Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I don't think you can go wrong with Origins or Odyssey, but definitely no need to play both unless you plan to give yourself a lot of time between playthroughs. By the end of either game you'll be burned out. I think Odyssey is the slightly better game but exploring ancient Egypt is tough to beat so Origins is still my fave. Best setting in the series.
Classical Greece > Classical Egypt (Origins was set at the end of the Ptolemaic period, which isn’t ancient Egypt—it’s closer to today than it is to when the pyramids were built).
Classical Greece > Classical Egypt (Origins was set at the end of the Ptolemaic period, which isn’t ancient Egypt—it’s closer to today than it is to when the pyramids were built).
That's actually one of the reasons Origins is so fascinating. You are playing a game in ancient times (semantics aside, 2000 years ago certainly qualifies as ancient) but you're still exploring structures that are thousands of years old. I thought it really added to the atmosphere of the game in a way I never quite felt in Odyssey.

That's actually one of the reasons Origins is so fascinating. You are playing a game in ancient times (semantics aside, 2000 years ago certainly qualifies as ancient) but you're still exploring structures that are thousands of years old. I thought it really added to the atmosphere of the game in a way I never quite felt in Odyssey.
I wasn’t trying to make a semantic difference or imply that 2000 years ago isn’t a long time, but I believe historians do make a distinction between “ancient” periods in the Mediterranean/Mesopotamian civilizations (which I think goes roughly up to around the fall of the Neo-Assyrian empire, the rise of Persia, and the revival of Greek civilization), and what comes after is generally referred to as the classical period (which goes roughly through the fall of western Rome). Sorry if I was coming across as combative about that.

That said, classical Greece is definitely way more interesting to me than classical Egypt. Egyptian culture was fairly stagnant up until the Ptolemaic period, and even then it was simply a relatively minor power in the wider Hellenistic world (though it certainly played a significant economic and cultural role in the region well into the middle ages). By contrast, classical Greece was a dynamic, constantly evolving civilization often under threat of being dissolved into its more powerful neighbors or self-imploding from all the in-fighting, and yet somehow managing to leave its mark on pretty nearly everything that’s come after, instead. Greece is also more geographically interesting to me than Egypt, which adds to the aesthetic appeal. Egypt’s main appeal to me is that it’s one of the earliest appearances of what we might call human civilization, so a lot of my interest is significantly earlier in its history—or significantly later, when it becomes one of the cultural centers of first the Christian, and then the Islamic worlds.

Both settings are interesting to me as a bit of a hobbyist student of non-modern history, but Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt are definitely several notches below Classical Greece around its zenith in the list of places in time I’d like to see. All of that’s pretty moot, though, since I haven’t played either game and don’t plan to.

Oh, and for what its worth, Greek civilization began over a thousand years before Odyssey takes place, only to collapse about 700 years before the game, so if there aren’t impressive (not so much as the pyramids, maybe) ancient remnants of civilization scattered around the game world, Ubisoft did it wrong.

hey morans i know we joke about hoarding these freebies and never playing them, but Stanley Parable is definitely worth playing if you haven't yet. or ya know, don't, whatevs.
Yeah, but then I’d have to install Epic.
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At some point I wanted to get into the AC series; but now that there are like 30+ games it's too tiring to sift through them all.
Was reading this article about how Game Stop is trying to say it can stay open because it's an "essential retailer".   Nice job putting your workers in harm's way for the grand cause of greed and profit.

The sooner that place finishes circling the drain towards bankruptcy, the better. (though, I do hate that it will cost jobs for workers who aren't at fault for how incompetent their company is)

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Was reading this article about how Game Stop is trying to say it can stay open because it's an "essential retailer". Nice job putting your workers in harm's way for the grand cause of greed and profit.

The sooner that place finishes circling the drain towards bankruptcy, the better. (though, I do hate that it will cost jobs for workers who aren't at fault for how incompetent their company is)
Not to defend GameStop, but can we be honest about COVID-19 for a second here?

It’s a slightly more dangerous version of the common cold. It is not worth the level of panic that people are going through right now. Better preparations that would have limited its spread in the first place would have been good since we don’t have super effective treatments right now and like any untreated disease, it does have a more pronounced effect on the sickly and the elderly, but people are acting like we’re dealing with an outbreak of drug resistant pneumonic plague.

We do not need to shut entire countries down for a glorified cold is all I’m saying. We need to be responsible and take sick days if we’re feeling ill, and sure, limit public gatherings, but the overreaction to this has been absolutely retarded.
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Not to defend GameStop, but can we be honest about COVID-19 for a second here?

It’s a slightly more dangerous version of the common cold. It is not worth the level of panic that people are going through right now. Better preparations that would have limited its spread in the first place would have been good since we don’t have super effective treatments right now and like any untreated disease, it does have a more pronounced effect on the sickly and the elderly, but people are acting like we’re dealing with an outbreak of drug resistant pneumonic plague.

We do not need to shut entire countries down for a glorified cold is all I’m saying. We need to be responsible and take sick days if we’re feeling ill, and sure, limit public gatherings, but the overreaction to this has been absolutely retarded.
I will admit there haven't been many deaths at this point. But there have been deaths. So everyone is panicking. And the fact that the information on the news is either highly inaccurate or just completely sensational hasn't been helping things. But when they talk about people dying, you just don't want to be one of them.

I will admit there haven't been many deaths at this point. But there have been deaths. So everyone is panicking. And the fact that the information on the news is either highly inaccurate or just completely sensational hasn't been helping things. But when they talk about people dying, you just don't want to be one of them.
There have been over twice as many deaths attributed to the flu in the United States alone this flu season when compared to the number of global deaths from COVID-19.

This isn’t apples to apples, sure, but the point is that nobody’s panicking about flu deaths. The only reason people are freaking out so much about COVID-19 is media sensationalism. The government really shouldn’t bow to that kind of inflammatory journalism. But it did, and now people are overreacting even more.
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It mostly has to do with how communicable it is, not the mortality rate.

I do agree that we need to be mindful and responsible for ourselves, but I also think that's a shit call on Gamestop's part. How many of the people who frequent GameStop are fat, asthmatic, or live with their grandparents?

I always knew you were a complete idiot.  But it's nice to see it confirmed in writing every now and again.  The mortality rate for COVID-19 is somewhere around 20 times higher overall than the flu (if you combine all age groups). 

It isn't just about mortality, it is about the percentage of people who require hospitalization combined with being highly contagious and the exponential spread that can result. 

We should have been doing the shutdowns/distancing sooner and to a greater extent than we are doing now.  Shutting everything down slows the exponential spread and that means not having hospitals so overrun that people who need to be hospitalized are told to go home.  With that happening, it will kill not only people with this virus but people suffering from injuries and illnesses that hit ERs everyday like car accidents, strokes, heart attacks, etc. 

The worst-hit areas of Italy have been dealing with this for a couple of weeks now, having more patients than they can treat and they are turning people away who need treatment.  Also a not-insignificant number of doctors are dying from this, putting even more strain on hospitals.  

A lot about this virus complicates efforts to keep it from spreading into new areas, a higher R0 than the flu, a lot of asymptomatic cases, incubation periods thought to be as high as 14 days for some people, etc.   

This is an example of what we are trying to avoid (trigger warning or whatever they say, I guess - it shows a lot of sick patients but is not nearly as disturbing as some videos coming out of hard-hit areas). 

Shutdowns of businesses and increased pressure to stay in is going to only increase as testing catches up to the actual spread.  We are looking at several months of this at least.  

The mortality rate is much higher than flu, and that is awful enough, but it is also being used a lot to mislead people, either to downplay it or to make it sound like a world-ending plague, but the rate of hospitalization is what we can not handle with massive numbers of infected.  

Also nearly 40% of those who have required hospitalization in the USA are 20-54 so the "boomer flu" nonsense is almost as stupid as the racist shit being spread about the virus.  It is true that you are more likely to recover than an elderly person but it can still make your life a living hell for a few weeks, nevermind the hospital bills potentially ruining you.  

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I always knew you were a complete idiot. But it's nice to see it confirmed in writing every now and again. The mortality rate for COVID-19 is somewhere around 20 times higher overall than the flu (if you combine all age groups).
Because there is a broad-range vaccine for the flu that many susceptible people get every single year. It's the one thing that's actually free to pretty much everyone because influenza can be so deadly, and tons of research goes into predictive modeling to determine what next year's vaccine should be. Influenza killed 17-50 million people in 1918 and has continued to plague humanity through all the interspecies strains.

Our medical sciences are exponentially better than they were 100 years ago, and arguably even 20 years ago, so comparing historical outbreaks of the flu to COVID is anachronistic. But the rate of mutation of influenza is still unprecedented. SARS-CoV doesn't mutate nearly as fast or as dangerously as the flu (article). China didn't do as well containing the outbreak as they did in 2003, but we'll get a handle on it soon enough. It's not the T-virus or the super rabies they have in 28 Days Later. People with a healthy respiratory system won't die. That is where the sensationalism ultimately does more harm than good.

Related: Edmund McMillen's Stay Inside Bundle is showing up as $16.66 for me. The only things I own are Binding of Isaac, Basement Collection, and Closure. Pretty good deal for people who like his depressing games...

EDIT: I watched the video and definitely noticed that everyone on respirators was either old, fat, or appeared to be a smoker. I didn't see anyone in my demographic hospitalized, but that doesn't mean that my grandparents would survive it. And that's the reason why being responsible/accountable for ourselves is paramount, especially for fit people who can still go outside. Schools are closed not to keep the kids healthy, but to prevent those kids from spreading it without showing symptoms (as kids normally do with viruses). The flu is still worse, we just have extensive preventative measures against it. Nobody wanted to spend the money to prepare for a new outbreak like this.

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How do you beat a virus so communicable that it takes 7-10 days to show up while being infectious, (some say 27 days) yet we have only 10k dead in 4-5 months (depending on when you figure China knew or reported it). Its been officially detected in the USA for two months. Crashing economies for 4-6 weeks of quarantine doesn't stop the spread that is already out there.

Interesting bundle. I loved Super Puzzle Fighter 2 and have wanted to try Crystal Crisis since it came out and the bundle is only $11.71 for me... but the fighting game looks like something I would play for an hour or two at most in single player and never touch again and the rest of what I do not have look uninteresting, I really don't have the patience for Meatboy-style platformers which I think The End is Nigh is like.  And I don't need more games.  I'll probably buy it.

And yeah all i really wanted to illustrate with that video is every bed being full of COVID patients and them having to leave people in the hall because there are no rooms.  

I always knew you were a complete idiot. But it's nice to see it confirmed in writing every now and again. The mortality rate for COVID-19 is somewhere around 20 times higher overall than the flu (if you combine all age groups).
And yet somehow the flu is still resulting in way more deaths in spite of better treatment and highly available low cost vaccines. At the end of the day, COVID-19, a new disease that’s more communicable and doesn’t have a specific medical treatment, is killing fewer people than something we (the public) don’t even pay attention to. Nobody’s saying business as usual, but everyone acting like the world is falling apart because of a bug that’s just severe enough to potentially kill some of the people who are already at higher risk from essentially any kind of respiratory disease, anyway, is liable to cause as many problems as it solves.
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And yet somehow the flu is still resulting in way more deaths in spite of better treatment and highly available low cost vaccines. At the end of the day, COVID-19, a new disease that’s more communicable and doesn’t have a specific medical treatment, is killing fewer people than something we (the public) don’t even pay attention to. Nobody’s saying business as usual, but everyone acting like the world is falling apart because of a bug that’s just severe enough to potentially kill some of the people who are already at higher risk from essentially any kind of respiratory disease, anyway, is liable to cause as many problems as it solves.
have you considered the reasons the flu kills more people so far is because:

1) in many countries this thing has only recently been introduced and pandemics have an expontential, not linear growth curve and

2) it would be more severe if we didn't engage in some of the measures we are like lockdowns and stuff, if countries have lockdowns and you're saying "why are they doing it not even that many people are getting it" maybe the reason it's not as bad in impact as in projection or rhetoric in some places is because of the drastic measures places have taken

it's just very naive to at the beginning phase of a pandemic (for comparison, the flu of 1918 was primarily active from january 1918 - december 1920, the comments you're making now would be like in february saying what's the big deal about he flu back then) say it's no biggie because it hasn't killed millions of people or something, that's not how a disease works, it doesn't hit the ground running and simultaneously infect everybody over the course of a week or even a month

it's more communicable than the flu, has a fatality rate that appears to be somewhere between 10-40x the rate of the flu, and even mild cases are more severe (it often requires hospitalization, this means if too many people get it hospitals will be over burdened and will literally have to choose who to treat and who to just let die, this is currently happening in italy btw)

tldr we're at the very beginning of this and nowhere near the peak so saying it's not a big deal is short sighted, this is going to be a thing for like a year and a half and the reason people are freaking out and doing lockdowns and stuff is to prevent the worst projections from coming to pass

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The death rate is inflated due to the lack of testing. As testing catches up and more cases are confirmed the death rate will go down. It's just the most severe cases that require hospitalization and ventilators are being confirmed and those who only have the mild symptoms and think it's simply allergies or a cold aren't going to the doctor or in need of hospitalization so they aren't being tested. 

Sometimes I wonder why I play 'new' games when my time could be better spent just replaying the Mass Effect Trilogy...
That's the most inflammatory comment in this thread this morning, my friend. Congrats! (Honestly, I wish I could replay it... but the ending. Even the improved ending. I just cannot get the taste out of my mouth.)

The death rate is inflated due to the lack of testing. As testing catches up and more cases are confirmed the death rate will go down. It's just the most severe cases that require hospitalization and ventilators are being confirmed and those who only have the mild symptoms and think it's simply allergies or a cold aren't going to the doctor or in need of hospitalization so they aren't being tested.
While I don't disagree. I think we have far more cases than has been diagnosed (because it is so contagious) I wouldn't be so dismissive of it. If enough cases happen at once then those who could live if they just had a ventilator will die because their isn't any for them to use.

(Honestly, I wish I could replay it... but the ending. Even the improved ending. I just cannot get the taste out of my mouth.)
I've actually had the itch to replay them recently. I guess I'm just surprised EA hasn't gone back and re-released them yet.

Though I can already see the EA press release: "Our priority is bringing new, terrible games to our customer base."

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So I have made very few purchases directly through Steam since I first started using it ages ago, mostly having acquired my library through bundles, 3rd party sellers, etc., and I therefore have no idea how normal this is, but I’m about to purchase the Stay Inside bundle linked above, and Steam’s trying to charge me an additional 2¢ on sales tax compared to what my state and local government should theoretically be collecting. Is that weird, can anyone offer their 2¢ on the subject?
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So I have made very few purchases directly through Steam since I first started using it ages ago, mostly having acquired my library through bundles, 3rd party sellers, etc., and I therefore have no idea how normal this is, but I’m about to purchase the Stay Inside bundle linked above, and Steam’s trying to charge me an additional 2¢ on sales tax compared to what my state and local government should theoretically be collecting. Is that weird, can anyone offer their 2¢ on the subject?
That's the dumbass tax.
Sometimes I wonder why I play 'new' games when my time could be better spent just replaying the Mass Effect Trilogy...
That reminds me: I should check out the ME2 DLC Pack, ME3 DLC Pack, DA2 DLC, and finish up the last 2 DAI DLC's.

Good idea, thanks.


If you armchair epidemiologists would at least tie COVID talk back to related gaming (eg Plague Inc, Jack Keane, etc) or MysterD's mom, I'd appreciate it.
Vampyr is another title worth adding to that list.

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That reminds me: I should check out the ME2 DLC Pack, ME3 DLC Pack, DA2 DLC, and finish up the last 2 DAI DLC's.

Good idea, thanks.

Vampyr is another title worth adding to that list.
Is Vampyr worth playing? I ask because it's leaving Xboner Game Ass at the end of the month (I think).
I'm okay with Gamestop staying open.

If there's any demographic of people you can trust to practice safe hygiene and not potentially contribute to the spread of a virus, it's gamers.

Just an FYI looks like you can get the Game of the Year Edition of Tomb Raider from Square-Enix's own site:
Thanks for the heads up, but god, I’d forgotten how shitty Squenix’s digital storefront was. Even assuming the site is getting slammed hard right now, my order’s been processing for at least 8 minutes now, and it took me a good fifteen minutes to even get to placing the order.
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Thanks for the heads up, but god, I’d forgotten how shitty Squenix’s digital storefront was. Even assuming the site is getting slammed hard right now, my order’s been processing for at least 8 minutes now, and it took me a good fifteen minutes to even get to placing the order.
I got through the checkout in about a minute (including figuring out that I had to click the Final Fantasy button to log in with my old account), but I've had the "Your order is now being processed" spinner for >40 minutes now.

it's available until 3/23 so just do it later when all the SD lemmings aren't breaking the crappy site
When it is your turn, you will have 10 minutes to enter the website.
What is this?

Your number in line: 16987
Number of users in line ahead of you: 1739
Expected arrival time on the website: 8:50 PM
Your estimated wait time is: 9 minutes

Looks like they didn't want to spend the extra money for more Azure RU's if requests to login are throttled this much...

have you guys gone through queue and can confirm it is goty instead of just base like steam? And does it give a steam code or direct download?
At least one person told me they managed to get the Game of the Year Edition a while back, but it looks like Square-Enix has since updated the page to only show the regular version.

bread's done