[quote name='timobkg']The 360 is the primary platform for every multi-platform game (with the possible exception of Dragon Age). That doesn't really mean anything. They're all coded on the 360 first, and then ported to PC and PS3. Didn't stop Bioshock, Mass Effect, or Assassin's Creed from being good on PC. It all depends on how well they're ported.[/QUOTE]
I guess it is a crap shoot.
I play Assassin's Creed II on the Xbox360 until my hands bled. One of the only games I got a perfect achievement score on.
After much debating, I decided to get the PC version for my above average gaming PC.
I honestly don't see any difference while playing it. The frame rate is a little slower (at 1900x1200) and the textures look sharper, but it all feels bolted on for the PC.
Even climbing and jumping across rooftops, Ezio seems to miss the mark where on the 360, it was perfect all the time.
I didn't get that feeling for AC1 on the PC.
I also enjoyed Bioshock 2 on the PC but prefer the Xbox controls so if I had to do it again...
One game that is much better on the PC is the Left 4 Dead series but that was obviously designed on the PC and ported to consoles.
Another exception, Batman AA was much better on the PC then the PS3 for me.
Long story short, I will get it on the 360 and wait for a sweet deal on the PC version if I even want to bother.
Ubisoft screwed up Double Agent on the PC so much, I don't have much hope.