Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I beat BG3.

It's good.

My only complaints are that Act 3 was very buggy for me, but I have an old(er) CPU (i7 6700k), which may not have helped me very much since it's pretty CPU bound. I mainly crashed when a bunch of stuff exploded and physics, fire, etc. was all being calculated.

Also, there are certain parts of the ending narrative that I didn't really vibe with; it's not quite a Mass Effect 3 level of ending issues, but it does feel a bit rushed. A definitive edition could iron out the kinks.

Otherwise, amazing detail, voice acting, etc. etc. You could tell me its Divinity Original Sin 3 and that would be pretty accurate outside of all the D&D stuffs regarding combat and dice rolls.

It's definitely worth the asking price, but also waiting for a few more patches or a definitive edition would also make sense, as well. The mod scene is pretty early still, so no quality of life improvements that DOS2 had like better bags or non-combat movement speed increases.
Update for those who bought The Sinking City: Original version (Base-Game or Deluxe) from Gamesplanet for DRM-Free download directly from them, BEFORE these new versions that just came out (on Steam or GOG).

Link on Reddit -
So...I'm not sure if the key for old-owners will be Steam, GOG, or a choice b/t the two or somewhere else - but they're trying to work something out here.
C.A.R.D.S. RPG: The Misty Battlefield Demo Impressions:

First of all with this strange name the game is a mix between Slay the Spire battles in rounds and Fire Emblem in movement and battles somewhat as well. You play a group of characters holding themselves off versus other armies. You get characters to start and unlock other characters from a skill tree (pretty strange I know). The skill tree mainly looks like your troops get +3 speed or something like that. Nothing is too crazy there.

You deploy units similar to Fire Emblem and move around the map. There is a mists of war mechanic where parts of the battlefield are unknown although there is a lamp item with limited uses to get some of this away. One major oversight right away is you can't scroll easily the battlefield, or I didn't figure out how to do it. You go around and can attack enemies on the field. With normal characters you get 3 rounds and with bosses 5 rounds to fight them. In the actual fights you deal weaknesses according to attacks with certain characters, like scouts have daggers. If you deal enough times the weakness according to tabs above the opponent, you stun them causing them to not act that turn. Their action is shown above them. You have 3 action points (You get more on like psyche ups which I'll explain later and maybe level ups) to use cards that cost action points similar to Slay the Spire. You keep going until the enemy is dead, your characters die, or the number of rounds ends. You gain psyche up points and once they reach certain levels you gets buffs (similar to Fire Emblem level ups) on your opponents. You get more pysche up when you defeat an opponent. Most enemies do not go down in 1 fight, so this round thing is important. If your op attacks you on their turn (they go after you) they get to do 1 action free which is usually an attack.

On the map are also spaces which generally do a few things which is get rid of cards, upgrade cards, get cards, or get equipment (simple junk mainly stats), and get one use items (like the lamp or a one use healing potion). There is usually a boss and when they are defeated you win the map. You can lose units on the map, and they will come back the next battle. It's not the hardcore FE mechanic where you lose them.

The graphics and sound are pretty nice. The characters have a chibi art style on the battlefield and a more visual novel look in cut scenes. The visual novel looks are pretty nice. This feels like a high quality although indie game. It controls well with a mouse, although I'm guessing it will be fine with the controller similar to the Fire Emblem games.

Overall this a pretty cool although sometimes standard at time FE x Slay the Spire type game. The story was a boring war one so far after 2 missions done, and I wasn't invested in any of the characters. I feel I would like this game as I like tactics and Fire Emblem games. Slay the Spire type games are also my type of game, but the cards weren't super interesting, as where any of the character classes. I would get it bundled, but it felt like a very good demo. It's limited time, but I think it is up until tomorrow. 7/10
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Looks like MH: Rise got Enigma DRM added to it.

Check MHR's Steam Reviews, Steam DB (got a patch this morning), and Steam Forums.

SteamDB -
Steam Forums -

People are saying it ain't working now on Steam Deck and mods ain't working now.
How pathetic the publisher themselves didn’t even bother to check if this would break the steam deck, it’s a deck verified game for god’s sake.
Hmmm, I wonder if gamers might try installing Windows on their Decks or just go buy either ROG Ally Go or Lenovo Go.

I also wonder if some gamers that play on PC or consoles might've just panicked and bought the PS4/Switch/Xbox or any other versions of some of these titles, to avoid annoying Enigma.

Also, I wonder if some modders might make down-grade patches for Capcom games - like what was done w/ Skyrim SE/AE and Fallout 3, since newer patches on those broke a tons of mods.
Hmmm, I wonder if gamers might try installing Windows on their Decks or just go buy either ROG Ally Go or Lenovo Go.

I also wonder if some gamers that play on PC or consoles might've just panicked and bought the PS4/Switch/Xbox or any other versions of some of these titles, to avoid annoying Enigma.

Also, I wonder if some modders might make down-grade patches for Capcom games - like what was done w/ Skyrim SE/AE and Fallout 3, since newer patches on those broke a tons of mods.
I won't, I just won't buy/install crap games from BS companies that do it. Since I got my Xbox Cloud going on it... I'm content. (although Cloud queues are stupid sometimes)
This will be an interesting impression as I went back and played the original as well since I didn't beat the final boss. I abandoned that one and likely will keep it that. This is my mini review of Rogue Legacy 1.

To start Rogue Legacy 1 is alright for sure. If you don't know know it is a rogue lite 2D platforming action game. You get heirs of different classes and must grind grind grind grind and grind some more to get through the game. You pretty much go in a castle that has different feels for the different biomes, but the same biomes are always present in generally the same areas. Different classes get different skills and have different stats. Some are just awful for anything but getting gold treasure (a miner class) and there are many gimmicky somewhat weak classes. I don't feel magic users are very good at all in the original other than maybe 2 of them.

The game feels a bit old overall and should be played with a controller. Everything can and usually will hit you so it's best to have some vampiric stuff to get some health on kills. Everything feels really floaty, but not the worst. It controls OK enough, but never feels as precise as you want it to be. The music gets old very, very quickly. The graphics are simple, but good enough. It all is OK, but feels dated.

Honestly starting over I felt the grind after the first few upgrades. Everything costs way too much gold, so in runs you go through old areas often (usually not the first area though) to get more gold in the run. Even then you're likely to be able to buy 1 or 2 upgrades. A lot of them are generic more strength/crit/weight allotment/etc... You do need these unless you're a controller god as the bosses are major HP sponges who can do a lot of damage. I never finished the game and can't say how hard the final boss is. All I know is I have a decent amount of upgrades and equipment but still get hit a lot and never feel super strong. It just started feeling old, but gave a decent framework for the sequel coming many years later.

Overall I didn't enjoy it as much the second time around. It felt very cheap at times and the gimmicks of the weird characters didn't hold my interest as long. Everything was unlocking very slowly and the runs felt very samey. I think there is more good than bad here, but I don't think highly of it anymore. It feels like a 6/10 game with much potential, which is more likely filled with the sequel. It makes it a pretty average game, but still okay enough to play. I wont be finishing it off and killing the final boss.
I played through rogue legacy 1 recently as well. For me things clicked after unlocking the dragon class as the flight makes evasion during bosses pretty easy. That includes the final boss as well as the optional remix boss fights. Extra easy if you get mini size or inverted attack direction.

Apparently RL2 was free for a day on the tepid game store a while back and I missed it. So now I'm just waiting for RL2 to drop further.
Thanks for the impressions, nitrosmob. I was actually thinking of starting RL1 or else buying RL2 this week.


So I opened up my steelbook, inserted the CD into my external PC blu-ray disc drive, and installed Rogue Legacy 1 from the disc. As one does.
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Impressions of Rogue Legacy 2 after about 10.7 hours:

First of all this game is extremely similar to Rogue Legacy 1. It is still a 2D action rouge platformer. It still has barely any story other than IMHO quite boring journal entries. There are still biomes and each has a boss. This one relies a bit more on Metroidvania terms where you actually earn skills needed for areas by finding artifacts (such as a down kick launch off of lamps). It is very straightforward like the first and is quite grindy also like the first.

First of all the graphics are very good now. They have a clean feel and aren't pixel like the original, but a smoother look similar to games like Hollow Knight. The areas are clean and distinct for all the biomes as well as the enemies. The sounds are quite good other than some questionable choices (the gun for the gunslinger sounds silly) and add to the game. Overall these are improved quite a bit from the original.

There are some new classes and returning ones, although the classes feel a lot more distinct now. Some have improved moves like the Barbarian's shout freezing enemies. Like the original there is a basic attack, secondary move, magic and stuff like dashing and jumping. The action feels similar and you go through biomes getting ready to kill a boss and move onto the next. Once you're powerful you can run through previous biomes and grind for gold and other things needed like ores and blood. There are still classes considered kind of weak IMHO (I really don't like the boxer much), but nothing feels terrible. The ranged classes like the archer actually feel quite excellent and are one of my favorite characters. Overall it feels a lot like Rogue Legacy 1 along with the story told through books (I wish there was more cinematics or something here), but there are key differences I'll go through below.

First of all I'm going to say that this game feels more like Dead Cells. You generally use specific artifacts to traverse areas like Dead Cells. There is an original system for artifacts in the game called the resolve system I believe. Most artifacts take resolve and as long as you're 100% or higher you're fine. Once you go under 100% resolve you get penalties in the form of your max life being depleted. It is very hard to get more resolve, so it's best to be picky and choosy once you have enough artifact descriptions unlocked. You can get more resolve from some items as well as swapping out I believe your class skill to get resolve bonuses. You can and sometimes should swap out weapon/class/spell skills in game to get bonuses. Weapon gets a weapon strength buff %, spell gets a magic strength buff % and class skills get a resolve buff %. This is good and bad as the weapon and class skill are really what the class is (other than some passive buffs and the stats being different). There are some weapons too good to give up like the bow, but it is a neat idea. All this resolve stuff comes from passive buffs and I believe your equipment as well. It is there so you don't just load up on a million artifacts to cheese the game. Also not to spoil but you can permanently unlock teleports to the biome entrances which is a gods end for beating the bosses and also farming gold. Harder areas along with negative traits give more gold with the negative traits giving a gold % bonus.

There are some downsides to this game as well. Mainly the rouge lite random generation of the biomes is very, very weak. Everything feels so similar every game as rooms are repeated over and over again. It almost feels like a non random Metroidvania with how often rooms are repeated during runs on the biomes. Magic feels a lot better in this game, but still feels week at times. They did a smart thing and let just about every class gain mana on hits. Mage like classes get more mana overall, generate mana better and do more magic damage. Everyone gets some spell though which is cool and should be used to help the character. I also feel that attacks that don't knock back much and are short range just feel weak (the boxer's punches for an example). These things help you to get hurt. Also bosses are massive HP sponges, and sometimes enemies too, although the strategy to beat them is much better than the original. Also you unlock challenges which can be taken on by multiple characters to get orbs to get permanent buffs. This is a horrible idea as this is entirely seperate from the main game. This should be a side thing to just get gold/ore/character experience. I've done 3 of them and unlocked some permanent buffs, but this should really just be part of the main game and the orbs gotten from that. These buffs help though, so it's worth doing some when they unlock anyway. Just adds more time for not much more fun.

Overall I feel this game is Rogue Legacy 1 ++. I still don't feel it's a great game, but it's improved in every way. There is a lot to unlock although not every unlock is explained well (weight % huh?). It is extremely grindy, but the overall game feels better. I've beaten 3 of the bosses in about 11 hours, so the progress is nice. The lack of a good story (has any game with story told mainly through codex/books had a great story?), samey feeling areas, and overall repetitive feel of runs bring it back some. It's still well worth it bundled or on sale as this is quite a bit better than the original. You hit walls for grinding and there are still way too many somewhat boring passive bonuses to unlock. 7.5/10
A sale in the middle of a PR hit might work, if Capcom or modders actually released "downgrades" to "downgrade" to (better) versions of their games that are still moddable and without Enigma anti-tamer/DRM-junk.
Tried out Halo Wars 2. It has some bugs like needing to turn off HDR to be able to see the missions after cutscenes and turning off foliage to avoid nasty flickering. The campaign was pretty fun, though (although not on the level of the Starcraft games). There are even still some online players, but I got demolished.
Tried out Halo Wars 2. It has some bugs like needing to turn off HDR to be able to see the missions after cutscenes and turning off foliage to avoid nasty flickering. The campaign was pretty fun, though (although not on the level of the Starcraft games). There are even still some online players, but I got demolished.
I have both of them on the PC, but have never gotten all that far into either. Keep wanting to go back to them, but something always pulls me away.
Follow-up to those that bought The Sinking City (DRM-FREE download) on GamesPlanet BEFORE the new update:
- Check your GamesPlanet account, in the Voucher Section.
- You now have a Free Voucher equal to the edition of TSC you bought before (Reg. or Deluxe).
- The voucher is for a choose b/t either GOG or Steam version of TSC (New 2024 updated version).
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Finally beat a game with 30 hours for Rogue Legacy 2. The bosses were very, very hard near the end and were almost like Dark Souls bosses where you need to know how to dodge and move around since they were doing too much damage. This was a good game, but I still felt the grinding, the somewhat weak story, the weird relic system (they take a lot to use them so you have just a few a run) and some other quirks kept it back. It reminded me of my final hours of Skul the Hero Slayer which was me banging my head versus very cheap bosses and enemies. There is a system where you can do modifiers after beating, but they seem weird and playing this whole game again is a big no for me right now. I still maintain it's about a 7.5/10. Very decent overall, but lacking in the longevity. It is very polished but I felt so many cheap deaths. Don't even bother to play the game without a controller either. Still look out for it cheap or bundled. Much better than the first game at least.
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Jason Schreier on some Eidos Montreal and Deus Ex stuff w/ Embracer:
- Deus Ex game that has been in development for around 2 years = CANCELLED by Embracer.
- Undisclosed amount of staff laid-off at Eidos Montreal.

97 employees laid-off at Eidos Montreal. :(
Embracer is a cancer to the video game industry. They bit off way more than they could chew and over-leveraged themselves to do it.
Late stage capitalism just keeps giving us workers and purchasers everything they want, right?

I mean, yeah it kind of has, lol. Name a better time to be alive. These mergers and acquisitions *always* end badly for everyone involved sure, but silver lining is these laid off devs often go on to work on innovative games that are indie or AA instead of soulless AAA mainstream money grabs.

I do remember people here cheering on the Microsoft/Activision/Bethesda thing like it was going to lead to so many great things, and look how that already turned out too.
I mean, yeah it kind of has, lol. Name a better time to be alive. These mergers and acquisitions *always* end badly for everyone involved sure, but silver lining is these laid off devs often go on to work on innovative games that are indie or AA instead of soulless AAA mainstream money grabs.

I do remember people here cheering on the Microsoft/Activision/Bethesda thing like it was going to lead to so many great things, and look how that already turned out too.

Ten years ago was a better time to be a PC gamer in every possible way.
I mean, yeah it kind of has, lol. Name a better time to be alive. These mergers and acquisitions *always* end badly for everyone involved sure, but silver lining is these laid off devs often go on to work on innovative games that are indie or AA instead of soulless AAA mainstream money grabs.

I do remember people here cheering on the Microsoft/Activision/Bethesda thing like it was going to lead to so many great things, and look how that already turned out too.
A better time than late stage capitalism?
Like a time when a single income family could purchase a reasonable house? A time when you could put yourself through college with a part time job? Companies that celebrated longevity and tenure instead of shareholder value?
Spec Ops: The Line = Delisted from Steam.

IGN on this ->

Don't know if it's a music and/or license issue, if a Remaster's coming, or what's going on. No word yet.

And it's still up on GOG for $6 in case you're missing it, for now.
Spec Ops: TL on GOG -

Cory Davis, who directed SO:TL at Yager back in the day, is not happy about 2K and/or Steam pulling the game:

Yes, licenses are expiring, which has been confirmed by 2K themselves - so it's gonna get pulled everywhere soon:
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I slept on that one a little too long, really wanted to play it because I’ve heard how good it is.

I managed to find a steam key available on yuplay for $6.50. A quick search seems to indicate they’re a site that’s mostly on the up and up(found a few discussions on Reddit about issues with preorders), plus they take Apple Pay so there’s at least some measure of security. The code redeemed just fine though and was for US region.

Oh, and the Steam page for it indicates it’s not supported on deck but there’s plenty of reviews on ProtonDB indicating it runs just fine, even at 60fps.
The games have also been patched up, so they include the console updates. Now isn't a terrible time to buy them if you've been wanting to play them

For Square stuff - I still got FF3 3D, FF4 3D and TAF; FF10 and 10-2; FF 13 Trilogy, FF 15; CT; and a bunch of the SAGA games - so, I think I can wait.

I see FF Pixel Remaster is a "CAB" (Complete A Bundle) - so, looks like later there might be discounts, if I own certain ones?

I also don't think Old versions of FF1, FF2 and FF4 got PC ports. I still dunno how I missed FF4 on my PSX (and CT then too in that CT/FF4 FF Collection), back in the day.

EDIT - Any idea what is in the console updates? Patch-log list anywhere?

EDIT 2 - Got a patch-log list:
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bread's done