Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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BTW new Steam experiment is looking at your game library and recommending 3 games to play from it. Link here

Mine came up with some very unique stuff which I'll post about tonight and I'll try to play one of them.
Probably goes by play time, so pretty pointless for anyone that idles for cards. :/

Yeah I'd rather it go by achievements earned or something. My 3 are
StarFringe: Adversus 
Farnham Fables
Forward to the Sky
I'll try out Farnham Fables heh.
I actually finished Farnham Fables Episode 1 in 13 minutes. Pretty basic graphics and music. Really basic use items on things to solve puzzles. You just do one fable and solve the problems in it and yeah that's it. Glad I got it for free because it's not worth much. Also it felt very clunky regardless though I liked it auto completing and suggesting actions instead of having to select the action. Garbage 1/10

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My suggestions were Skyrim, The Stanly Parable and South Park: Stick of Truth.  Skyrim because it's similar to Fallout 4, FO:NV and ES: Oblivion.  Hey, you know what else Skyrim is similar to?  Skyrim, where I already have umpteen hours.  Playing it maybe a little too safe with that rec, Steam.

Stanly Parable was based on some idled indie games I never actually played.

Stick of Truth was based on how similar it is to Bioshock Infinite, Shadow of Mordor and Telltale's The Walking Dead.  Color me skeptical.

My suggestions were Skyrim, The Stanly Parable and South Park: Stick of Truth. Skyrim because it's similar to Fallout 4, FO:NV and ES: Oblivion. Hey, you know what else Skyrim is similar to? Skyrim, where I already have umpteen hours. Playing it maybe a little too safe with that rec, Steam.

Stanly Parable was based on some idled indie games I never actually played.

Stick of Truth was based on how similar it is to Bioshock Infinite, Shadow of Mordor and Telltale's The Walking Dead. Color me skeptical.
Yeah Stick of Truth is nothing like those games. Strange. That said, it's one of the best turn based RPGs ever. Excellent game, although knowing South Park really helps to get all the jokes.
Steam is picking for me:

1. Shadow Warrior (Reboot).

Have not played.

Says it's similar to stuff I've played - Killer is Dead, The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, and Brutal Legend.

2. Deus Ex: HR - Director's Cut.

I did play DE: HR OG version and loved it, back in the day.

Says it's similar to stuff I've already played - Deus Ex: MD, Dishonored & Thief 4.

3. Enslaved.

Have not played.

Says it's similar to stuff I've played - Remember Me, Murdered Soul Suspect, and Binary Domain.

Yeah Stick of Truth is nothing like those games. Strange. That said, it's one of the best turn based RPGs ever. Excellent game, although knowing South Park really helps to get all the jokes.
I hate turn-based anything and I love both of the South Park games. Even after not watching South Park for years. It's just really good. A similar style game is Saturday Morning RPG. Another game I enjoyed despite not being fan of the genre.

Whatever floats your boat I guess. Turn based rpg is my favorite genre. Generally dislike South Park, most ubisoft games, and almost all western rpg's. Haven't even thought about playing stick or fractured. Have a hard time even processing a statement like

it's one of the best turn based RPGs ever.
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Minit - Similar to Owlboy, She Remembered Caterpillars, and Pony Island.

Yakuza 0 - Similar to Bayonetta, Hitman, and Dark Souls™ III.

Payday 2 - Similar to Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. 

I idle for cards.

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition

Mortal Kombat X

GRID Autosport

Really surprised that all of those hours of loot games I've played wasn't picked up on..

Maybe Steam is trying to tell me other genres exist...?
Supreme League of Patriots (Arcane Sorcery ,Unhack, Star Tactics Redux) - dont know any of these games; idled for cards I guess

Negligee (Sakura Fantasy, Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire, Sakura Angels) - okay, I *do* play smut occasionally

The Stanley Parable (Her Story, Firewatch, To the Moon) - all four of these are games I say I am interested in, but somehow have never gotten around to playing. Obviously, more idle magic.

Just discovered GamePass has a feature called "Surprise Me" that chooses a game for you to play next.  In the Xbox App.  My pick?  Dead Rising 4.  So GamePass is better than Steam.  

I'd share my top 3 but you don't need to see my hentai recommended.

Total War: Rome II DLC: Caesar in Gaul DLC from Humble Sega Bundle (cleaning up Humble library keys and this one I DID already own).


Fanatical has a deal where you can get a free Steam key for Deus Ex: GOTY edition if you buy one of the following games:

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - The Complete Saga

Battalion 1944


Catherine Classic

Cities Skyline

Darksiders Genesis

Darksiders III

Dead Cells

Deus Ex Mankind Divided: Digital Deluxe Edition 

God Eater 3


Just Cause 4

Life is Strange 2: Complete Season

Metro Redux

Monster Hunter Iceborne: Master Edition


Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Pillars of Eternity: Definitive Edition

Planescape Torment

Puyo Puyo Tetris

Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

Table Manners

Team Sonic Racing 

Valkryia Chronicles 4: Definitive Edition

Two things stand out here.  First, I'm only considering this deal because Team Sonic Racing is on sale for $9.99 since I can't find anyone who is still playing either of the first two Sega kart games online.  Second, my fingers are tired from typing the word "edition" over and over.  :speaktothehand:

Pathfinder: Kingmaker is in the newest HB Choice. Better deal to get that over there w/ other stuff, if you're on the Classic Plan still.

Also, Deus Ex: GOTY has been dirt-cheap tons of times. Also, who on the PC doesn't own this classic masterpiece of a game by now?

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Two things stand out here. First, I'm only considering this deal because Team Sonic Racing is on sale for $9.99 since I can't find anyone who is still playing either of the first two Sega kart games online. Second, my fingers are tired from typing the word "edition" over and over. :speaktothehand:
1. Double click word (triple click for line or paragraph)

2. Press Ctrl + C

3. Press Ctrl + V

4. ???

5. Profit

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Two things stand out here. First, I'm only considering this deal because Team Sonic Racing is on sale for $9.99 since I can't find anyone who is still playing either of the first two Sega kart games online.
If you can't find anyone playing Transformed, good luck finding anyone playing Team Racing:


Crazy how hard that game tanked. Me personally, the lack of Sega fanservice was an immediate turn-off.

Warframe - fuck no, i have two grindey games already, diablo and poe

Stardew Valley - i don't wanna raise a fuck ing farm

South Park Stick of Truth - sigh, thats the most likely of the three,but interest is tepid at best

Kitty Cat: Jigsaw Puzzles

Mahjong Deluxe 3

Tales of symphonia. 

I don't even know where the puzzle game came from must have been in a bundle with the mahjongs for a 1$ I bought all those years ago.  Symphonia would be a spot on rec if the pc version wasn't inferior to the gamecube version (despite it being over 15 years old) unless there are any mods and such to greatly improve it.  I already played symphonia to death back when it came out though so that's the larger issue.   I got it for free as part of the preorder freebie from zesty along with all that preorder dlc.

Another day, another random Steam library game. This time it's A Day For Ched. This game is garbage. Questionable voice acting, ancient graphics, unfair difficulty where 2 shots from an alien thing kill you, no auto pickup for ammo and such, a slow not so great story about an alcoholic defeating his demons literally. Feels like a cheap first time using Unity student project type game. I played for 10 or less minutes. garbage/10.

Any recommendations for a decent CPU cooler for around $25? I can get my Ryzen 5 2600 non X to 3.9 all core with the stock cooler, but anything more gets a little toasty.
I have a hyper 212 evo and it works just fine keeping my old (hot as hell) overclocked FX chip in line, so I'm sure it would do well with a Ryzen. 

Youtuber Tech Yes City (Brian) swears by the Snowman Cooler (by Artic Cooling??) and it can be had sub $20 if you're willing to wait on a literal slow boat from China. 

Also, the Reeven E12 RGB (sold by Scythe) is also around $25 and apparently out performs the Hyper 212 even on 8-core Ryzen chips (tested with an oc'ed 1700X). Plus it has that RGB goodness (if you're into that sort of thing).

Another random Steam game in Phoenix Force. This is a shmup and you play some phoenix moving around with the mouse to beat (it auto shoots) the boss or bosses of a level avoiding attacks and all. After a while you get a super attack that automatically goes off. Graphics are decent enough and the music is simple but OK. Honestly I had a pretty good time trying this one out. About 15 minutes was spent to clear the first island. I feel this could appeal to those who like bullet hell type games, but want something a bit more forgiving. I feel I will likely beat this one. 7/10 and recommended if you have a good mouse and like these type of games.

Edit: Dropping this down to 6.5/10. I reached a roadblock with 3 bosses at once and so many projecticles. I'm not sure the mouse is equipped well to handle this. So much for the casual difficulty with me losing about 20+ times in a row. I did end up beating that battle, but it was tough. At another roadblock with 4 bosses.

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I tried out a random crap today too.

Space Elite Force

It's a very short shmup.  A single playthrough of the campaign takes about 20 minutes.

I don't like the controls.  Keyboard arrow keys and z/x for primary/secondary fire.  I'd prefer WASD and mouse 1/2 to shoot, no way to customize keyboard controls .  Not sure if it's a bug but you can't shoot primary and secondary at the same time.

It uses persistent upgrades with enemies dropping upgrade points and a shop between levels.  Has three different types of primary/secondary weapons.  I only tried the main path for both.  Homing missiles is a bit easy mode once you can get them.  After I got them I didn't use primary weapon except on bosses, where their increased size made primary guns a little more efficient (multiple shots can hit and do more damage than the slower firing but higher damage missile).

There are temporary upgrades that drop when you destroy "upgrade ships".  2x score, upgrade point magnet, a lightning bolt (I think it just makes primary guns a bit more powerful), and shields.  The shield is mostly useless.  It makes 3 options circle you and they absorb 3 hits... but THEY have a hitbox.  So they die when you wouldn't have taken damage anyways.

No speed upgrades.  The ship felt a little slow for me.

I only played standard mode, but it was very easy.  There's very basic bull-hell style patterns towards the end game.  I haven't tried hardcore or infinity mode yet.

Cheesemints are very cheesy.  They're almost all "beat this level" and "get this upgrade".  Only three exceptions are "complete hardcore", "get 1,000,000 score in infinity", and "complete a mission with no damage".

I wouldn't suggest buying it, but it's not bad if you get it in a bundle, but not a whole lot of replay-ability.  I'll play it enough to get all the cheesos, but it'll probably wind up being < 2 hours.

A few days late here but just tried that Steam play next feature. Mine were

Borderlands Enhanced

Dishonored 2

Jet Set Radio

i've already played the original BL like 4 times so not doing that

no interest in jet set radio

maybe i'll play dishonored

anyway i'm not on here as much as i used to be. i just lost my job last week so that's cool. kinda anxious and sad but on the other hand i have some money saved up so even if i don't get unemployment i should be fine. just taking the week off to relax before i figure out my next move, i've played a shit load of skyrim in the last week, still an addictive ass game. trying to view it as just taking a vacation kind of

edit: also i'm struggling w/the idea if i wanna even bother w/humble monthly this month. if i suspend my subscription do you guys know if i'm still locked into classic pricing or whatever?

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Sorry to hear about the job Passport.  Sure you'll find a better job eventually.

If you pause, rather than cancel your Humble Monthly subscription then you wont loose the pricing.  So just pause for a month and you good. 

anyway i'm not on here as much as i used to be. i just lost my job last week so that's cool. kinda anxious and sad but on the other hand i have some money saved up so even if i don't get unemployment i should be fine. just taking the week off to relax before i figure out my next move, i've played a shit load of skyrim in the last week, still an addictive ass game. trying to view it as just taking a vacation kind of

edit: also i'm struggling w/the idea if i wanna even bother w/humble monthly this month. if i suspend my subscription do you guys know if i'm still locked into classic pricing or whatever?
Sorry to hear that, man. I was doing about the same, playing through the backlog and watching shows I was too busy for before.

What line of work are you in? EA is hiring a bunch of people. The FBI is incredibly nervous about China's 5G initiative and what they could be putting in computers, so plenty of forensics and cybersecurity work too.

My experience with unemployment was incredibly bad.

I didn't even meet the criteria for the first two weeks because I didn't apply to three places they could verify, which happened to be over the holidays. They denied my eligibility anyway, based on their opinion that I "retaliated" against my coworker by telling her that if she filed a complaint, I would explain how I was unhappy working so closely with someone who was constantly rude and abrasive to me specifically. And if they paid me anything during the three weeks where I didn't even know if I was eligible, I would've had to pay it all back.

I was prosecuted by the "impartial" hearings officer, while my employer's representative wasn't even present, during my appeal to get the decision reversed. He told me that I must've done something wrong to her, and that I thought she "owed" it to me to talk to me. I told him that we worked on the same exact work for over a year, and of course I expected her to be friendly to me like she was with the other people on my team, especially since I tried to be friendly to her. I also helped her as her senior on the project, to which he said "so you were her supervisor" in an attempt to justify quid-pro-quo sexual harassment. I said, "No, I just told you I was her senior. I had seniority and helped her because I knew the system better." I told him that I invited her out after work twice, and in his next statement he said, "With having constantly invited her to after work..." so I interrupted him right there and said, "NO, I invited her out TWICE. You use the word 'constantly' but it was two times in over a year." Then I told him about how other people in the office invited her out and she agreed, to which he said he was "concerned" that I was stalking her, and I said, "I WAS PART OF THOSE CONVERSATIONS. I WAS AT THOSE EVENTS." I had written all of this in a response to the HR department at my work, which I sent over as evidence for them to review 5 days before my hearing, but he didn't even review it. The last thing he accused me of was knowing that she was going to file a complaint, and then threatening her. What was the consequence for my threat? That I would tell my boss the truth, she was rude to me and stopped talking when I entered a room and wouldn't even sit down and resolve our problems?

I even had evidence of where I told her that I didn't want a relationship with someone I worked with, but all anyone needed to know was that a man was fired because a woman accused him of harassment. Didn't matter that I never made lewd comments and never touched her, or that they hardly had any evidence. Won't bother with unemployment or work for my shit former employer again.

tl;dr your case is different but fuck 'em. Unless you were fired for a disability or are a minority, they will look for an excuse not to pay you. Filing feels like a chore/punishment.

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tl;dr your case is different but fuck 'em. Unless you were fired for a disability or are a minority, they will look for an excuse not to pay you. Filing feels like a chore/punishment.
One of the reasons I don't hangout with people from work, only talk about only three broad subjects (wife, cats, sports), and just be polite to everyone, and never ever spend time with female coworkers alone.

Good luck on the job search passports. It's a tough market out there, and employers are very picky, but another will come if you hammer at it hard enough. Also yeah pause and it shouldn't take you off of that pricing. If I didn't find about 3 games per Humble Monthly I would play I skip it myself.

State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition is coming to Steam (and XBox) on Friday, March 13th, 2020:


- Juggernaut Edition (JE) includes all 3 DLC's to the game (Independence Pack, Daybreak Pack, and Heartland).

- Juggernaut Ed. will also have some mission fixes, bug fixes, audio improvements.

- JE to also have graphical improvements & new heavy melee weapons.

- JE to have better lighting & foliage optimization for better performance.

- Dodge and stealth are now separate buttons/keys in the JE version of the game.

- More music has been added to the JE version of the game, which doubles the count of music in the game.

- JE will also have a new map added, Providence Ridge.

- Post-tutorial has been rebuilt for JE.

- Those who own Daybreak, Heartland, and/or have Ultimate Edition will get special in-game extra gifts.

- More on the in-game gifts on a later date.

- JE also has Cross-Network Play support across all platforms it supports (PC and X1).

- JE is coming to Steam and Xbox Game Pass on March 13th.

- JE is a free update to Game Pass members and State of Decay 2 owners.

Oh, man, just tried the Steam recommender and my 1 and 3 picks were ridiculous

Dota2, similar to Pubg, L4D2, Slay the Spire

One Finger Death Punch

CSGO, similar to Pubg, L4D2, Euro Truck Simulator 2

Also, I want to second South Park Stick of Truth as my favorite turn-based rpg of all time. Fractured seemed to improve a lot of stuff, but for some reason wasn't as fun and of course the writing wasn't as good.

Fanatical is doing their "Bundle Blast" promotion now and one of the bundles they put up is pretty damn good:

Killer Bundle 12 - $3.99

Atari Vault


Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter


The Surge

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap

I know a few of these have been bundled before, but I've never seen KOF XIV, SNK 20th Anniversary or Wonder Boy bundled before.

Sorry to hear about the job situations, guys. Best wishes moving forward.


Blade, if you're so inclined you may consider taking the C. Thomas Howell approach from 'Soul Man'...


Actually, don't do that.

"Your payment has been declined. Please try again." I used a vanilla visa prepaid card and checked the balance, way above $10. Also, the expiration date is years from now. Can't order :whistle2:(

Fanatical is doing their "Bundle Blast" promotion now and one of the bundles they put up is pretty damn good:

Killer Bundle 12 - $3.99

Atari Vault
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
The Surge
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap

I know a few of these have been bundled before, but I've never seen KOF XIV, SNK 20th Anniversary or Wonder Boy bundled before.
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Wonder Boy and Sherlock have been in recent Twitch Prime Loot promos, but this is still a good bundle.

From Feb. 20 to 27, Assassin's Creed Syndicate will be given away on Epic Games Store.

*Reminder that Ubisoft games on Epic redeem on Uplay and don't subsequently require using Epic's launcher.*

Looks to be a good complement to my unplayed Unity copy from last year's Ubisoft giveaway. I would love to see a Watch_Dogs 2 giveaway in the future, but slim chance of it on Epic as it's already in the store. Little Inferno is the only exception that I can think of.

bread's done