First of all this is I believe a Chinese or Japanese game translated into English, so there are some typos and strange grammar. I wont give points down unless it truly hampers a game (like a visual novel) or is just nonsense. For the most part I followed the game mechanics (there is no story) other than some confusing abilities.
First of all the graphics are so-so but decent. I wouldn't say they're ugly, but zooming in on card art isn't always nice. The UI is atrocious and doesn't scale well especially trying to display multiple abilities. It's also a little laggy from mouse over to information popping up. The music reminds of Soulblazer, so I kind of like it. Overall I think it's a one person effort, and is good enough.
The gameplay is extremely unique and hard as all heck. You start with 6 cards (to a max of 8) consisting of cards that give 2 block and ones that use 1 energy for 2 damage. You can always dismiss cards for +1 gold, and before every battle you buy cards up to the level of the current go around on the track, starting at level 3. The track consistent of battles, battling against a training dummy that you can beat in a certain amount of turns for more gold, events (they repeat often), an altar to sacrifice units paying their cost to give their ability to another unit, and a ban space so certain classes of units don't come up in your choices. These are randomized every play through, but the spaces always appear, so you can plan your gold and such. The stash I believe it's called starts on 6 and every time you appear on any battle space you get said amount of gold. Once you lap the track this goes down by 1 and you now earn less. You can't waste this money for sure.
There are 8 spaces on the battlefield composed of units, and you don't automatically gain energy. You usually reveal 3 units and can make them support to give an energy. If you pass with units up, such as using 2 out of the 3, the other unit will be added next turn along with the 3 units. The classes of units have special abilities, but the main thing is defending and doing a lot of damage. Generally units having support text with little or no attack power have abilities that are generally powerful and are great to sacrifice at altars. You want a great mix of amazing attackers with high attack power, some defense, and some special abilities. It is useful to have a lower attack power or 2 creature with better abilities, especially when the opponent punishes strong attackers. The whole thing is to have the best 8 creatures, with good energy costs/abilities and attack power. You need to heavily specialize and be sacing/thinning things a lot to win the game. When you remove a monster's armor it becomes weakened, and is susceptible to 2 times attack damage and is also stunned. It is important to take advantage of this as generally this state lasts the turn only, unless you have assassin class members giving you more turns.
I need to mention when you get a unit that's another of the same you get it for free and level up the unit. The first time gets you money equal to the round number (useful!), or seeking out another unit of the same cost (just letting them be purchased...niche ability), while the second time you get to give it an extra class. You need to try to earn money, and not waste it to get the best units and to sacrifice many of them. Different units of the class unlock class abilities according to how many are on your team. I'd recommend generating money ones earlier, such as merchant and cleric, which both give you money at certain times, and more team intensive ones later
I'm giving it decent praise now, but other than feeling very unpolished at times, especially in the translation and UI, the difficulty is extreme. I've beaten many tough rougelites and roguelikes, and this one is punishing to an extreme. Later and even early monsters can hit hard, have a lot of HP and armor, and many tough abilities. I've played it enough to game the system enough to make it to the 4th round or so going around often. Most will not be as much of masochist as myself, and I almost refunded the game, but I was just over 2 hours. It was late and I made that mistake. I didn't mention that every round to a certain point leads to the main boss, which generally opens up on the 2nd go around. You can take them on anytime, but they're extremely powerful and it would be dumb to go with lower level/powered units. I still don't know how I beat it, but it beat me many times before that. This game needs so much balance changes, as it feels like a real roguelike that is unforgiving, doesn't hold your hand, and has zero progression. Everything is available and you'll need it.
The game needs many fixes as well like units appearing of certain levels even though they're not shown on the pop up. One was a level 6 and the class description didn't have a level 6 box. It likely overflowed in the UI and didn't display it. It has so much potential IMHO, but isn't worth buying right now. Only the most hardcore need apply. I almost love it though, as it reminds me of Card Quest, which never held your hand either. I will keep an eye on it, and feel it's a great bundle game, but most others should go for easier games. People were complaining about the difficulty of Wildmyr, but I doubt it has anything on this game. That game is punishing, while this one can make you cry. 6/10 but with a lot of potential. It does feel incomplete right now though.