I sometimes feel as though I'm the only person who is like "I played games when I was nine and they were fun at the time and maybe some game play elements still hold up but now there's a trillion great games I could be playing that have expanded on those older games in every possible way." I mean, I played
Project Firestart on the Commodore way back when and it was awesome (at the time) and helped create a new genre of game. But I'd really rather play Prey today. And, if you showed me Prey when I was a sixteen year old playing Project Firestart, I probably would have soiled myself. I wasted summers on
Utopia but why would I play that now instead of Civilization or Tropico or Cities: Skylines or some other building/managing game? I did replay my favorite SSI Gold Box,
Curse of the Azure Bonds, earlier this year but I haven't since had the itch to replay another and if CAB had taken me more than three evenings I would have probably given up on it.
I have wonderful memories of games on the Atari, Intellivision, Colecovision, old DOS games, Commodore, Genesis, etc but the idea of playing them again more than once instead of my backlog of high quality modern games is alien to me. I'm sure I'm really part of a majority in this and not some special unicorn but I keep seeing people flip out over these retro systems and it feels like people clamoring to get a new cassette player or 8-track machine because that's what they had when they were ten years old.