Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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You can guess it in 4 hours, but how long it takes for beth to reply to you?

Inb4 you guess and it's duplicate.
That's assuming they pasted the code. If they manually typed it I might not be able to guess it. It SHOULD be the first digit, but who knows.

As for Bethesda replying to me.. I don't know if they will cuz they marked the support ticket as "Solved". I tried replying to it but I may not get a response. I'll have to make a new ticket and wait for another response if this doesn't work. Ugh.
That's assuming they pasted the code. If they manually typed it I might not be able to guess it. It SHOULD be the first digit, but who knows.

As for Bethesda replying to me.. I don't know if they will cuz they marked the support ticket as "Solved". I tried replying to it but I may not get a response. I'll have to make a new ticket and wait for another response if this doesn't work. Ugh.
This better be the best game you ever play. You have blown $20 in hassle

ELA is bae, ELA is life

dem creepy eyes

It was the first digit so Duke would have guessed it eventually anyway, but it would've taken a few hours
Seems to me Bethesdas support was pretty good and responsive on this. Mistake was made with the first key, but that is human error than lack of support.

Newegg on the other hand used to be know for customer service and has gone downhill big time.

Newegg on the other hand used to be know for customer service and has gone downhill big time.
After my last dealings with Newegg, I'll never do business with those chodes again, I dgaf how great the deal is. Bought a Xbox 360 controller, as a back up, with a listing that said OEM but doesn't include packaging. When I finally received it, that controller looked like someone had worn it out, any and all texture was totally gone from the rubber/plastic areas and the sticks were droopy as hell, and then wiped their ass with it. There was crusted Christ-knows-what around the triggers/bumpers and, seriously you guys, it totally smelled like brown eye. I contact their turd service and they told me they'd only give me a replacement of the same POS if I shipped the original back on my dime. I went on the site and left a negative review, and I certainly wasn't alone, for the controller and Newegg. A day or so later, all of the negative reviews had been wiped and they'd changed the item description. fuck those assholes

My last dealing with Newegg was a pain too. Had to talk to 3-4 different CSRs before getting one who would fix things. Still, those prices are too good on some things.


Also, just came back from Walmart and fair life was only $2.98. go go go!
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Newegg sucks.  So much easier to buy at a brick and mortar that prices matches.  If anything ever goes wrong with a component you purchase then you are screwed.   I learned that lesson the hard way with a faulty motherboard back in '06.  Yes cause that's exactly what I want to do is wait 3-4 weeks for a RMA while I'm trying to build a new PC.

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Newegg sucks. So much easier to buy at a brick and mortar that prices matches. If anything ever goes wrong with a component you purchase then you are screwed. I learned that lesson the hard way with a faulty motherboard back in '06. Yes cause that's exactly what I want to do is wait 3-4 weeks for a RMA while I'm trying to build a new PC.
Makes me miss moving back south. My Microcenter was awesome. I don't even get a Fry's. I get bullshit Best Buy. Ugh!

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Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition

6th March 2018

it looks like that cuz i copypasta from the yt vid, and they don't put the month first!!!

Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition

6th March 2018

it looks like that cuz i copypasta from the yt vid, and they don't put the month first!!!
You know, it actually would have been easier for you to simply change the date on your own rather than typing out that explanation for the incorrect date format. But you took those extra few seconds out of your life to point out that the rest of the world is wrong. And for that, I salute you.

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I'm glad they did so, now you can finally activate the key and let it rot in your backlog forever. Worth the hassle
To be fair it was Duke's key I was trying to get a replacement for (I had bought an extra set of games at cost for him). If I had only bought for myself I probably wouldn't have cared as much

Who puts month first? you damned sick idiot amuricans get on with rest of world.
Do all europeans put toilet paper rolls on backwards too?
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I still date everything day month year.  Beat into my head so even all my documents are signed that way.  Hilarious because it becomes really apparent when I'm doing something like buying a car.

So, for everyone that is dmy, isn't naming files with dates confusing when you sort?

Seems everything would be jumbled... everything that happened on the first of every month would be first, then second of every month... etc. Or am I not missing something?

Everyone should just follow ISO 8601.

Seems everything would be jumbled... everything that happened on the first of every month would be first, then second of every month... etc. Or am I not missing something?
Everything that happens on the first of each month is the most important which is why you did it first. Everything else of diminishing importance gets pushed further back into the month. Therefore, it makes the most sense to prioritize your files by the day first, then the month.

I don't think it's been mentioned in this thread yet, but SEGA just announced Two Point Hospital, the spiritual successor to Theme Hospital.

And apparently the two heads of this development team also worked on the original Theme Hospital.  I'm very much looking forward to this (as long as SEGA doesn't interfere much and lets them do their thing).

You know, it actually would have been easier for you to simply change the date on your own rather than typing out that explanation for the incorrect date format. But you took those extra few seconds out of your life to point out that the rest of the world is wrong. And for that, I salute you.
ISO 8601, yyyy-mm-dd > all countries not using it

Yeah, looks exactly as I would imagine a modern Theme Hospital. I hope SEGA partnership doesn't mean DLCs.......

And if the game success we could see Two Point Dungeon Keeper also.

Ok, first DLC be called "Obamacare"

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Doesn't work in all situations.

Sometimes I want to modify/create something that needs to be in a different chronological place (trimming down a video or photo).
You can manually set correct one :p (Modify is better since it stays when copying).

Anyways using dates in filenames is in most cases definitely easier.

If my desktop smells like something is burning and I haven't opened it up in maybe five years and then it starts making noises that sound like an animal dying inside, I probably have a fan issue, right?
bread's done