Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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What are you talking about? It's setup so everyone gets a reward and can feel good about themselves now days...

Division, as I understand it all the expansion are open to all... If true you all should give the Underground a try. It's like Rifts from Diablo III. No real story just a random area with bad guys to kill.

fuck reward shows... I know it's PS4 only (at least right now) but did anyone see the trailer for Death Stranding?

Craziest shit I've seen in awhile.

Sony Entertainment so PS4 only.
Eh. Kojima said it would come to PC once Sony's exclusivity period is over. Never xbox tho.

Its got people talking and speculating so it's a success as far as that goes.
Yes and no. It's good for the reasons you say but it does nothing to keep people's expectations in check. Someone right now thanls it's going to be the best 1st person shooter, someone else a third, and another is thinking JRPG, another a western RPG, while someobe else sees a survival horror game, etc. And they're all wrong...

Because it's going to be the greatest walking simulator ever.
Are Steam Winter Sales any good? I don't remember the last one because I OD'd on eggnog.
Did you like last Steam Autumm Sale? Well, it's just almost the same but 14 days long.

Add the discovery queue card farming and maybe just maybe something related with games giveaways, like the recently game awards event,

Divinity Anthology is on sale on Steam for $2.99. It includes Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity, and Divinity II. Good deal for three RPGs.
VERY highly recommend Larian's Divinity series.

A lot of RPG gaming there for not much money at all.

Divine Divinity was great. It felt like the proper mix of Diablo-style ARPG's (real-time combat with isometric camera); regular RPG's (decision-making and great storytelling & characters); and semi-open world games. I just wish they'd have had an option to turn all voice-acting off, b/c it's pretty much the only weakness of the game - as it's ranging from terrible to good, at the drop of a hat.

Beyond Divinity, from what I played, was good. Never finished it. As usual, other stuff I bought got in the way...and I never got back fully. BD feels and looks much darker than DD; and also has an interesting two-man RPG duo (your character and a Dark Knight, who you are bound to). If one of the two dies, game over. It has a few cool new tricks up its sleeve over DD, as you can zoom in and out now w/ the camera and more quests give you more choices - but feels more linear w/ its Act progression cycle and less semi-open world. Still, this game never really struck a chord w/ me as much as DD did.

Divinity II was great overall, once DKS came out. Div II feels more like a semi-open world type Fable games combat-wise & Elder Scrolls w/ its open-world. Div II: Ego Draconis base-game (original edition) had some issues w/ difficulty, performance, and a crazy cliff-hanger - supposedly, DKS and DC's remaster of Div 2: ED base-game really fixed a lot of those concerns in the base-game; never re-tried base-game after the remaster, so I can't speak on it. But, the original edition of Div II was still pretty good, despite its issues; so I'd guess the remaster found in DKS and DC would be even better. The expansion content in DKS (and DC, for that matter) was an excellent way to finish off the Div II saga - and that is also definitely worth playing.

I still have yet to begin Dragon Commander and Divinity: Original Sin 1.

And I don't own Div: OS2 yet.

I should note this, even though these games have not been bundled much of all:

Div II DC has been bundled before in $1 Tier 1 of a Focus Bundle -

Both Divine Divinity and BD have been bundled in $1 Tier 1 of a Triumph/Larian Duo Bundle -

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The spofos reactivated their agents last night in Tom Clancy Presents Tom Clancy's The Division, a Tom Clancy Production (*this game not endorsed by Tom Clancy).  Had two squads, one with lower levels and one a mix of max & low level characters.  That second group probably didn't have much fun, since there is no difficulty scaling, meaning the noobs would have spent most of their time crawling towards a revive.  Our other squad ran a couple missions and did jumping jacks while trying to parse all the menus and numbers the game throws at you.  Then we ran into a mission in which we were underequipped and constantly got overrun by those jerks with the flamethrowers.

I had fun.  Reminded me how I dumped a hundred hours into The Division long long ago.  The game has changed quite a bit since then, and i'm looking forward to running through it again, assuming I can squeeze it into the regular rotation of other games i've been ignoring.

Good grief... I can't keep up with all of the new and backlog games I want to play. I know first world gamer problems and all, but what a great time to play video games. I kind of wanted to check out The Division 1.8 update last night since I haven't played the game in a long time. I do worry I'll get sucked back in since I've heard the new areas and tweaks are good. I might check out the new Monster Hunter World beta that runs this weekend on PS4 instead of diving back into The Division, but then there's also the new Zelda DLC that just dropped and Destiny 2 DLC. Madness. Not enough time to game.  :whee:

The spofos reactivated their agents last night in Tom Clancy Presents Tom Clancy's The Division, a Tom Clancy Production (*this game not endorsed by Tom Clancy). Had two squads, one with lower levels and one a mix of max & low level characters. That second group probably didn't have much fun, since there is no difficulty scaling, meaning the noobs would have spent most of their time crawling towards a revive. Our other squad ran a couple missions and did jumping jacks while trying to parse all the menus and numbers the game throws at you. Then we ran into a mission in which we were underequipped and constantly got overrun by those jerks with the flamethrowers.

I had fun. Reminded me how I dumped a hundred hours into The Division long long ago. The game has changed quite a bit since then, and i'm looking forward to running through it again, assuming I can squeeze it into the regular rotation of other games i've been ignoring.
Holy submenu batman, that game is a lot to absorb.

I was said lvl 3 noob playing with sasquach and georgebot. I must say they were good sports making an effort to keep picking me up when I did something stupid which was most of the time. By the end I think I was doing better. went from lvl 3 to 11 in one mission. We even got wiped 2 or 3 times on the final boss in our mission

That stupid dept store at the end. It would make you think you are doing well then bitch slap you without mercy at the end. I dont think we even got close in the 5 or 6 times we got rolled.

It felt like they had tweaked the game some since the last time I played (6mo-1year ago). I was surprised you hung in as well as you did, I remember when I played with some way higher level friends it was basically constant insta-death


Supersonicads/Brandconnect is temporarily closed due to payment issues.


It was there an hour ago. I know because the new day of offers start at 1AM EST, and I managed to do my day of offers just after the change over.

If it's down for good, Tremor is pretty close to being dead to me. Supersonicads was the only tab left where you could reliably wrack up the coins. Without it, just managing to scrape up 99 coins for some IG bundle trash is gonna be excruciating.

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It was there an hour ago. I know because the new day of offers start at 1AM EST, and I managed to do my day of offers just after the change over.

If it's down for good, Tremor is pretty close to being dead to me. Supersonicads was the only tab left where you could reliably wrack up the coins. Without it, just managing to scrape up 99 coins for some IG bundle trash is gonna be excruciating.
I had the tab open and when I refreshed it said something about not being available because Supersonic wasn't paying the bills.

Yeah there was a forum post about it as well saying that it was a payment issue and hopefully Supersonic would pay up and they would restore the offers then.  Adgate is partially working for me again but only if I open the offers and then leave them sitting there.  Some take 20 minutes+ to credit, some never do.  I might have to go back to buying the IG bundles that have games in them that I really want and give up on grabbing any games just for cards.   

Apparently, Supersonicads/Brands hasn't paid Tremor for a couple of months now. Kinda sounds like they've cut ties with Tremor. If so, this will be the third major vendor who have abandoned Tremor over the past year.

Honestly, I don't know how much longer Tremor is gonna be around. This feels like it might be the beginning of the end. If I had a large sum of coins on hand, I might be looking to cash out.

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Apparently, Supersonicads/Brands hasn't paid Tremor for a couple of months now. Kinda sounds like they've cut ties with Tremor. If so, this will be the third major vendor who have abandoned Tremor over the past year.

Honestly, I don't know how much longer Tremor is gonna be around. This feels like it might be the beginning of the end. If I had a large sum of coins on hand, I might be looking to cash out.
I spent about half my coins buying a bunch of small games (<400 coins) a couple of days ago.

I did notice it seems like Tremor hasn't been buying as many IndieGala bundles as they used to. Seemed like they used to buy every bundle, but I don't see listings for some games that were in some recent IG bundles.

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Honestly, I don't know how much longer Tremor is gonna be around. This feels like it might be the beginning of the end. If I had a large sum of coins on hand, I might be looking to cash out.
Who could have predicted that "give away games to people in exchange for pretending to take surveys/watch ads" wasn't a winning business model?

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Who could have guessed that "give away games to people pretending to take surveys/watch ads" wasn't a winning business model?
Winning? Maybe... I'm sure Tremor has made money but its sure isn't sustainable long term.

Division, glad to hear you all had a good time in a game I truly love and have sunk way too much time in... Its been amazing what they've managed to do in a year in a half... Quite the improvement and while I know Ubisoft sucks and we should all hate them I must admit I find myself pleased at their continued support of games that didn't have great starts or lost a huge chunk of playerbase. The Division, Rainbow Six Siege would have died long ago if Activision or EA ran them. They haven't given up on For Honor (from what I've read) and Wildlands had a free PVP mode added... and from what I've read people seem to like it quite a bit.

Anyhow, if anyone wants help leveling or looting in the Division don't hesitate to ask.... Sadly, my Friday nights have passed in favor of Sunday nights off so I'm a bit harder to get a hold off... But at least now I can stay up and watch the Chiefs suck every Sunday. :D/

For crafting badges, has anyone run across a script to craft badge i.e. skip animations and such when needing to craft multiple badges?  thank you in advance

Yeah man, DEFINITELY wait until the winter sale. You get nothing from crafting them now.

agreed.  I had heard from someone that there was a badge craft script, thus the earlier question.  I have been trading and such just for winter sale.  Part of me is still debating on whether to sell  the winter cards or craft the winter badge; I am leaning towards selling.  Honestly though, I admit I have a problem.  I had collected way too many cards and still will have too many after crafting.  My goal is by summer sale to be done with cards and start concentrating on just games.  

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agreed. I had heard from someone that there was a badge craft script, thus the earlier question. I have been trading and such just for winter sale. Part of me is still debating on whether to sell the winter cards or craft the winter badge; I am leaning towards selling. Honestly though, I admit I have a problem. I had collected way too many cards and still will have too many after crafting. My goal is by summer sale to be done with cards and start concentrating on just games.
With 600 winter sale cards you could craft a dozen copies of the badge and still have a ton left over to sell.

Over in the bro Discord we've been discussing bubble gums of yesteryear.  Bazooka Joe, Zebra Stripes, Big League Chew, and Bubble Tape all came up.  We also discussed the CGI trailer for the new Overkill TWD game.  What is your favorite gum?  And what do you think of the new trailer for Overkill's TWD?

Over in the bro Discord we've been discussing bubble gums of yesteryear. Bazooka Joe, Zebra Stripes, Big League Chew, and Bubble Tape all came up. We also discussed the CGI trailer for the new Overkill TWD game. What is your favorite gum? And what do you think of the new trailer for Overkill's TWD?
Teaberry was the only gum I truly loved.


Alpha 3!

Hope the multiplayer netcode is solid  :pray:

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I'm missing some of these SF classics, so....this is great news for me! :)


To get the older SF games that are before SF4 onto Steam, this is just great! :)

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agreed. I had heard from someone that there was a badge craft script, thus the earlier question. I have been trading and such just for winter sale. Part of me is still debating on whether to sell the winter cards or craft the winter badge; I am leaning towards selling. Honestly though, I admit I have a problem. I had collected way too many cards and still will have too many after crafting. My goal is by summer sale to be done with cards and start concentrating on just games.
Yeah, I fell into that pit a long time ago and I'm still guilty of doing it.

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I bet the people that bought this on the Switch for $40 feel pretty dumb right now. 

How many times can Capcom sell people the same games over and over?  The world may never know~

This new collection doesn't include Ultra Street Fighter II though so I would assume they don't feel dumb.
Are there major differences b/t Ultra SF2 and say any of the older numerous SF2 versions?

I know Ultra SF2 has Violent Ken and Evil Ryu - but is there anything else?

I remember playing Super Street Fighter II Turbo for the SNES back when I was about 8. I played it with my friend and we'd just spam moves and try to beat M. Bison on hard. It was fun for maybe a month.

Stop promoting this shit, come on. You don't need 10 different collections for these games you've already played to death, nobody does. Companies get lazy and just release "updated" and "remastered" versions for more money instead of coming out with new ideas because of you. Same goes with Devil May Cry, granted that it's only been re-released twice and not 10 times like Street Fighter. Every time you buy yet another re-release of games like Street Fighter, a puppy comes down with rabies. Stop.

bread's done