Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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"Your payment has been declined. Please try again." I used a vanilla visa prepaid card and checked the balance, way above $10. Also, the expiration date is years from now. Can't order :whistle2:(
Do you have a PayPal account? I use prepaid debit cards on my PayPal to purchase Fanatical bundles all the time. Just make the prepaid card your preferred form of payment on your account.

Man, that SNK 40th Anniversary Collection brings back some memories, both arcade and NES. Crystalis, Ikari Warriors series, and Street Smart bring back all kinds of old school memories.

Man, that SNK 40th Anniversary Collection brings back some memories, both arcade and NES. Crystalis, Ikari Warriors series, and Street Smart bring back all kinds of old school memories.
I spent nearly $50 on Beast Busters at my local skating rink when I was roughly 13. Only $20 of it was money that I arrived with. Had to... "make" the rest, but I beat that game. #TurningTricksForTokens

Update on the Space Elite Force post I made...

Done with all cheesemos.  Total time 114 minutes (including an extra 20+ minutes replaying infinity mode).

I think there are 7 stages.

Hardcore mode just cuts health in half and you have to start from the beginning if you die.

Infinity mode is what it sounds like.  You can buy upgrades when you die.  It's fun, but either the game is crap at pulling enemy patterns or it just liked throwing a certain enemy set at me.  I didn't count, but it was the same group of enemies for at least a couple minutes.

I kept having slowdown issues where it seemed the game was freezing while loading a sound or something, but I don't see any complaints in the steam forums, so it was probably some weird bug on my system.  It's why I wound up dying during my final run of infinity mode.


There are two types of 2x powerups.  One for upgrade points and one for score.  There also a health powerup that restores some health.

The ship speed is fine.

There are some baby's first bullet hell patterns in earlier stages.

I still say not worth full price.  Unless you're super into shmups and/or getting highscores on leaderboards.

Do you have a PayPal account? I use prepaid debit cards on my PayPal to purchase Fanatical bundles all the time. Just make the prepaid card your preferred form of payment on your account.
I have a paypal with the card and it seemed to work but after the transaction it took me back to fanatical saying payment provider refused this order. no idea why. i am able to normally make transactions and have over $30 on the card. oh well. thanks for the help, regardless.
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Oh... fun story about SNK arcade machines.

It was my last real birthday party, I was in 2nd or 3rd grade.  I talked my mom to letting me have the party at the local arcade.  Sounded like a great idea, until only 3 people came... and to have a party at the arcade you had to buy $100-200 in tokens.  So I got to walk around the arcade with like, $50+ in tokens in my pockets and I just kept putting quarters tokens in a SNK Baseball Stars 2 for some reason.

Also, another fun arcade memory...

I was probably about maybe 7ish, with my older sister.  I was playing Goonies, or watching her play Goonies...  When some old man grabs me and drags me a few machines away.  He let me go though, so no full kidnapping.  :whee:

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Oh... fun story about SNK arcade machines.

I was probably about maybe 7ish, with my older sister. I was playing Goonies, or watching her play Goonies... When some old man grabs me and drags me a few machines away. He let me go though, so no full kidnapping. :whee:
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Both Dishonored series & MachineGames' Wolfenstein Reboot series are awesome.

Glad to see these go DRM-FREE on GOG. Hopefully, these both get GOG Connect support with Steam, as I own these all on Steam - so I can be the happy toaster that could have them both on Steam and GOG. :)

Speaking of Wolfenstein, since it's in the XB for PC Game Pass, I need to play more of Youngblood; it's solid, so far.

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Apropos of nothing, I never used to have an opinion about kazoos, but Facebook’s new YouTube ads have made me loathe them. I imagine I’ll have to fight the urge to punch anyone I see playing a kazoo for the rest of my life. Thanks for making my life that little bit less genial, Facebook, Google, you guys suck.
Apropos of nothing, I never used to have an opinion about kazoos, but Facebook’s new YouTube ads have made me loathe them. I imagine I’ll have to fight the urge to punch anyone I see playing a kazoo for the rest of my life. Thanks for making my life that little bit less genial, Facebook, Google, you guys suck.
I thought there was nothing that would make me hate kazoos more than vuvuzelas. I was wrong.

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Just accidentally erased the drive I had all my old Desura and Indie Royale shit (and a bunch of other stuff) archived on. Running data recovery now, but as an incurable packrat, I’m feeling a bit woozy.
Just accidentally erased the drive I had all my old Desura and Indie Royale shit (and a bunch of other stuff) archived on. Running data recovery now, but as an incurable packrat, I’m feeling a bit woozy.
Seagate was giving out a free recovery software in case that might help. Search on SD for it.
Verbose discussion of backup strategy from MysterD in 3, 2, 1
Yeah, just be careful - that's all.

But on another note - Grand Theft Auto IV and Episodes from Liberty City news:

Given what's happening with GTA4/EFLC on Steam, it might be a worthwhile discussion to back-up the old GTA4 base-game and GTA: EFLC folders before 3/19/2020.

GTA4/EFLC from Steam, as long as you have the files somewhere, they can be launched w/out Steam (like many G4WL-based games on Steam) - so, you might want to copy & rename those old folders somewhere else.

Looks like w/ the planned 3/19 Steam-update to move everyone to GTA4: Complete Edition...we're losing G4WL, Multiplayer (which was on G4WL), Leaderboards, and some Radio Stations (i.e. the EFLC stations) in an update:

Also, looks like retail keys will activate up also to get the new GTA4: Complete version - not sure if that'll activate up on Steam, RSSC, or where though - but, I'm guessing RSSC activation.

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Just wanted to share my happiness: Today I upgraded my 4mbps ADSL connection to a 300mbps (no cap) fiber connection. I already updated all my games and devices in a couple of hours and will try to install Division 2 on my X. I'm happy, too happy!  :D/

No word about performance improvements? That's what GTA IV really needs, as it is quite a mess of a PC port.

Saints Row 2 is getting a fixed PC version from Volition in the aftermath of them finding the source code, and in that case the multiplayer is being revived via Steamworks, alongside the inclusion of missing DLC and badly needed performance improvements. Quite the contrast in the efforts of Volition and Rockstar.

No word about performance improvements? That's what GTA IV really needs, as it is quite a mess of a PC port.

Saints Row 2 is getting a fixed PC version from Volition in the aftermath of them finding the source code, and in that case the multiplayer is being revived via Steamworks, alongside the inclusion of missing DLC and badly needed performance improvements. Quite the contrast in the efforts of Volition and Rockstar.
No word on that (improvements on performance).

It's old and a Rockstar game, so...I would doubt it, honestly. [shrug]

Rockstar really doesn't treat their PC versions well, TBH - and yeah, we're losing content w/ the next patch (MP and music stations) - so, I wouldn't expect much of anything of much from them on performance improvements. While it's nice they're dropping G4WL and that is certainly a step forward (yay!), it seems like we're taking a step back in other ways (no MP support at all, no MP on RSSC or Steamworks, loss of music stations from EFLC, etc.).

To me, it sounds like another half-assed update, like what they did w/ Steam-versions of GTA3, VC, and SA. There's a reason gamers use Mods, Silent Patches and/or Downgrades for their older games often: for everything they (Rockstar) seem to improve & take a step forward w/ a new official update, they destroy something else & take a step or two backwards.

Yeah, Volition seems to be going the extra mile for SR2 Remaster - putting MP back in over on Steamworks, fixing performance, adding mission DLC's, etc etc. I wish Rockstar would do something like that and Remaster GTA4 & EFLC properly, TBH.

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I voluntarily deleted my Desura/IR stuff ages ago.
technically speaking if you kept it installed after all this time would it still launch? did they give people a chance to download their libraries before it went down? i wonder if there's anything e can't play anymore because of that.

technically speaking if you kept it installed after all this time would it still launch? did they give people a chance to download their libraries before it went down? i wonder if there's anything e can't play anymore because of that.
Yeah, you could download your Desura shit back then. The few things I tested outside Desura worked fine, which is why I had them archived in the first place.

I’m honestly more worried about the other stuff I had on there, I never bought that many IR bundles, but I’m absolutely a digital hoarder, I hate losing any kind of data.
I mainly have a bunch of soundtracks and some DRM free games from Desura. I likely have some of those free Friday games too that I used to review back then. Reminds me I need to likely go through and purge about 99% of those things.

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[SIZE=12pt]Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor PGE7X-4EQ3X-X6X9P[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]My Brother Rabbit PJXQ2-E8ARB-HDG2L[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Path of Sin: Greed Q0AFF-EQHC3-2RY3H[/SIZE]

Thanks for the CPU cooler comments the other day. After researching and watching videos I ended up getting the Deep Cool Gammaxx 400 V2 for $21. It doesn't use those stupid clips for installation, and I got my 2600 to 4.2ghz with it.
Thanks for the CPU cooler comments the other day. After researching and watching videos I ended up getting the Deep Cool Gammaxx 400 V2 for $21. It doesn't use those stupid clips for installation, and I got my 2600 to 4.2ghz with it.
how was installation? i heard it was a bitch getting it into an already mounted motherboard. i've been thinking of getting an aftermarket cooler for my 3600.

My case has a cpu access hole under the back panel. You just use a phillips screwdriver to remove the stock cooler and plate on the back of the motherboard. Then the kit simply replaces the plate, and the new cooler screwed right into it.
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I always just pull out my entire MOBO whenever I do anything CPU related. I hate working around the case. Though, all of my cases are either cubes or mid-size or larger towers, so that is a big reason why.  Nothing will be more of a pain than my Zalman CNPS14X that I got for free and have installed on my otherwise stock file/media server.

Dying Light adds a New Story Mode (easier difficulty mode):


- New Story Mode added, to make the game easier & get some gamers up-to-date for DL2

- Details on Story Mode all below...

- Your attacks are much stronger & less stamina is used on attacks

- Falls & drops from higher elevations won't do as much damage

- Medkits restore twice as much health

- Only half experience points are loss, upon death

- Days are longer & nights are shorter in Story Mode

- Traders pay more for the items that you sell to them

- Air drops remain twice as long on the map

Bringing this back to topic...

I went to a Walmart in another town and saw they had some pretzel crust pizzas and some waffle crust pizzas.  Waffle ones were desert/breakfast flavors that I really didn't look at.

Pretzel crusts were garlic cheese fondue, beer cheese and sausage, and hot honey pepperoni.



I ate some of the hot honey pepperoni.

It's trash.

Crust doesn't taste different than generic brand crust.  Not spicy.  Not much in the way of honey taste.  Only mildly decent thing was pepperoni was plentiful and cooked well.

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So my google network box is dying... but just the TV side of things (knock on wood, my internet is work just fine), which means it will have to be replaced... and my DVR will soon be empty.

Sooooo this seems like a good time to cut the cable (Google really wants out of the TV business anyhow) and I know some of you use a streaming TV services instead. 

Which ones have you used?  What did you like about them?  What did you not like about them?  What do you wish you knew before you became a cord cutter?  

In other news...

I feel I've mentioned this before... but if you play Path of Exile do yourself a favor and download the standalone client. It runs 100s of times better than the steam version.

Hell of a boxing match on Saturday.  Me and my dad split the bill but I went from having Hulu (commercial free) to getting the bundle that includes Disney + and ESPN.  Keeping my commercial free version of Hulu was a freaking nightmare.

So my google network box is dying... but just the TV side of things (knock on wood, my internet is work just fine), which means it will have to be replaced... and my DVR will soon be empty.

Sooooo this seems like a good time to cut the cable (Google really wants out of the TV business anyhow) and I know some of you use a streaming TV services instead.

Which ones have you used? What did you like about them? What did you not like about them? What do you wish you knew before you became a cord cutter?

In other news...

I feel I've mentioned this before... but if you play Path of Exile do yourself a favor and download the standalone client. It runs 100s of times better than the steam version.

Hell of a boxing match on Saturday. Me and my dad split the bill but I went from having Hulu (commercial free) to getting the bundle that includes Disney + and ESPN. Keeping my commercial free version of Hulu was a freaking nightmare.
I've tried most and YouTube TV is simply beautiful, it's a beautiful streaming service. Believe me.

bread's done