Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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whats this prop hunt for the brofest tonight? is it some garrys mod thing?
It's a mode on TF2 (Team Fortress 2). The F2P game. Scheduled this so people wouldn't have to buy gmod if they didn't have it. We just have to find public servers running prop hunt mode.

For reference:

shows how long its been since ive played tf2
Not really though, it's technically a mod and not like a mode you can choose from the start of the game. You have to go into the servers and find ones that have the mod installed and mode running so you wouldn't know about it unless you're like a hardcore TF2er.

Well, sacrifices for bundles has already begun. 

Bought Tadpole Treble last night during the Steam Sale, already showed up in Indie Gala bundle this morning.

It does have one of the catchier gameplay videos on Steam, though.

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Just wanted to say I had a ton of fun too. I think I got overconfident with the group when we did Burnt Offerings on Hard and thought that we could tackle anything with our 4 man crew when Jimbo and Parallacks haven't played enough to unlock gear or guns to help them out. Still, think we did pretty well on Hard for two vets and two grunts. Hopefully we can schedule that again and I can make time to keep grinding out and get more unlocks.
Homefront: TR multiplayer was better than I expected. Felt like a nice shootey blend of The Division's big open world, Payday's objective based co-op. Usually not a fan of RNG unlock systems, but they payout for completed missions was enough for me to get three weapons and a bunch of gear & cosmetics, along with enough experience points to unlock 4 or 5 perks over the 2ish hours we played.

Lots of fun, i'd definitely be down for playing more.

In other news, obligatory haul post spoiler'd below (even though motoki isn't here to complain about it):

Vermintide DLC

Starship Titanic

Volleyball Unbound

Battlevoid: Harbinger

To Be or Not To Be

FX2 - Rogue One

That bundle with the Paws & Claws games

Adam Wolfe + Season Pass

Commander Keen Pack


Hell Girls

Best in Show Solitaire

NBA Playgrounds

Game Dev Tycoon

The Room/Room 2

Sokobond/Tiny Bang Story bundle thing

The Golf Club 2 (not on sale, but I had too much wallet taunting me)

Oxygen Not Included

Ended the sale with $11 remaining in the wallet, still need to liquidate my remaining 80ish sale cards, which I certainly won't forget about before they expire... :oldman:

Well, sacrifices for bundles has already begun.

Bought Tadpole Treble last night during the Steam Sale, already showed up in Indie Gala bundle this morning.

It does have one of the catchier gameplay videos on Steam, though.
I also made the sacrifice. You're welcome. Now, to see what Humble Monthly holds. Refunded Salt and Sanctuary. Hopefully, I'll be able to thank everyone else for their sacrifices there soon.

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Bought a couple Pinball FX2 tables & Rollers of the Realm. Refunded Pinball Arcade table pack because it was terrible. Sale so bad I couldn't even spend $5.
If you don't mind my asking, what pinball pack did you not like? I don't have them all, but having played four of the six, I could certainly see how some tables might not be to everyone's tastes, particularly the very old tables.

The sale is over and I ended up with about $1.50 profit after laundering the cards, completing the Telltale pack, and buying up the event's icons and BGs.
I usually grab a sale background or two, but I thought this years' bunch were too drab.

There are a few in my area. Now I just need to buy Beyond Earth.
Beyond Earth has been bundled.

Unfortunately, it's been in the damn top tier each time:



Physical copy of Beyond Earth Rising Tide is $2.99. Available online, but you'd have to pay shipping.
Might be worth some checking to see if local stores have it.

If only the base-game was that cheap there, too.


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If you don't mind my asking, what pinball pack did you not like? I don't have them all, but having played four of the six, I could certainly see how some tables might not be to everyone's tastes, particularly the very old tables.
It was the season 4 pro pack. Was playing the Starship Troopers table. It wasn't the table design that I disliked. It was how the game played as a whole. Not a huge fan of real-life table sim I guess.

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It was the season 4 pro pack. Was playing the Starship Troopers table. It wasn't the table design that I disliked. It was how the game played as a whole. Not a huge fan of real-life table sim I guess.
Ah yeah, I gotcha. That makes sense as it's very much a sim. I like both FX2 and Pinball Arcade, but I grew up playing real tables. I thought maybe you just didn't like one of the packs as well as the others.

Did steam change something with how it counts games? I was around 6040 and today I'm at 5993.

On the plus side I get to have another forgettable bundle trash game be #6000 again.
Steam Summer Sale 2017 Haul


Death Skid Marks (Mullet Edition) 
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate HD 
Gal*Gun: Double Peace 
Cardinal Quest 2 
Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~ English Edition 
Princess Maker 3: Fairy Tales Come True
The Way We All Go
Emily is Away Too (not on sale)
Pretty much mostly 75% off+ other than like 1-2 visual novels and Princess Maker 3, which had the early discount and Emily is Away Too, which I just wanted.
If you CANNOT and WILL NOT get Double Dragon Trilogy to run try checking + reading + searching the Steam forums for the game. I checked and they seem pretty dead and the devs either CANNOT or WILL NOT respond to the community, but I did find this post + thread that might be of some assistance if you HAVE NOT seen it yet:
I tried reinstalling it a few times and verifying the game files. I also tried starting it in a lower resolution like some of the threads suggested.


Going theory now is that trash isn't actually removed from your libraries, but steam isn't seeing them anymore.

So you're all still infected, only now you don't get the benefit of +1

Might be a glitch on the profile page.  This thread suggest it is not counting games from the sale, but I didn't buy 52 games.



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Going theory now is that trash isn't actually removed from your libraries, but steam isn't seeing them anymore.

So you're all still infected, only now you don't get the benefit of +1
It does appear Digital Homicide related:

From the above forum this is the list of at least some of the games:

(They are getting this from, but I can't get it to work for me)



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Just wanted to say that the PC/Steam group here is alot more inviting/accepting of  new people.  Checking out the Gamespot thread here on CAG was a reality check on how some people treat member of CAG that are simply asking for information.  Yeah, I understand closed groups and such but really wanted to say thank you to everyone here as I believe we try to be helpful (and sarcastic as well).  Good for Bobby and others that got in on the GS flip event.

Regarding steam sale, I bought a 3 cent card to craft a badge and also purchase the XCOM reinforcement pack through Walmart (got charged tax as well but still a good price).  I resisted buying Witcher 3 for now, but will buy at Winter Sale.  

I also just have to say about Borderland the Presequel; it is ridiculous what the Season Pass still goes for.  

My hunt for Fallout 4 (with Season Pass) is still on and probably will not hit a price I want until Winter 2018.  Season Pass is nowhere near price it should be, especially considering that Far Harbor is the only DLC that most people liked.  Unless they come out with more DLC like Far Harbor, the Season Pass is just not priced correctly.

Last and not least ; the Necromancer pack for Diablo 3.  While I think $15 is not horrible, I know that it would have been better received for $10.  Yes, I am that cheap.  I have to decide if I am going to hold out until Black Friday to buy it along with the last chapter of StarCraft 2 Legacy of the Void, but may cave in due to wanting the extra tab spaces.

Just wanted to say that the PC/Steam group here is alot more inviting/accepting of new people. Checking out the Gamespot thread here on CAG was a reality check on how some people treat member of CAG that are simply asking for information. Yeah, I understand closed groups and such but really wanted to say thank you to everyone here as I believe we try to be helpful (and sarcastic as well). Good for Bobby and others that got in on the GS flip event.

Regarding steam sale, I bought a 3 cent card to craft a badge and also purchase the XCOM reinforcement pack through Walmart (got charged tax as well but still a good price). I resisted buying Witcher 3 for now, but will buy at Winter Sale.

I also just have to say about Borderland the Presequel; it is ridiculous what the Season Pass still goes for.

My hunt for Fallout 4 (with Season Pass) is still on and probably will not hit a price I want until Winter 2018. Season Pass is nowhere near price it should be, especially considering that Far Harbor is the only DLC that most people liked. Unless they come out with more DLC like Far Harbor, the Season Pass is just not priced correctly.

Last and not least ; the Necromancer pack for Diablo 3. While I think $15 is not horrible, I know that it would have been better received for $10. Yes, I am that cheap. I have to decide if I am going to hold out until Black Friday to buy it along with the last chapter of StarCraft 2 Legacy of the Void, but may cave in due to wanting the extra tab spaces.
fuck you. <3



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Pinball FX2-Plants Vs Zombies

Pinball FX2-South Park

Hyperdevotion Noire

Monster Monpiece


Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics

HunieCam Studio

The Night of the Rabbit



NBA Playgrounds

Riptide GP: Renegade

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency

Conan Exiles

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

The Longest Journey

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd


Crookz: The Big Heist

Sisters in Hotel


Art of Gravity

Popcap Power Pack

Dreadout Collection

Hard West

Daedalic:Gigantic Bundle


Penumbras Collector's Pack


Happy Maze

Pinball FX2-Bethesda pack


Crown Champion: Legend of the Arena

Sentience: The Android's Tale

Material Girl

The Golf Club 2

Golf It!

Party Golf

100Ft Robot Golf


Samorost 2


The Room


Lucid Awakening 2

Sydney's World

Dawn's Light 2


The Room Two

Slayaway Camp+ Santa's Slay Expansion

Where are my Internets?

Vindictive Drive


Night of Terror

Low Magic Age

Max, An Autistic Journey-Max's Birthday DLC

Darkarta: A Broken Heart's Quest

Last Heroes 4


Sniper Elite

Sniper Elite V2

Sniper Elite 4



Zombie Kill of the Week-Reborn

Resident Evil Deluxe Origins Bundle

Darwin's Demons

Rogue Legacy

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow- Ultimate Edition


True Fear: Forsaken Souls

Project Zomboid


Cart Racer

Double Fine Bundle

Sweet Fantasy

Panty Party

Planet Explorers

I think I need an intervention...


Pinball FX2-Plants Vs Zombies

Pinball FX2-South Park

Hyperdevotion Noire

Monster Monpiece


Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics

HunieCam Studio

The Night of the Rabbit



NBA Playgrounds

Riptide GP: Renegade

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency

Conan Exiles

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

The Longest Journey

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd


Crookz: The Big Heist

Sisters in Hotel


Art of Gravity

Popcap Power Pack

Dreadout Collection

Hard West

Daedalic:Gigantic Bundle


Penumbras Collector's Pack


Happy Maze

Pinball FX2-Bethesda pack


Crown Champion: Legend of the Arena

Sentience: The Android's Tale

Material Girl

The Golf Club 2

Golf It!

Party Golf

100Ft Robot Golf


Samorost 2


The Room


Lucid Awakening 2

Sydney's World

Dawn's Light 2


The Room Two

Slayaway Camp+ Santa's Slay Expansion

Where are my Internets?

Vindictive Drive


Night of Terror

Low Magic Age

Max, An Autistic Journey-Max's Birthday DLC

Darkarta: A Broken Heart's Quest

Last Heroes 4


Sniper Elite

Sniper Elite V2

Sniper Elite 4



Zombie Kill of the Week-Reborn

Resident Evil Deluxe Origins Bundle

Darwin's Demons

Rogue Legacy

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow- Ultimate Edition


True Fear: Forsaken Souls

Project Zomboid


Cart Racer

Double Fine Bundle

Sweet Fantasy

Panty Party

Planet Explorers

I think I need an intervention...
Oh come now, you don't need an intervention for buying good games.

My biggest complaint with "metroidvania" style games like Hollow Knight is when you come across something and you think "Oh, I need an item to get past here" then you spend an hour looking for another area that you missed, but can't find any. 

Then you figure "I'm just doing this wrong" so you google and find out that there was a downslash the whole time that you never knew about even though you thought you tried downslashing before...

Can't Valve also just have a separate numbered-category of "Former Steam Games" or something?
That would make more sense than just dropping the number of games people own on Steam with no notice.

Seriously, it's not like it'd take much effort to put a little notice on the front page "Hey, we're changing something".

Logging in to Steam to see you're missing several games is going to bother lots of people.

Leaving people to figure it out themselves is kind of shitty.

My biggest complaint with "metroidvania" style games like Hollow Knight is when you come across something and you think "Oh, I need an item to get past here" then you spend an hour looking for another area that you missed, but can't find any.

Then you figure "I'm just doing this wrong" so you google and find out that there was a downslash the whole time that you never knew about even though you thought you tried downslashing before...
git gud

Man, I lost sixty-seven plus ones today from adding garbage games to my library. [customspoiler=Inconceivable!]


And on a somewhat related note, I surprisingly kept my composure during the Summer sale.

  • Dead Cells (WinGameStore)
  • Destiny 2 (PC, Steamgifts Trade)
  • XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack (Walmart)
  • Finders
  • Valley
  • Turret Terminator
  • Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics
  • MOAI: Build Your Dream
  • Pinball FX2 - South Park Pinball
  • Just Cause 3: Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass
I also bought 20 games from completing bundles, but those aren't really noteworthy.

Last night the bros played Prop Hunt mode in TF2 and it was pretty fun.  We found a good server and had a good turn out (7-8 bros).  The night got bad towards the end just because we had to play in public servers and we got randoms.  Randoms weren't necessarily an issue, but we got some Prop Hunt pros who knew all the tricks to get to hard to find spots in the map (when playing as props) and who had the levels memorized (when playing as hunters) so they knew instantly when something was out of place.   I think it got really bad the last two maps (and the last one especially).  If I ever figure out how to host a private server in TF2 or maybe Garry's Mod, I might try to schedule it again.  

Tonight is Playerunknown's Battlegrounds for all us fakeys.  I never played team mode, but we'll see how that goes. 

I laugh everytime one of these sales come around with all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about how poor the sales are, and then the eventual dozens long haul lists. It's so predictable, it's like the gaming equivalent of comfort food.

Here's my haul.


Seriously though: Firewatch, Hand of Fate. C'est tout!

bread's done