I think it was Neuro a while back posted the different stages of a gamers life with respect to time and money. (sorry if I hot it wrong on who posted). I am one of those that would love to play Persona 5 or others listed but am struggling with the free time aspect right now. Money, well, this is always an issue, but I can say that if a game is one that I "really" want at that time, I do not mind paying for it. For me though, gone are the days of paying full price and pre-orders at the $50-60 or more level. I confess to being a game collector/horder.
One other factor, at least for me, is what genre the game is. I am like MysterD that I rarely play multiplayer on FPS games. I like ARK though with friends. I generally find that since on FPS that I generally only play single player, that I can wait until the sub $10 or even wait until $5 for a title such as Wolfenstein or Doom. Lego type games - $5 is my buy in. HOG - bundle only. ARPG or RPG my buy in limit is higher i.e. Witcher 3 complete would be $20 ish.
The good news is that despite the days of Amazon Tony deals and old good Steam deals, there are deals and bundles i.e. Humble. I subscribed to the monthly, great value and can sell off if I am not into a game such as NBA2K type.
The balance for each gamer of time/money/value/play style etc... is individual and that at different times, the value of each factor changes.
Hostyl1 and others have valid points on paying higher for games that they want and actually play. BTW, I miss Motoki and Snakeybro.