so listening to Dark soundtrack & looking at Dark screenshots = Dark?
how's it compared to Dishonored, Deus Ex Human Evolution and to a certain extend, Thief 2013?
Well - that's what I think is what the game has going for it: is the music, atmosphere, and art direction.
DARK is not in the league of any of those other games you mentioned. Not even close.
In DARK, you have to play stealthy...or you might as well not even play this game. You have to pretty much sneak up on people from bebind - even on Easy difficulty. You can drag bodies around and whatnot like Hitman and Splinter Cell - and you really should do so, as well.
For those who ain't good at being stealthy in stealth games - well, this game might not be for you. This is not like Hitman, Dishonored, or some of the recent Splinter Cells (think SC games from SC: Chaos Theory and newer) - especially on the lower difficulties - where if you get caught, well you might shoot guns (Hitman), throw projectiles, or do something not-stealthy and you can still easily get yourself out of a situation. You get caught in DARK - pretty much, you're likely screwed. If you play smart enough + have enough skills learned & upgraded, you can get back out of trouble possibly - but chances are surviving are pretty bad if you can't get back into hiding. You really do need to have patience, to play this game.
You can't just melee w/ nobody nearby and swing away - the "Interaction" key (which is on Left-Mouse) does NOTHING if you hit melee and nobody's nearby. Everything is very contextual. All kills are pretty much one-hit kills or one-hit knock-outs. Enemies must be either near you (if you're going to hit them with a melee attack in front or behind them) or you must be within the range of the skills allows.
If you attack from the front - you could get blocked. So, yeah - best to hit from behind. Or hide behind cover and when they get near, attack them or feed on them.
Enemies will also easily spot you quickly and whatnot. And if they have guns and there's lots of enemies and then find you, be prepared to reload your last save. When they shoot, they likely won't miss.
It's a challenging game, even on Easy - you can manually Save any time and as much as you want on Easy. It's even tougher, if you decide to ramp it up Normal b/c you can only save manually two times per levels + you can get a save count replenished if you hit an auto-save...and these auto-saves, they're spread out often quite a bit. Supposedly, in Hard - you cannot manually save at all.