extra copy of Steambot Chronicles. Im looking to trade for;
.Hack GU
Samurai Champloo
Metal Saga

of course ill entertain other trade lists and the sort, but one of those will be priority

PM me
I realize they're not the hot items this sale

but please, if ANYONE can get me CHESSMASTER and VIRTUA FIGHTER 4 and FEEL THE MAGIC, I'd appreciate it. I'm ready to send you the money whenever you're ready and have the games in hand.
[quote name='6669']You're back! I have atelier iris 2, if you cant find it. LMK.[/quote]

Thanks - im gonna head over tomorrow morning :)
[quote name='willardhaven']How is Steambot? My local TRU had it and Metal Saga, I don't know if I should bite.[/quote]

I'd buy the Metal Saga off you for $15 shipped if you were able to snag that and didn't want it for yourself.
Deep Labyrinth
Trace Memory
Steambot Chronicles
Rub Rabbits
Feel the Magic

Advanced Wars DS
Zelda Minish Cap
Castlevania DoS
Last Call:

I can Get:

VP Lenneth
Samurai Shampoo
Rogue Warrior
Point Blank DS
Godfather CE Xbox
Tomb Raider Xbox and PS2
Samurai Warriors PSP
Ape Escape 3
Trapt 10.50
Capcom COllection PSP
Gunstar Super Heroes
Metroid Pinball
Pokemon FireRed w/ Wireless Adaptor

Let me know ASAP if anyone wants these. I will be going to work from 7am est tomorrow morning and am heading over to TRU right afterwards. Get your requests in now.
If anyone can get DoS, I'd pay $20 shipped via paypal. I'd also like Minish Cap for $15( not as much of a want). I've got Advance Wars, Wario Ware Twisted, Trace Memory, Resident Evil, Deep Labryinth, and Metroid Pinball all available for trade as well.

Much Appreciated,

[quote name='pimpinc333']Last Call:

I can Get:

VP Lenneth
Samurai Shampoo
Rogue Warrior
Point Blank DS
Godfather CE Xbox
Tomb Raider Xbox and PS2
Samurai Warriors PSP
Ape Escape 3
Trapt 10.50
Capcom COllection PSP
Gunstar Super Heroes
Metroid Pinball
Pokemon FireRed w/ Wireless Adaptor

Let me know ASAP if anyone wants these. I will be going to work from 7am est tomorrow morning and am heading over to TRU right afterwards. Get your requests in now.[/quote]

pm sent
I know as of today we had:
Feel the Magic (DS)----Sold out...grabbed the last copy of it today for someone
WarioWare Twisted (GBA)
Deep Labyrinth (DS)
Metroid Pinball (DS)
Lost Magic (DS)
Metal Gear Acid 2 (PSP)
X-Men Legends 2 (PSP)
Socom 3 (PS2)
X-Men The Official Game (PS2 and Xbox 360)
Pac-Man World 3 (GC)
Curious George (GC)
GRAW (Xbox)
Battlefield 2 (Xbox)
Aeon Flux (Xbox)
Fight Night Round 3 (Xbox)
Karoake Revolution Party Bundle (Xbox)
Godfather (Xbox)
Call of Duty 2 GOTY (Xbox 360)
Final Fantasy XI (Xbox 360)
The Outfit (Xbox 360)
Tomb Raider Legend (Xbox 360)
XMen Official Game (Xbox 360)

if u need any of these picked up, i can pick them up tomorrow and friday. pm me if u have request, i wont be checking up on this thread much more
[quote name='sarausagi']I realize they're not the hot items this sale

but please, if ANYONE can get me CHESSMASTER and VIRTUA FIGHTER 4 and FEEL THE MAGIC, I'd appreciate it. I'm ready to send you the money whenever you're ready and have the games in hand.[/quote]
Heading out to a different TRU tomorrow, I'll keep a look out for Chessmaster (only because the thought of anyone wanting one makes me lol). As for VF4, I'll keep an eye out because I want one too. If there is only one, sorry but its mine. :)
OK Guys all I have left is

Streambot and a .hack but I will be checking tomorrow to get some more for ppl. Damn only got 4 copies of AI and were gone by the time I got home. I have to do 15 shipped but to the 2 ppl I already said 14 its ok. Damn Bubble envelops costing me.


There are alot of
Wairo and Point Blanks left

Going to hit another one tomorrow just because i can. Hahah

Guess I'm looking for

Metal Saga
Atelier Iris 2
Grandia 3

Side note: I have just 10x the amount of pm i have received in 3 years in just an hour
[quote name='lawdood']I'd buy the Metal Saga off you for $15 shipped if you were able to snag that and didn't want it for yourself.[/quote]

I'll let you know tomorrow if I'm going to head back, so go for any other offers you get, but I'll try and get you a copy if you don't find one by then.

I'm really curious as to how Steambot and Metal Saga play though.
Went to another TRU today, I could see they had all the PS2 RPGs probably the day before, but all were gone today. I just got Metroid Pinball and the guy asked "You know how much this is?" I say "10 dollars" and he didn't seem happy that people knew about this and he asked where i found out and I told him "the internets". He said that him and the other employees bought all the good games ahead of time and I told him thats not cool, then he said "well thats what we get for being employees here". He said they left a few of most of the games for people to buy, but who knows, really wish I would have gone to that one yesterday, seems like I would of had a chance of getting some of the decent games.
Or they are holding them in-back which is called understocking.

[quote name='coolcps']Went to another TRU today, I could see they had all the PS2 RPGs probably the day before, but all were gone today. I just got Metroid Pinball and the guy asked "You know how much this is?" I say "10 dollars" and he didn't seem happy that people knew about this and he asked where i found out and I told him "the internets". He said that him and the other employees bought all the good games ahead of time and I told him thats not cool, then he said "well thats what we get for being employees here". He said they left a few of most of the games for people to buy, but who knows, really wish I would have gone to that one yesterday, seems like I would of had a chance of getting some of the decent games.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='coolcps']Went to another TRU today, I could see they had all the PS2 RPGs probably the day before, but all were gone today. I just got Metroid Pinball and the guy asked "You know how much this is?" I say "10 dollars" and he didn't seem happy that people knew about this and he asked where i found out and I told him "the internets". He said that him and the other employees bought all the good games ahead of time and I told him thats not cool, then he said "well thats what we get for being employees here". He said they left a few of most of the games for people to buy, but who knows, really wish I would have gone to that one yesterday, seems like I would of had a chance of getting some of the decent games.[/QUOTE]

You know, that's a really shitty attitude towards the customer. Personally, I would've gone and complained to management about bad customer service. but that's just me. ;x
I went to a TRU today and was able to snag a bag. Picked up CC Remix PSP, Samurai Champloo, and Odama. Anyone wanna trade?

I'm looking for Minish Cap and RE4 PS2.
[quote name='phrogxix']Awww, that breaks my heart. Heh.

Ticks me off. My local KMart never has any of the clearance stuff, and now I can't seem to score an Odama. Stupid suburbs of Chicago.. *grumble* :bomb:[/quote]

Melrose Park TRU had six as of Wednesday at about 1 pm. For $9.98. All were mint...The ones I found at Kmart for $12.00 were new but beaten up. I would have bought a couple at TRU but I didnt think a few people here at CAG would want a strategy/pinball Gamecube game.
Ah, the magic $5 Gamecube coupon is NICE. I used ONE and got Gun, Odama, and Spongebob Bikini Bottom (for the kiddies) for $5 each. Hey, I guess I found a new title for the list - SpongeBob Bikini isn't on there. It was hilarious, though, this TRU had at least 20-30 copies of this. They are clearly marked at $9.98 with the bright orange price stickers. If anyone wants one I can check back in a few days ;).

This is the TRU that I thought would be a bust because their GC section got cleaned out before Christmas. All of a sudden for this sale they pulled out about 10 Odama (all gone today after I got mine), 20 Gun (down to about 6 today), and the 40 or so Spongebobs (down to 20-30).
Scored most of what I wanted yesterday between only 2 stores.

Still want:
Point Blank (DS)
Karaoke Revolution Party (GC)

If you have or can aquire either of those PM me.

Have extras of:
Odama (GC)
Battalion Wars (GC)
Drill Dozer (GBA)
and may be able to get some others.
bread's done