[quote name='neuropunk']Wow, people are so misinformed and will not hesitate to spout their nonsensical wrongness.
Game was patched a while ago. Don't know what this person's problem is why he posts wrong information. Looks like his misinformation already caused 1 person to not buy a fantastic game.
what the f is wrong with people?[/QUOTE]
The part where I say AFAIK =
as far as I know, just FYI. This was true last I checked, back in November. Only news out at THAT GIVEN TIME was that the PSN version (EU even, as I recall) 'might have gotten a patch', with people reporting that the retail version had not. Those 'people' being members of the ps3trophies board, gamefaqs, and here on CAG.
Looks like the patch came out at the tail-end of that very month, which the same person who took my apparent misinformation at face value could have easily done their own fact-checking, which I didn't even realize I'd needed to do until you pointed that out. I honestly did not know it had been released.
That said, I'm wrong, the patch is out, fantastic. So excuse me for trying to help people out. Ubisoft STILL hasn't patched Beyond Good & Evil HD, and I guess I had just assumed they were ignoring that feature altogether for other games. So to those folks:
Sorry, my bad.
But being an arrogant, self-righteous dickbag about it just makes you into a pissant instigator, which has infinitely less worth that someone making an honest mistake.
Seriously, what the
is wrong with people?
*edit* I looked back and see 2-4 people already caught my mistake, and provided the updated correct information politely and without being a passive aggressive jerk about it. Kudos to those folks.