Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Is it enough to just add world in conflict and asscreed 4 to your account, as i just did? Or do i also have to download the uplay client and games? I won't be reunited with my pc until the end of the month.

I am asking because neither game has shown up in my transaction history on

But the mobile site is weird and may not be properly displaying items correctly. Not sure
I think you have to add the games from within Uplay some kind of way. I don't know whether you can do that with a mobile app or not, but if so you should be covered. You don't have to actually download them, but I believe you have to add them via Uplay and not just the website.

Unless I am mistaken the deluxe version of sword coast legends is just tilesets and things for dungeonmasters. Considering the lack of enthusiasm in the game I imagine everyone will be just fine with the base version unless the deluxe stuff is counted as dlcs and you just have to catch them all.
Well, there's also a special forum badge. . . and for those soundtrack enthusiasts among us (you know who you are), it includes the soundtrack.

Has anyone been following this Ataribox business? I find it weird that no information on available games, pricing or specs is available. Is it just like a Steambox with some old Atari games preloaded? If that's the case, I can understand why they wouldn't want to dole out details, because that's just goofy. I'd rather buy an old Flashback device for when I get super-nostalgic about playing Pong, Centipede, and Space Invaders.

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I bailed after the first season and I'm glad I did, because despite having a fantastic pilot the show just got worse and worse, even within those first few eps
I can understand bailing. I think after the first 3-4 seasons it's really lost momentum. Should have went from 16 episodes down to 8-10 episodes and tighten up the whole show.

Also, I don't believe they have any end game in mind, they just want to keep milking the cash cow. Which I suppose is what makes sense from a business perspective.

Looking for a good sci-fi/fantasy show to watch, anyone have any suggestions before my post is removed for being off topic?

On topic: there is a 15% off sale somewhere on a Steam game.
I can understand bailing. I think after the first 3-4 seasons it's really lost momentum. Should have went from 16 episodes down to 8-10 episodes and tighten up the whole show.

Also, I don't believe they have any end game in mind, they just want to keep milking the cash cow. Which I suppose is what makes sense from a business perspective.

Looking for a good sci-fi/fantasy show to watch, anyone have any suggestions before my post is removed for being off topic?
Black Mirror

Grim Fandango Remastered is free on GOG.

Gog Connect is back with new games

+10 gog


Grim Fandango Remastered is free on GOG.

Gog Connect is back with new games

+10 gog

I could have sworn Diluvion was one of the Connect games a few minutes ago, but it's gone now. Maybe I'm seeing things, but I could swear it was there. I had been wrestling with whether to buy Diluvion on sale for 75% off on Steam, and seeing it on Connect almost pushed me over to the buy column. But it's not showing now. Anyone else see Diluvion on Connect?

I could have sworn Diluvion was one of the Connect games a few minutes ago, but it's gone now. Maybe I'm seeing things, but I could swear it was there. I had been wrestling with whether to buy Diluvion on sale for 75% off on Steam, and seeing it on Connect almost pushed me over to the buy column. But it's not showing now. Anyone else see Diluvion on Connect?
It was, I saw it too when I ran it an hour or so ago. I think they swapped it with Zombie Night Terror since I don't recall seeing that one at that time.

I can understand bailing. I think after the first 3-4 seasons it's really lost momentum. Should have went from 16 episodes down to 8-10 episodes and tighten up the whole show.

Also, I don't believe they have any end game in mind, they just want to keep milking the cash cow. Which I suppose is what makes sense from a business perspective.

Looking for a good sci-fi/fantasy show to watch, anyone have any suggestions before my post is removed for being off topic?
That's kinda by design. The comic is that way too, and Kirkman was upfront about how the concept was a series that never had to end. I think it kinda got bogged down by being too attached to certain characters, though. Rick really should have died long ago, but he's the main dude, so he can't, even though ANYONE CAN at ANY MOMENT!

I don't know if it counts, but Happy! just started and I loved the first episode. It's on Syfy, and involves a tiny flying blue unicorn, which is pretty fantastical.

The most surprising thing is that it's based on the absolute worst Grant Morrison comic, yet somehow might end up being the best comic TV show. I also wasn't aware they can say fuck on Syfy before watching it.

They put the whole first ep up on the tubes, too. Other than that, yes, Black Mirror has some very good episodes, but being an anthology, it's also pretty uneven.

I could have sworn Diluvion was one of the Connect games a few minutes ago, but it's gone now. Maybe I'm seeing things, but I could swear it was there. I had been wrestling with whether to buy Diluvion on sale for 75% off on Steam, and seeing it on Connect almost pushed me over to the buy column. But it's not showing now. Anyone else see Diluvion on Connect?
No, it definitely was. This is the list I made when I updated the GOG topic:

Age of Wonders III
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
Diluvion Fleet Edition Upgrade
For The Glory: A Europa Universalis Game
Homeworld: Desert's of Kharak
Homeworld Remastered Collection
Punch Club
Rebel Galaxy
Rogue Wizards
Sunless Sea
Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Plane
The Final Station
Torment: Tides of Numenera

Looks like they added Zombie Night Terror, but removed Diluvion and Torment: Tides of Numenera.

Just want to add my two cents:  I'm still really enjoying The Walking Dead.  If you're after the zombies munching brains, you're sure to be disappointed, but the characters and drama in a post-apocalyptic world are excellent.  And Negan is always entertaining.

For those looking for a Sci-fi show that's really good, try The Expanse.  Smart, gritty, hard sci-fi.  Solid production values and really entertaining.  I don't think it's airing now, but pretty sure ou can get a season or two from Netflix or Hulu.  Genuinely hard to believe this was on the Syfy channel.

Finally, GOG, y u do dis????

That's kinda by design. The comic is that way too, and Kirkman was upfront about how the concept was a series that never had to end.
Which isn't to say that it shouldn't end.

I don't actually care about TWD one way or the other though. I watched Season one (or most of it?) and got bored. I'm a little surprised that it's still chugging along but then we have six seasons and counting of Two Broke Girls so who am I to guess what shows stick around?

No, it definitely was. This is the list I made when I updated the GOG topic:

Age of Wonders III
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
Diluvion Fleet Edition Upgrade
For The Glory: A Europa Universalis Game
Homeworld: Desert's of Kharak
Homeworld Remastered Collection
Punch Club
Rebel Galaxy
Rogue Wizards
Sunless Sea
Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Plane
The Final Station
Torment: Tides of Numenera

Looks like they added Zombie Night Terror, but removed Diluvion and Torment: Tides of Numenera.
I nabbed Torment just in time! So I guess that's something. Seems like titles are disappearing every time I refresh the page.

I kind of avoided playing the game because of all the noise surrounding it even thought I scored it on the newegg glitch. Im kinda enjoying it, there is a lot of game here, maybe even too much game, even if you just play solo. It looks good and they did amazing with the city and the maps.

Was all the flap about the dark zone? I have a feeling it probably sucked, because lets be honest, people are dicks and ruin everything they touch. Ill get my 30-40 hours out of the game running with the bros and be more than satisfied. Division Fridays?
There was more to it then the Dark Zone but, undoubtedly the DZ was the biggest part of it for a number of reasons... Mostly because the game lacked a real PvP mode and it was the only place for the PvPers to enjoy the game the way they wanted too... but they left allot of victims in their path because the PVE players where just trying to farm the landmarks and the PvPers would often wipe them out from behind while they where engaged with the NPCs.

Also when the game first came out the punishment was pretty extreme for going rogue and dying.... Like you could lose whole DZ ranks if you died so they lowered it... but they lowered it so much that they're was so little punishment that the Rogues didn't care about dying... So it went from something that would rarely happen to something that happened allot.

Finally, the loot was just so poor when it came out... You could look for weeks for the high end weapon you really wanted and, frankly, never have that model drop... Let alone have the talents you wanted. So progression could basically grind down to nothing and it did so quickly. (Also you couldn't trade drops, you couldn't reroll any talents on weapons.) We've all heard that expression about the deck being stacked against you... The early Division experience was pretty much five decks stacked against you. Hell, I got extremely lucky with a 163 SOCOM M1A drop with Balanced in the 3rd shot or I could have been one of those heading for the doors... but maybe not. I really love the world the game has, the detail, etc. Its truly one of the most amazing (though scary as fuck I hope this never happens in the real world) world's every created in gaming.

TLDR: Loot and a lack of true PVP was the big issues in my mind... 1.4 fixed allot and each patch since has, frankly, built upon that new base.

The latest (and last) Global Event launched this morning... 28K players in the game this morning. The recent totals have been about 4k-5K so the game is still beloved by some and I see allot of threads on Division websites of people coming back every day. Its really quite amazing.

I truly hope we see a season 3... Paid or free (like season 2 was) I don't really care.

Saw Torment and have been tempted to buy it from cdkeys, but just doesn't seem worth it at this point. It bombed in reviews and I doubt they profit much, especially when cdkeys is selling it so damn cheap. Guaranteed to get humbled.

Has anyone been following this Ataribox business? I find it weird that no information on available games, pricing or specs is available. Is it just like a Steambox with some old Atari games preloaded? If that's the case, I can understand why they wouldn't want to dole out details, because that's just goofy. I'd rather buy an old Flashback device for when I get super-nostalgic about playing Pong, Centipede, and Space Invaders.
Yeah, I got that email the other day too. There's no info available at all about the Artaribox pricing or specs on the website and it wants me to sign up with my email to get future news updates and advertisements for the product and who knows what else. That's not how any of this works, Atari.

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Has anyone been following this Ataribox business? I find it weird that no information on available games, pricing or specs is available. Is it just like a Steambox with some old Atari games preloaded? If that's the case, I can understand why they wouldn't want to dole out details, because that's just goofy. I'd rather buy an old Flashback device for when I get super-nostalgic about playing Pong, Centipede, and Space Invaders.
I thought it was like the NES/SNES classic. A steambox would be a PC in a mini case, which I doubt this is.

Which isn't to say that it shouldn't end.

I don't actually care about TWD one way or the other though. I watched Season one (or most of it?) and got bored. I'm a little surprised that it's still chugging along but then we have six seasons and counting of Two Broke Girls so who am I to guess what shows stick around?
I know, and I agree. I think that concept only worked if, like I said, they actually started fresh every now and then, but instead it became too attached to certain characters which makes them seem unkillable when the whole Thing is that ~nobody's safe~.

It's still around because, for some reason, people keep watching it despite everyone apparently hating it. Also, Two Broke Girls is cancelled, but don't worry, because Young Sheldon will be around for the rest of our lifetimes.

I really love the world the game has, the detail, etc. Its truly one of the most amazing (though scary as fuck I hope this never happens in the real world) world's every created in gaming.

TLDR: Loot and a lack of true PVP was the big issues in my mind... 1.4 fixed allot and each patch since has, frankly, built upon that new base.

The latest (and last) Global Event launched this morning... 28K players in the game this morning. The recent totals have been about 4k-5K so the game is still beloved by some and I see allot of threads on Division websites of people coming back every day. Its really quite amazing.

I truly hope we see a season 3... Paid or free (like season 2 was) I don't really care.
I just hope they actually bring expansions to the game and not bring out games modes as expansions

Which isn't to say that it shouldn't end.

I don't actually care about TWD one way or the other though. I watched Season one (or most of it?) and got bored. I'm a little surprised that it's still chugging along but then we have six seasons and counting of Two Broke Girls so who am I to guess what shows stick around?
Well (non-anthology) shows can be Plot-driven or character-driven or some combination thereof. I would say at this point TWD is less about the zombie plague as it is about the human characters.

The main issue with TWD is that when you have original characters lost to the zombies or whomever, you lose people that provided a contrast to Rick. If you don't start ramping up new characters you start to lose the diversity that made the original group interesting.

I love me some Jeffrey Dean Morgan, so I'm a fan of Negan. While some people may hate me for saying this is I think TWD could use some LOST style "pre-zombie' flashbacks... I think Negan's would be interesting.

The farther into the show we get the characters seem to lack depth, imo. I just don't really connect with many characters anymore. I think it's telling when I'm more interested in Negan strutting his stuff than any of Rick's party. But anyway, Negan has to go, they are really drawing this Saviors shit out. I don't follow the comic, but I am curious as to who will kill Negan.

I'll keep watching, but I think I have 1 more season unless they re-engage me.
Well (non-anthology) shows can be Plot-driven or character-driven or some combination thereof. I would say at this point TWD is less about the zombie plague as it is about the human characters.

The main issue with TWD is that when you have original characters lost to the zombies or whomever, you lose people that provided a contrast to Rick. If you don't start ramping up new characters you start to lose the diversity that made the original group interesting.

I love me some Jeffrey Dean Morgan, so I'm a fan of Negan. While some people may hate me for saying this is I think TWD could use some LOST style "pre-zombie' flashbacks... I think Negan's would be interesting.

The farther into the show we get the characters seem to lack depth, imo. I just don't really connect with many characters anymore. I think it's telling when I'm more interested in Negan strutting his stuff than any of Rick's party. But anyway, Negan has to go, they are really drawing this Saviors shit out. I don't follow the comic, but I am curious as to who will kill Negan.

I'll keep watching, but I think I have 1 more season unless they re-engage me.
Tagged as spoiler but the show seems to do its own thing when convenient so I don't think this is what will happen:

He's still alive, Rick chooses to imprison him to prove they're better than him yadda yadda yadda

And isn't pre-zombie flashbacks what Fear the Walking Dead is?

Has anyone been following this Ataribox business? I find it weird that no information on available games, pricing or specs is available. Is it just like a Steambox with some old Atari games preloaded? If that's the case, I can understand why they wouldn't want to dole out details, because that's just goofy. I'd rather buy an old Flashback device for when I get super-nostalgic about playing Pong, Centipede, and Space Invaders.
I sometimes feel as though I'm the only person who is like "I played games when I was nine and they were fun at the time and maybe some game play elements still hold up but now there's a trillion great games I could be playing that have expanded on those older games in every possible way." I mean, I played Project Firestart on the Commodore way back when and it was awesome (at the time) and helped create a new genre of game. But I'd really rather play Prey today. And, if you showed me Prey when I was a sixteen year old playing Project Firestart, I probably would have soiled myself. I wasted summers on Utopia but why would I play that now instead of Civilization or Tropico or Cities: Skylines or some other building/managing game? I did replay my favorite SSI Gold Box, Curse of the Azure Bonds, earlier this year but I haven't since had the itch to replay another and if CAB had taken me more than three evenings I would have probably given up on it.

I have wonderful memories of games on the Atari, Intellivision, Colecovision, old DOS games, Commodore, Genesis, etc but the idea of playing them again more than once instead of my backlog of high quality modern games is alien to me. I'm sure I'm really part of a majority in this and not some special unicorn but I keep seeing people flip out over these retro systems and it feels like people clamoring to get a new cassette player or 8-track machine because that's what they had when they were ten years old.

I can understand bailing. I think after the first 3-4 seasons it's really lost momentum. Should have went from 16 episodes down to 8-10 episodes and tighten up the whole show.

Also, I don't believe they have any end game in mind, they just want to keep milking the cash cow. Which I suppose is what makes sense from a business perspective.

Looking for a good sci-fi/fantasy show to watch, anyone have any suggestions before my post is removed for being off topic?

On topic: there is a 15% off sale somewhere on a Steam game.
The Expanse. Got a nice Dead Space vibe with some nice attention to detail plausible Sci Fi elements.

I sometimes feel as though I'm the only person who is like "I played games when I was nine and they were fun at the time and maybe some game play elements still hold up but now there's a trillion great games I could be playing that have expanded on those older games in every possible way." I mean, I played Project Firestart on the Commodore way back when and it was awesome (at the time) and helped create a new genre of game. But I'd really rather play Prey today. And, if you showed me Prey when I was a sixteen year old playing Project Firestart, I probably would have soiled myself. I wasted summers on Utopia but why would I play that now instead of Civilization or Tropico or Cities: Skylines or some other building/managing game? I did replay my favorite SSI Gold Box, Curse of the Azure Bonds, earlier this year but I haven't since had the itch to replay another and if CAB had taken me more than three evenings I would have probably given up on it.

I have wonderful memories of games on the Atari, Intellivision, Colecovision, old DOS games, Commodore, Genesis, etc but the idea of playing them again more than once instead of my backlog of high quality modern games is alien to me. I'm sure I'm really part of a majority in this and not some special unicorn but I keep seeing people flip out over these retro systems and it feels like people clamoring to get a new cassette player or 8-track machine because that's what they had when they were ten years old.
I agree that a lot of "classics" are more interesting in how they've contributed to the evolution of gaming than for their intrinsic quality, but that doesn't mean that some old games aren't inherently worth playing. Just like there's still valid interest in backgammon or Don Quixote, there are several early video games that still "hold up," regardless of nostalgia value.
I haven't really read any of The Walking Dead but I can honestly say I really enjoy it... That said I don't watch it like most people likely do. I wait till a part of the season is over (usually its 8 or so episodes) and then I watch them all fairly quickly. (So I don't really have any cases of weekly disappointment bumming me out.
what I learned from this season of the walking dead is that I can play 90% of it in the background as noise, only pay attention to the last episode, and still not miss anything

I agree that a lot of "classics" are more interesting in how they've contributed to the evolution of gaming than for their intrinsic quality, but that doesn't mean that some old games aren't inherently worth playing. Just like there's still valid interest in backgammon or Don Quixote, there are several early video games that still "hold up," regardless of nostalgia value.
I agree. I don't think I'd pay whatever they're trying to sell these things for--it sounds like a borderline scam at this point--but I'd be tempted to pick up a Flashback 2 and I'd probably goof around with Pong or River Raid for a little while. It's definitely a nostalgia thing, because I like the idea of fiddling with those ridiculous joysticks. I wouldn't pour tens or hundreds of hours a month into it, but I like the idea for the same reason I have an Amiga and a C64 emulator. Sadly it would probably get more use than my Steam Link, which appears destined to be relegated to closet storage by year's end.

Age of Wonders III seems to be gone from GOG connect now. Better get moving if you want to get those GOG +1's!
Baldur's Gate II didn't show up when I loaded it either. Bummer; I wanted to add it and Torment from my Steam account.

I agree that a lot of "classics" are more interesting in how they've contributed to the evolution of gaming than for their intrinsic quality, but that doesn't mean that some old games aren't inherently worth playing. Just like there's still valid interest in backgammon or Don Quixote, there are several early video games that still "hold up," regardless of nostalgia value.
I don't think comparisons to older literature, movies, etc really hold up because of how integral the technical game play is to the overall experience. I also think that there's depth of catalog considerations: how many books from the 1600s are we still reading? If not for the works of Shakespeare, the answer would be "Almost none" and it's still basically none when compared against how many were written and published. We have four decades of black and white Hollywood movies but few (relative to the total output) are still regarded as classics and the ones that are embraced the medium in exceptional ways.

I'd even agree that many older games are "worth playing" in a vacuum but we live in a world of options and it's a hard sell to say some game from 1988 is more worth my time than more modern alternatives. I'm sure there's some out there -- games basic enough that there isn't any meaningful improving on what they offer -- but they're rare exceptions. Qix would be one. Paradroid another. Tetris yet another. Do you need a link to Tetris?

It's a little amusing that Warreni mentions River Raid since I once bought some disc of old Activision games for the Playstation. River Raid was easily the best and most well remembered game in the collection and it still lost my interest within an hour. My younger son has some "throwback" style machine with Pac-Man, Pole Position and other games on it and none of them are anything I want to play more than once a sitting (and one sitting a month would be plenty). In most things, I'm a very traditional old school person but, when it comes to games, I'm all "Show me something new".

No value judgement though. I don't think anyone is wrong for wanting to play old stuff. I understand, on a theoretical level, the argument for "these games are still good and I want to own and play them". I just can't feel it which in turn feels odd when you see other people with the same basic interest (video games) all going ape about it.

Edit: It also occurs to me that I was never really into Bullet Hell style games or even platformers although I played a lot of each since they made up a lot of the games in the 80s. So maybe that's a big part of it and I'd appreciate these systems more if I was more nostalgic about those genres. The exploration, adventure, management style games I really liked benefited more from modern technical advancements than "quickly avoid all the pixels" style games.

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Feels wrong to have a Nolan collection without Memento.
Yeah, it's weird they didn't include his best movie.

The standalone BRs have been out of print for a long time, and it's only been available in a collection with the Batmen, Insomnia, and Inception. I'll prob end up getting this 4K set when it gets cheap enough, but I'm not a fan of spending money on TDKR.

Deadwood is great! (At least season one is, I haven't started season 2, 3 yet.) It did end too quickly HBO surprised cancelled it cause the sets were expensive... There is hope (and some traction) on a movie.

Also, I hope you like the word cocksucker cause you be hearing it allot.

(Obviously, not safe for work.)
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I am migrating more and more to digital but 1080p and 4k streaming is still not as good as the quality of a good 1080p or 4k disc.
I'm in the same boat. I'm moving to digital only or digital add-on, but my internet is not fast enough to support a quality 4K stream. Because I'm getting an XBONE this Christmas, I'll probably switch from buying 4-5 Blu-rays a year to buying 4-5 4K Blu-rays a year, especially because the price difference is usually on the order of $2-5.
I am migrating more and more to digital but 1080p and 4k streaming is still not as good as the quality of a good 1080p or 4k disc.
I honestly don't see a difference... Granted, I just run stuff at 1080p on a connection that will run 4K no problem.

I think I would be honest if I could see a difference... I'll freely admit the biggest reason for my swap is not having to swap discs or, maybe more to the point, having to get up to do so.

bread's done