Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Amusing but it goes on a bit long. I love that movie, even though the science was laughable at best, and most of the animals in it belonged to the Cretaceous Period. It was one of her favorites too. I bought this at Wal-Mart the other day.

Thanks again, everyone, for your kind words and thoughts. I'm going to get through this because I have to and because it's what she would want. She had some physical and mental health problems, so we had occasionally discussed the idea that she might die before I do, and, frankly, that's how she wanted it. She told me on more than one occasion (and I knew she was serious because that was not something we joked about) that she would kill herself not long after I died if I happened to die first. She felt that she literally could not live without me. We aren't kids anymore, but I still always thought that in a worst-case scenario, we would have had more time than this. I try to keep my thoughts focussed because railing against the injustice of it or blaming her for leaving me here are just pointless and stupid rabbit holes to go down. For my part, I'm going to try really hard not to turn into one of those guys who is constantly talking about his wife. But I probably will be one of those guys for a while. I don't know that I can help it. I think I'm officially late for work now. I'll "see" you knuckle-draggers later.

By the way, I should say that I'm sorry to hear about bah. I didn't know him particularly well, as I didn't really participate in many (I'm up to a total of 1) bro nights, and I'm also still not well-versed in "chat" technology, despite being relatively tech-savvy for an old guy. Nevertheless, he seemed like a decent guy from his posts and the world always needs more of those.

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Warreni, go ahead and post about your wife all you want or need to.  It can't be any worse than any of the other nonsense that gets posted here routinely  :D/ .  If it does you some good, I can't think of a single person here who would object.  

We're here for you.

Warreni, I'm so sorry for your loss...  I know I couldn't comprehend being in your shoes right now...  I would be listless without my wife.  I doubt there's anything I can do for you on my end but if there is don't hesitate to shoot me a PM...  We view this community the same, as extended family, so please don't hesitate to lean on me or others as you need to. 

Warreni I cannot imagine what you are going through.  I'm sorry for your loss.  I hug my wife, kids and friends I call family and tell them I love them whenever I see them.  I will squeeze them a little extra tight after reading this.  

My deepest condolences Warreni, to you and your family. Just last night I sent a message to my mother telling her I love her, she immediatly asked me wth did I want from her, but needless to say this is such an important and profound reminder to not be jerks, specially with your loved ones. Much love.

Really sorry to hear about your loss, warreni. As a married CAG I can only imagine what that it would be like to experience such a loss. I've always hoped that I'll be the first to go, even after she inevitably leaves me for the UPS guy.

Also, wow, I did not know about bah until today. So sad. I haven't been able to make a brodate in a long time since parenting duties have completely absorbed my weekday evenings but I have lots of fond memories of Rocket League, corn grass, Jackbox Party Pack nonsense, Sensual Jesus, and many others best left unspoken. Really wish now I could have made a few more nights over the past year. He was always a fixture and a big part of what made those nights fun.

Warreni I cannot imagine what you are going through. I'm sorry for your loss. I hug my wife, kids and friends I call family and tell them I love them whenever I see them. I will squeeze them a little extra tight after reading this.
Glad to hear it.

My deepest condolences Warreni, to you and your family. Just last night I sent a message to my mother telling her I love her, she immediatly asked me wth did I want from her, but needless to say this is such an important and profound reminder to not be jerks, specially with your loved ones. Much love.
That's funny. Yeah, it's worth a little incredulity to be damn sure they know how you feel. That's one thing I'm glad I didn't have to worry about. Of the thousand things that I feel I will always second-guess myself about, I can say this: my wife definitely knew that I loved her and I know that she loved me as much as it's possible to love another person. I suppose I'm glad of that.

Really sorry to hear about your loss, warreni. As a married CAG I can only imagine what that it would be like to experience such a loss. I've always hoped that I'll be the first to go, even after she inevitably leaves me for the UPS guy.
So the thing about UPS guys is that being fast is generally considered a disadvantage by women when it comes to bedroom activities--you may be safe. . . .

No experience w/ Cyberpower PC's - but the specs on both of those are awesome.

Since both are NVidia-based, I will also advise this: go for a 120hz G-Sync ready monitor. I have never experienced anything so smooth in my life, gameplay-wise. As good as playing anything at 60fps is - that feels like crap, when compared to what comes out of a 120hz monitor w/ G-Sync support.
Thanks for this recommendation. My 27" G-Sync monitor arrived today and it's glorious. I took my 27" Freesync monitors and turned them on their sides to give me a triple screen setup. I'm gonna rock some serious solitaire on this thing.

Battlestation pic.



OMG @ that above set-up w/ the three monitors. That looks awesome and insanely cool. :)

I really hope you enjoy your new rig. I bet it's insanely awesome!

And I hope you especially enjoy the G-Sync monitor, as I think this is the biggest game-changer for me in playing games. If you don't have G-Sync - even when playing games, even w/ all the power, you can still takes performance hits & feel something...even if it's say 10 frame loss. You'll notice it, even if you normally are at 60fps and have one small hit to say 50fps; especially in fast-paced games.

Playing games at 30fps or 60fps w/ No-Sync, V-Sync, or Fast Sync is no comparison. As good as even 60fps can be - meh, any of that is crap compared to what 120fps w/ G-Sync and taking even nasty 30fps hits (down to say 90fps) does when playing...i.e. you still feel nothing b/c everything moving so fast anyways, no graphical tearing, no stutters, nothing. Smooth as butter and silky smooth as can be, no matter what happens.

I think with your new super-rig and especially G-Sync, you're gonna be in Gaming Heaven.

I seriously need to find a G-Sync monitor for my main desktop PC at a decent sale sometime. 60fps with anything that isn't G-Sync just isn't the same anymore.

Enjoy your PC!


Is that a G502 mouse there I see? That mouse rules.

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I probably won't add any funds to my Steam account and therefore won't buy anything during the Steam sale. But I want to thank all the regular posters on this thread who taught me how to save money on PC games by mainly buying bundles and holding out for freebies. I've got plenty of games to play. And, no, this isn't meant as a troll post.
I probably won't add any funds to my Steam account and therefore won't buy anything during the Steam sale. But I want to thank all the regular posters on this thread who taught me how to save money on pizza by mainly buying cheap frozen pizza like Jack's and holding out for sales and coupons for other cheap fast food. I've got plenty of pizza to eat. And, no, this isn't meant as a troll post.

I probably won't add any funds to my Steam account and therefore won't buy anything during the Steam sale. But I want to thank all the regular posters on this thread who taught me how to save money on PC games by mainly buying bundles and holding out for freebies. I've got plenty of games to play. And, no, this isn't meant as a troll post.
Tons of shit ass bundle/free games.

It doesnt hurt to spend money on games you will enjoy

BTW Here is an offer from Paypal if you plan on spending any money on the Steam Sale, you can claim the offer and use it later
This offer works on adding funds to Steam. You can follow these instructions (if I can do it, anyone can) to add a custom amount of Steam wallet. Pay $25 to add $30.

Edit: ES is supposed to let you add custom amounts but it's broken with the new UI.

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Fanatical just put up their new Indie Legends Bundle for $3.49:

-Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition

-Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered


-Train Valley

-Organ Trail: Complete Edition (comes with 2 keys, one for Organ Trail and one for Organ Trail - Final Cut Expansion)

-Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition

-Action Henk

-Broken Sword Trilogy (comes with a single key to activate Broken Sword: Director's Cut, Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered and Broken Sword 3 - the Sleeping Dragon)

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This offer works on adding funds to Steam. You can follow these instructions (if I can do it, anyone can) to add a custom amount of Steam wallet. Pay $25 to add $30.

Edit: ES is supposed to let you add custom amounts but it's broken with the new UI.
Be careful, it's being Wonky as shit.

Didnt work for me even tho I activated on PayPal

DONT USE "MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT" as it won't work. You have to select PayPal from the drop down...

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Since Life is Strange: Before the Storm is the weekly deal this week what are the odds that it will or won't be on sale during the summer sale?

Be careful, it's being Wonky as shit.

Didnt work for me even tho I activated on PayPal

DONT USE "MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT" as it won't work. You have to select PayPal from the drop down...
Worked fine for me, even using "My Paypal account" but I have PP set to always require a login (if that makes a difference). But, just in case, everyone pay attention to the PP screen saying how much you're getting charged. Should say "$5 discount" then $25 charged.

Since Life is Strange: Before the Storm is the weekly deal this week what are the odds that it will or won't be on sale during the summer sale?
even if it is on sale i doubt it will be a lower price. The whole reason Steam sales suck now is because of the refund policy.

Since Life is Strange: Before the Storm is the weekly deal this week what are the odds that it will or won't be on sale during the summer sale?
The midweek discount is 50% so my guess is that once the summer sale starts the discount will drop to 33%. All those seasonal rubes won't know or care enough that they might have gotten a better deal.

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Enjoy your tax-free digital games or Newegg purchases, etc while they last.

Internet retailers can be required to collect sales taxes in states where they have no physical presence, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday.

Brick-and-mortar businesses have long complained that they are disadvantaged by having to charge sales taxes while many of their online competitors do not. States have said that they are missing out on tens of billions of dollars in annual revenue under a 1992 Supreme Court ruling that helped spur the rise of internet shopping.

On Thursday, the court overruled that ruling, Quill Corporation v. North Dakota, which had said that the Constitution bars states from requiring businesses to collect sales taxes unless they have a substantial connection to the state.
Just counting down the minutes until...

  • Complaints about the store crashing and deals not showing up.
  • Instant ragret for adding to your Steam Wallet.
  • Talk about how this is the worst Steam Sale yet.
  • Game X is FundleBodder.
  • "You can thank me for my future bundle sacrifice."
  • #SeasonalCAG checking in.
  • Haul posts devoid of contents actually purchased from Steam.

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That took long enough. Here all tax loopholes has been closed very fast.
Yeah, way back in the day, the Court decided that it'd be unfair if catalog companies had to keep track of fifty states' worth of tax rates and apply them all to purchases. Of course, people were still filling out forms and mailing checks back then as well. But that ruling kept online interstate taxes at bay for some twenty-six years now.

Just counting down the minutes until...
...person posting haul list of recent AAA games at 15-25% off and/or a hundred shitty asset flip games at 49¢ each and saying "Was a great sale for me!!"

Just got this email from Paypal:


It's... Something, at least. Doubt I'll even get $30 worth of stuff though.

e: whoops, was posted earlier, but I got that email like 3 minutes before posting. PAYPAL IS fuckING ME AGAIN

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bread's done