Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 (360, PS3) $35 @ newegg

Yeah, wasn't TFU2 a 6 hour SP campaign? I'll wait like Lucian until it's sub-$20.

However, I can vouch for Katamari Forever being an awesome deal at $16. Anyone looking into it should definitely pick it up.
I would bite on this but i want the ce or le that includes all that bonus stuff. That i rarely see on sale and wish i jumped on it with amazon deal 1 or 2 months ago. I am still kicking myself for it. The content was exclusive to that edition and no dlc for it.. They sell high on ebay to brand new. This will be expensive like the first one with content only on that. This is why i only played this game on the ps2 i believe it was the 1st one.
This game is fun if you liked the first one, But as for value of game play vrs price wait till 15$ or less.. the campaign if your a good skilled gamer can be finished in 4 hours or so (did it the other night) 2 of like 5 levels are just 30min endurance boss fights.
bread's done