Steam/Origin etc Buy/Sell/Trade Thread! - READ THE OP! ONE POST EVERY THREE DAYS!

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project Steam Key $1 
Postmortem: One Must Die Steam Key $0.4 
EvilQuest Steam Key $0.4 
Duke Nukem Steam Key $0.4 
Duke Nukem 2 Steam Key $0.4 
Cubetractor Steam Key $0.4 
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf Steam Key $0.4 
A New Reckoning Steam Key $0.4
Containment: The Zombie Puzzler Steam Key $0.4 
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage Steam Key $0.4
Out of the Park Baseball 14 Steam Key $0.5 
Want :
Paypal Gift/Family and Friends
[Fees must be paid by buyer]
Please pm if interested.
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PPS: Steam CAGs who aren't douches are selling it to people at cost ($0.39). I bought one for $0.50 and was given a second one for free, which I sold to another CAG for $0.39.

We're supposed to be a cooperative community, not a collection of Capitalist cutthroats trying to take advantage of one another.
Thankfully not everyone is a douche and someone like me, who has actually played the base game a lot, was helped out by a friendly CAG who sold it to me at cost.

So, what's the lowest price for Tropico 4 CE (the one with all the DLCS, already have the game) now? Heard about the glitch, didn't make it in time. Anyone at 0.50$ or 1$? Higher?


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Guys, feel free to sell things at cost to help out other users, but that doesn't make others who don't douchebags.

No insults, please.

Guys, feel free to sell things at cost to help out other users, but that doesn't make others who don't douchebags.

No insults, please.
This. There are plenty of people that sell Steam games at a profit in this thread. Especially those who buy from Russia. There are also many of us, including myself, who will gladly buy it if the cost is cheaper than what I can get it for.


Antichamber (Humble Bundle Steam Gift)

Ballpoint Universe - Infinite (Humble Bundle Steam Gift)

Bioshock (Humble Bundle Steam Gift)

Brutal Legend (Steam Key)

Burnout Paradise- The Ultimate Box (Origin Key)

Darkness II (Humble Bundle Steam Gift)

Dead Space (Origin Key)

Dino D-Day (Bundle Stars)

Eets Munchies (Steam Key)

Mark of the Ninja (Steam Key)

Mount & Blade (Bundle Stars)

Muffin Knight- (Steam Key from Bundle Stars)

One Way Heroics (Humble Bundle Steam Gift)

Paranautical Activity (Humble Bundle Steam Gift)

Rising Storm Complete (Steam Gift)

Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter (Steam Key)
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter (Steam Key)

The Ship (Bundle Stars)

Stacking (Humble Bundle Steam Gift)
Street Racing Syndicate- (Steam Key from Bundle Stars)

Thunder Wolves (Bundle Stars)

Trine 2- Complete Story (Steam Key)

Unholy Heights (Humble Bundle Steam Gift)


RPG/Strategy/Puzzle/Indie games I do not own.

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[H] Steam/GOG/ Gifts

You can check my price list and my thread. There are price/region-lock check requestfeedbackerror report  and order forms plus more detailed info about each gift. Don't forget that you can use search function(CTRL+F)
!NEW! Added FAQ and MAKE AN ORDER form. Please check it out.

!NEW! Now with strawberry flavor TF2/CS:GO keys as payment method( to see price in keys please visit my price list, there will be "K" column )


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - $17.99
Divinity: Original Sin - $18.99
Risen 3 - $26.99
Sacred 3 - $29.99
Sniper Elite 3 - $29.99
Metro Redux - $14.99(Bundle), $7.99(2033, Last Light)
Dead Rising 3 - $21.99
Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ - $27.99
Alien: Isolation - $29.99
GRID Autosport - $27.99$15.99(Season Pass)
Football Manager 2015 - $30.99
Marvel Heroes 2015 DLC - *$15.99(X-Force, Avengers), *$6.99(Gambit, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Cable, Loki), *$4.49(Hawkeye, Black Widow)
Warframe - $48.99(Tenno Pack), $21.99(Starter Pack, Gift Pack), $13.99(Initiate Pack)
Fable Anniversary - *$14.99
Rayman Legends - $14.99
Age of Wonders 3 - $19.99
Gauntlet - $13.99$31.99(4-Pack)
Rocksmith 2014 - $24.99
Dishonored: GOTY - $21.99
Enslaved: Odyssey to The West - $15.99
Transistor - $13.99
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - $12.99 
Assetto Corsa - $30.99
Planetary Annihilation - $15.99
Resident Evil - $15.99(RE4), $8.99(RE5), $24.99(RE6 Complete Pack), $18.99(RE Revelations)
Tropico 5 - $21.99
Space Engineers - $12.99$36.99(4-Pack)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Bundle - $21.99
Stronghold Crusader 2 - $24.99
Kerbal Space Program - $14.99
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - $15.99$11.99(Mirror of Fate HD)
Call of Duty - $30.99(Ghosts Gold Edition, BO2), $24.99(BO, MW3), $14.99(MW2, MW, WAW)
Saints Row - *$10.99(IV: GOTC Edition), $30.99(Ultimate Franchise Pack)
Warmachine Tactics - $34.99
LEGO - The Hobbit - $15.99
Kentucky Route Zero - $14.99
Lichdom: Battlemage - $16.99
Killer is Dead - *$8.99 
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (PAL) - $15.99
Defense Grid 2 - $12.99
Shadow Warrior - $18.99
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut - $4.99
Magic 2015 - $8.99$13.99(Special Edition), $18.99(Complete Bundle)
Grim Dawn - $14.99
Broforce - $9.99$27.99 ( 4 - pack, $7 per copy! )
Divinity: Dragon Commander - $15.99
Shovel Knight - $11.99
Ultra Street Fighter IV - $15.99$9.99(Digital Upgrade),$13.99(Vacation Complete Pack)
Euro Truck Simulator 2 $11.99
Prison Architect - $16.99
You can also buy any other region free game or DLC through me if you want. I will check region and tell you the final price. If the game gets a discount on steam or other store you will receive appropriate discount from me. Please keep in mind my time zone ( UTC/GMT +4 hours ), but feel free to message me even if I am not available, i will try to answer everyone asap. 
Contact me on Steam or PM
* - Steam Sale price
[W] PayPal | TF2/CS:GO keys

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Ltrain is awesome, but I'm an idiot.  Thanks Ltrain!


??? IDK stuff.  


Aeon Command

Dead Hungry Diner


Zack Zero (has cards)

Ether Vapor Remaster
War Of the Human Tanks

Tobe's Vertical Adventure (not to be confused with his Horizontal one!)


Ballpoint Universe - Infinite


Echo of the Wilds

Half-Minute Hero 

Sang Froid

Hitman: Absolution

Last Remnant

Thief Gold





Civ3 Complete

Anomaly 2

Electronic Super Joy
Incredible Van-Helsing Complete Pack
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Selling Steam keys:

- Deadlight^ - $0.35

- Terraria (Cards) - $1.75

- Murder Miners^ - $0.50

- Space Farmers^ - $0.50

- Guacamelee! Gold Edition^ (Cards) - $0.50

- Puddle^ (Cards) - $0.50

- Wooden Sen'SeY^ (Cards) - $0.50

- Kill Fun Yeah^ - $0.50

(Or the lot for $2.50)

- Montas^ - $0.45
- Skyward Collapse^ (Cards) - $0.45
(Or both for $0.84.)

- PixelJunk Shooter - $0.98
- Ys Origin (Cards) - $4
- Super Killer Hornet Resurrection^ (Cards) - $0.30
- The 39 Steps^ - $0.25 (Or $0.20 with any other two games.)

Steam gifts/tradeables:
- Cubemen 2^ (Cards) - $1.20

Selling full ("BTA") Indie Gala bundles:
- Indie Gala August Heat.
I'm taking pre-orders for my group buy. No deposit, no gimmicks, just fair and consistent pricing.

Also available:
- Indie Gala July Madness - 1 TF2 key.
- Indie Gala Tiny Mix - 1 TF2 key.

I accept Paypal for all games/bundles, plus Amazon GC and Steam wallet (+15% Steam market fees) for those marked with a ^.

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well it be nice if yu can find me one copy for 0.50$ thx in advenced Blade

For me too! :)

Cheaplikeafox had some extras that he was selling for 39 cents each. Message him about it to see if he has any left.

PS: refrain from telling that there was a glitch because people who had a copy before that are not responsible for it, if you want the "glitch" price next time try to buy it at the moment and don't push your opinions on others. (I bought the castle crasher pack + batletheather without "glitches" and i got a fairly good price).

well i asked for indie bundles games as well, but when there was the Can't Stop Laughing Bundle,
i did not see any "fellow CAG" willing to sell it to me at the glitch price, also i was happy to buy or trade from other CAGs at an honest price, but i don't want to make profit with this, just trade or sell it but i did not receive any PM, also i just posted one unit for trade, usually when i buy games are for me or my friends, and one of my friends already had the Tropico 4, so that's the reason for the trade. If you want to continue this chat we have the PM :).

You are no one to call douche to anyone, first of all because you are just somebody from the internet and barely know me, if you want me to be cooperative give arguments, i will be waiting to your PM if you really want to tell me something and not try to write shit in this thread. Behave like an adult if you really are one.

Yeah, somehow I don't think reporting my post that gave arguments because you can't take criticism and then editing your own post to flame me is an adult thing to do. To give you the benefit of a doubt, I'm simply adding you to my ignore list--the adult thing to do. I should know, I asked one.

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This. There are plenty of people that sell Steam games at a profit in this thread. Especially those who buy from Russia. There are also many of us, including myself, who will gladly buy it if the cost is cheaper than what I can get it for.
I told people that other CAGs are selling it for really cheap, because it was really cheap. You'd rather spend $5 on something you could have gotten for 39 cents from someone else? Was just looking out for other people.

H: Tropico 4 CE bundle I paid fox 39 cents for

W: $39 Paypal (that's 99 cents off MSRP!)

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Risk of Rain

Rogue Legacy - if there is no chance of getting this cheap here, I'll wait for the PS3 version to go on sale



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 (All Steam keys)
Interstellar Marines
Rush Bros
AI War Collection
Saturday Morning RPG
Gun Monkeys 
Bang Bang Racing
Face Noir
The 39 Steps
Tiny And Grandpa Leftovers
Gravity Badgers 
Not The Robots
Dawn Of Fantasy: Kingdom WarsLittle Racers STREET
Shattered Haven
Ride 'em Low
Bridge Project
Aerena - Clash of Champions
Gravity Badgers
Major Mayhem
Really Big Sky
Shufflepack Cantina Deluxe
Skyward Collapse
Metal Drift
Race Injection
Dark Shadows - Army of Evil
Day One:Gary's Incident Game
To The Moon
Takedown:Red Sabre
Aerena - Clash of Champions
Gun Monkeys
Interstellar Marines
Frozen Synapse
Ittle Dew
Iron Grip: Warlord
Party of Sin
Huntsman: The Orphanage
Survivor Squad
Little Racers STREET
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
Galaxy on Fire 2™ Full HD
Crazy Machines 2
1953- KGB Unleashed
The Journey Down: Chapter 1
Time Gentlemen Please - Ben There, Dan That
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller
Gun Metal
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
Humanity Asset
Metal Planet
Toki Tori 2+
Paranautical Activity (Early Access)
Mata Hari
Sweet Lily Dreams
One Finger Death Punch
Thief Gold
Hitman: Codename 47
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
The Chaos Engine
Mechanic Escape
Finding Teddy
Ethan: Meteor Hunter
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Pixeljunk Shooter
Dead Hungry Diner
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold - Episode 1
Restaurant Empire II
Home Sheep Home 2
Hero of the Kingdom
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken

Kingdom Tales
Ravaged Zombie Apocalypse
Hamilton's Great Adventure
A New Reckoning
Arsenal Of Democracy
Battlestations: Midway
Pretentious Game
Rage Runner
Toki Tori
Marine Sharpshooter 2
Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
Blocks That Matter
Kingdom Rush
American Conquest:Fight Back
Abyss The Wraiths Of Eden
Aces Wild
Out Of Park Baseball 14
...or any other game I don't own on Steam...
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Have Steam keys/gift/links:

  • The Red Solstice (gift): $6 / 3TF2
And much more...

  • //N.P.P.D. RUSH//- The Milk of Ultraviolet $0.25
  • Adventures of Shuggy $0.2
  • Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition $0.2
  • Daikatana (humble gift) $0.25
  • El Matador (indiegala gift) $0.25
  • Gearcrack Arena (indiegala gift) $0.2
  • Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (humble gift) $0.25 pending?
  • Hitman: Codename 47 (humble gift) $0.25 pending?
  • Hoard Complete Pack (EU) $0.25
  • Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising $0.25
  • Just Cause (humble gift) $0.3
  • Knights and mechants $0.25
  • Konung 2 (indiegala gift) $0.3
  • Konung 3: Ties of the Dynasty (indiegala gift) $0.35
  • Labyrinthine Dreams (indiegala gift) $0.25
  • Little inferno (humble gift) $0.3
  • Magicka: Wizard Wars E3 Robe (humble gift) $0.15
  • Mata Hari (indiegala gift) $0.30
  • Pid $0.20
  • Planets under Attack $0.25
  • Pressured (indiegala gift) $0.25
  • Puzzle Kingdoms $0.25
  • Sweet Lily Dreams (indiegala gift) $0.25
  • The Chaos Engine (indiegala gift) $0.25
  • Thief Gold (humble gift) $0.25
  • Total War: Rome II - Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack (humble gift) $0.20

  • Battlepaths (x2)
  • Ice Cream Surfer
  • Little Trus Man
  • Micy Roll
  • Pressured
​offers? or take all for $0.6

Want (long shots):

  • Adventure Time: Finn and Jake's Epic Quest
  • Gas Guzzlers extreme
  • NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst
    OR game offers, Paypal
If anyone buys Judgement Bundle, I'll pay in/for (PayPal) for Dustforce. PM me

Oh, and Electronic Super Joy + Bonus Content Pack from Humble Flash bundle too!

And got -80% Montague's Mount and -50% Dream coupons for steam, free to take!

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Steam keys, Steam gifts, and gift links

1953 KGB Unleashed (steam key) .33

3 Stars of Destiny (steam key) .50
A.I.M.2 Clan Wars (steam key) .33
A-Train 8 (steam key) .25
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded (steam key) .25
Alpha Kimori™ 1 (steam key) .33

Another Perspective (steam key) .50
Aveyond: Lord of Twilight (steam) .33
Bang Bang Racing (steam key) .33

Bionic Heart (gift link) $1
Blood of the Werewolf (steam gift) $1.50
Capsized (gift link) .33
Castleminer Z (steam key) $1
Chicken Shoot 2 (steam key) .25    gone
Critical Mass (gift link) .25
Dear Esther (gift link) .50
Dynamite Jack (steam key) .33
Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos (steam key) .33
Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time (steam key) .25
Earth 2160 (steam key) .50
English Country Tune (steam key) .33
Epigenesis (steam key) .33
Eschalon: Book I (steam key) .33
Eschalon: Book II (steam key) .33

Famaze (gift link) .50
The First Templar (steam key) $1
Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD (gift link) .33
God Mode (steam gift) $1.50
Grimind (steam key) .33
Gun Metal (steam key) .25
Hacker Evolution Duality (steam Key) .33
HE Duality: Inception Part 1 DLC (steam key) .15
HE Duality: Inception Part 2 DLC (steam key) .15
HE Duality: Inception Part 3 DLC (steam key) .25
Hacker Evolution Duality Hardcore Package 1 (steam key) .15
Hero of the Kingdom (steam key) .33
Humanity Asset (steam key) .33
Huntsman: The Orphanage (steam key) .33
Inescapable (steam key) .25
Infected: Twin Vaccine (steam key) .33
Ignite (steam key) .25
Infestation: Survivor Stories (steam gift) $1.50

International Snooker (steam key) .50
Intrustion 2 (gift link) .33
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 (steam key) .33
Jack Orlando: Director's Cut (steam key) .33
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World (steam key) .33
Kill Fun Yeah (gift link) .25 gone
Knight Shift (steam key) .50
Litil Divil (steam key) .33
Little Inferno (gift link) .33
The Longest Journey (steam key) .50
Lost Civilization (steam key) .50
Magicka: Wizard Wars - Starter Wizard Pack (steam gift) $2.50
Making History II: The War of the World (steam key) .50
Miasmata (steam key) $1
Miner Wars 2081 (steam key) .50
Miner Wars Arena (steam key) .33
Naval Warfare (steam key) .33
Nicolas Eymerich - The Inquisitor - Book 1 : The Plague (steam key) .50
A New Beginning - Final Cut (steam key) .50
Oil Rush (gift link) .33

Out of the Park Baseball 14 (steam key) .50

Paranautical Activity (gift link) .50

Pool Nation (steam key) .75
POSTAL 1 (steam key) .50
Primal Fears (steam gift) $1.50
Proteus (gift link) $1.50
Race Injection (steam key) .33
Ravensword: Shadowlands (gift link) .33
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny (steam key) .50
Rekoil (steam key) .50
Reign: Conflict of Nations (steam key) .25
Retro City Rampage (steam gift) $1.50
Return To Mysterious Island (steam key) .75
Return To Mysterious Island 2 (steam key) .75
Rush for Glory (steam key) .50
Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves (gift link) .50
Savant - Ascent (steam key) .33
Slip (steam key) .50
Spate (steam key) .33
Shattered Haven (steam key) .25
Skyward Collapse (steam key) .50
Soulbringer (steam key) .50

Steel & Steam: Episode One (steam key) .33
SUBJECT 9 (steam key) .33
Sudokuball Detective (steam key) .50
Sweet Lily Dreams (gift link) .33

Thief Gold (gift link) .50
Thomas Was Alone (gift link) .33

Thunder Wolves (steam key) .50
Time Gentlemen Please & Ben There, Dan That (steam key) .50
Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers (gift link) .33
Ultionus: a tale of revenge (steam key) .50
Zero Gear (steam key) .25


Paypal (friends/family or you pay fee)

Amazon GC

or maybe some things off here:

thanks for looking!

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Lots of Steam Gifts!!! ---Click Here---

---Hot Deals---

Full Mojo Rampage: 2 Keys / €3.00 / $4.02 
Secrets of Rætikon: 2 Keys / €3.00 / $4.02 
The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief: 2.5 Keys / €3.75 / $5.03 
Stronghold Complete Pack: 2 Keys / €3.00 / $4.02 
F1 2013: 3 Keys / €4.50 / $6.03 
F1 2013 + Classic Edition Upgrade: 4 Keys / €6.00 / $8.04 
Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition: 1.5 Keys / €2.25 / $3.02 
Dark Souls II™ Crown of the Sunken King: 4 Keys / €6.00 / $8.04 
Deponia: The Complete Journey: 1.5 Keys / €2.25 / $3.02 
Fable Anniversary: 7 Keys / €10.50 / $13.97 
Metro Redux Bundle: 7 Keys / €10.50 / $13.97 
Ultra Street Fighter® IV Digital Upgrade: 4.5 Keys / €6.75 / $9.05 


TF2, CSGO Keys and Paypal
If you want something, please add me on steam Not neede to send a pm, just let me know who you are:
Also you are free to join my steam group, I'm doing weekly giveaways:
Have: (keys or Humble links)


Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet $2

Awesomenauts $3

Duke Nukem Forever Complete $6

Overlord + Expansion $1.25

Gun $5

Darkness 2 $5

GTA3 $3

Race the Sun $3


Battlefield 3 $4

Command and Conquer Ultimate $6


Amazon GC

Paypal gift and no fee

Blood Rayne GOG $.50  

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Volt - $0.50

Garshasp: The Monster Slayer - $0.50

Canyon Capers - $0.50

Critical Mass - $0.50

Cargo Commander - $1.00

Just Cause - $1.00

Proteus - $1.00

Chime - $1.00

La Mulana - $2.00



[H] Steam / Origin keys

A.I.M.2 Clan Wars ($.50 - Steam)

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 + Dead Space ($.50 - Origin)
East India Company Gold ($.50 - Steam)
Europa Universalis III ($.50  - Steam) (2)
Future Wars ($.50  - Steam)
Gorky 17 ($.50  - Steam)
Hacker Evolution: Untold + 1DLC ($.50 - Steam)
Hacker Evolution Duality + 4 DLC's ($.50 - Steam)

Hydrophobia: Prophecy ($.50 - Steam) (2)

Lost Civilization ($.50 - Steam)

Naval War - Arctic Circle ($.50 - Steam)
Pacific Storm Allies ($.50 - Steam)

Plain Sight ($.50 - Steam)
Project Aftermath ($.50 - Steam)
Questrun ($.50 - Steam)

Razor2: Hidden Skies ($.50 - Steam) (2)
Reaxxion ($.50 - Steam)
Redshirt ($.50 - Steam) (2)

Reign: Conflict of Nations ($.50 - Steam)
Rig n Roll ($.50 - Steam)
Satazius ($.50 - Steam)

Space Pirates and Zombies ($.50 - Steam)
Sky Nations ($1.50 - Steam)

Star Wolves 3: Civil War ($.50 - Steam) (4)
Steel & Steam: Episode 1 ($.50 - Steam)

Strategic War in Europe ($.50 - Steam)

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition ($.50 - Steam)

Tales of Maj'Eyal ($.50 - Steam)

The Adventures of Shuggy ($.50 - Steam)
The Showdown Effect ($.50 - Steam)
Trainz Simulator 12 ($.50 - Steam)

Vessel ($.50 - Steam)

Shadowrun Returns ($5 - Steam)

[W] Paypal


Betrayer - $2

Steam Keys/Humble Gifts: $0.50 each

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Thief Gold

Hitman - Codename 47

Hitman 2 - Silent Assassin


1953: KGB Unleashed
A-Train 8
Aerena - Clash of Champions
And Yet It Moves
Aveyond - Lord of Twilight
Ballpoint Universe - Infinite
Beatbuddy - Tales of the Guardians
Blacksoul: Extended Edition
Critical Mass
Dark Scavenger
Dear Esther
Dino D-Day
Ethan - Meteor Hunter
Evil Quest
Final Slam 2
Finding Teddy
Foreign Legion - Multi Massacre
Gearcrack Arena
Giana Sisters - Twisted Dreams
Gorky 17
Gun Metal
Gun Monkeys (Steam Gift)
HOARD Complete Pack
IHF Handball Challenge 12
Infected: The Twin Vaccine
Interstellar Marines
Ittle Dew
Jets N' Guns Gold
Light of Altair
Little Racers STREET
Making History II: The War of the World
Mr. Bree +
Offspring Fling!
Oil Rush
One Way Heroics
Revenge of the Titans
Rock of Ages
Rush for Glory
Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves
Savant - Ascent
Shadows: Price for Our Sins
Space Pirates and Zombies
Takedown: Red Sabre
Tales from Dragon Mountain - The Strix
Thomas Was Alone
Threadspace Hyperbol
Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers
Toki Tori
Ultionus - A Tale of Petty Revenge
Velocity Ultra
Velvet Assassin
World War 2 - Time of Wrath



 Recent Bundle Steam Keys:


  Storm in a Teacup


  Blades of Time


  Freaking Meatbags

  Project Temporality

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any Brazilian resellers can get me Silent Hill Homecoming for around $20? pm me

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{H} Steam key via gift link
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien $1
Electronic Super Joy $1

Electronic Super Joy: Groove City $0.40
140 $0.40
{W} Paypal or Amazon GC
[W] Paypal, Steam Wallet
Steam keys for $0.3USD

Hydrophobia: Prophecyx1 (G)
Forge (BS)
Pid (G)
The 39 Steps (IG)
Hacker Evolution Duality (IG)
And Yet It Moves (BS)
Doc Clock: Toasted Sandwich of Time (BS)
Little Inferno(HB)
1953 - KGB Unleashed (G)
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 (G)
And Yet It Moves (HB)
Alien Spidy (BS)
Broken Sword 2 (HB)
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World (IG)
Ballpoint Universe - Infinite(BS)
Race Injection (IG)
Bridge Constructor (BS)
Zack Zero (IG)
Subject 9 (IG)
Street Racing Syndicate (BS)
Iron Grip: Warlord + Scorched Earth DLC (BS)
Oniken (IG)
Syberia II (IG)
Rock of Ages (IG)
Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle(IG)
Inescapable x2 (IG greelight 1 and IG monday 12)
HOARD Complete Pack (IG)
Cognition: Episode 2(IG)
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf(IG)
Toki Tori(IG)
Gun Metal (BS)
Grimind (BS)
Humanity Asset (BS)
Soulbringer (BS)
Crazy Machines(BS)
Crazy Machines 1.5(BS)
Crazy Machines 2(BS)
Project Aftermath(BS)
Metal Planet(IG)
Mata Hari(IG)
Konung 2(IG)
99 Levels To Hell(IG)
Hitman: Codename 47(HB)
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin(HB)
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (IG)
Helldorado (IG)
Guise Of The Wolf (IG)
Rush For Glory(BS)
Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory(BS)
Electronic Super Joy: Groove City(HB)

Steam keys $0.8USD
Just Cause(HB)

Let me know!
damn you are a true CAG O_O
i´m just offering my extra key for a trade

and thinking more about it... AT LEAST i don´t buy game bundles just to get PROFIT from them :applause:

{H} Steam key via gift link
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien $1
Electronic Super Joy $1

Electronic Super Joy: Groove City $0.40
140 $0.40

{W} Paypal or Amazon GC

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i´m just offering my extra key for a trade

and thinking more about it... AT LEAST i don´t buy game bundles just to get PROFIT from them :applause:

dude.. i bought that bundle to get the game i want and sell the remaining keys that I don't need.

you don't need to get defensive about Gun Monkey. Like the rest of CAG here, I got my free keys too

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Fallout 3 (not GOTY edition) - Steam key

- Can add 1 TF2 key and about $3 Paypal if something really interests me (even if you're not interested in Fallout 3).


Game offers (I prefer games with stories)

I'm not too terribly fond of indie games. You can offer them if you wish, however. Also, first person games tend to make me ill.

Also, are there any decent deals on DA: Inquisition?

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All Keys Below (Steam/Origin Key Blowout $0.25 each or Trade Any Steam Key I Don't Have)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising (Origin Key)
Crayon Physics Deluxe
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition (Origin Key)
Dead Space (Origin Key)
Little Inferno
Oil Rush
Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Zen Bound 2

FREE (Add me on Steam)
Dead Island Epidemic (Steam Tradeable)

WANTS:  Paypal/Amazon/Steam Wallet or Will Trade Any Steam Key I Don't Have For Any Game Above

Divinity Original Sin - $20
Full Mojo Rampage - $3.5
Fable Anniversary - $15
Nascar 2013 - $8
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bread's done