No word about performance improvements? That's what GTA IV really needs, as it is quite a mess of a PC port.
Saints Row 2 is getting a fixed PC version from Volition in the aftermath of them finding the source code, and in that case the multiplayer is being revived via Steamworks, alongside the inclusion of missing DLC and badly needed performance improvements. Quite the contrast in the efforts of Volition and Rockstar.
No word on that (improvements on performance).
It's old and a Rockstar game, so...I would doubt it, honestly. [shrug]
Rockstar really doesn't treat their PC versions well, TBH - and yeah, we're losing content w/ the next patch (MP and music stations) - so, I wouldn't expect much of anything of much from them on performance improvements. While it's nice they're dropping G4WL and that is certainly a step forward (yay!), it seems like we're taking a step back in other ways (no MP support at all, no MP on RSSC or Steamworks, loss of music stations from EFLC, etc.).
To me, it sounds like another half-assed update, like what they did w/ Steam-versions of GTA3, VC, and SA. There's a reason gamers use Mods, Silent Patches and/or Downgrades for their older games often: for everything they (Rockstar) seem to improve & take a step forward w/ a new official update, they destroy something else & take a step or two backwards.
Yeah, Volition seems to be going the extra mile for SR2 Remaster - putting MP back in over on Steamworks, fixing performance, adding mission DLC's, etc etc. I wish Rockstar would do something like that and Remaster GTA4 & EFLC properly, TBH.