Steam/Origin etc Buy/Sell/Trade Thread! - READ THE OP! ONE POST EVERY THREE DAYS!

HAVE: (Steam keys unless otherwise noted)
Borderlands GOTY ------------------------------ $4
Elven Legacy -------------------------------------- $2
La-Mulana ------------------------------------------ $2
Nexuiz ----------------------------------------------- $3
Overlord Complete Pack (gift) --------------- $3
Ravaged - Zombie Apocolypse -------------- $2
Red Faction: Armageddon ------------------- $2
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army ----------- $3
Toy Soldiers --------------------------------------- $2
Tropico 3 ------------------------------------------- $2
Verdun (gift) --------------------------------------- $6
Warhammer 40,000: DoW Gold ----------- $5


The First Templar
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Wanted (U.S. keys):

Crysis 1
Sonic Racing Transformed
Stalker (the first game)
Sonic Adventure 2
Metro Last Light
Far Cry 3
Remember Me

Games are Steam keys unless otherwise mentioned.

[Have] - [Want, Paypal]

Borderlands GOTY -$5
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - $2.50
Command and Conquer Ultimate Collection - $4.99
Dead Space 3 (Origin) - $4.99
Duke Nukem Forever Complete Pack -$4
Far Cry 3 - $7,49
GTA III + San Andreas + Vice City - $6
Hitman Absolution - $6
Legacy of Kain Pack - $4
Max Payne 1 +2 -$4
The Secret World (not Steam) - $9.99
The Walking Dead + 400 Days - $7,49
The XCOM Collection - $9.99
Tomb Raider 2013 - $5
XCOM: Enemy Within - $8


F1 2013 ROW - $9 PayPal
Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse - $5 PayPal

GTA Complete Pack - $6.5 PayPal
Metro Last Light + Season Pass - $8.75 
Riptide GP2 - $4 PayPal
Assassin's Creed 2 Deluxe + Brotherhood + Revelations Gold + III Deluxe - $24 PayPal
The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief - $6 PayPal
The Darkness II - $4 PayPal
Contagion - $3.5 PayPal (2 copies available)
Deadly 30 - $2.5 PayPal
Hitman Collection - $7 PayPal (2 copies available)
Rise of Venice - $7 PayPal
Guacamelee! Gold Soundtrack Edition - $4 PayPal
All are Steam Gifts.
(All Steam keys)
Rush Bros
Interstellar Marines
Thunder Wolves
AI War Collection
Gun Monkeys 
Bang Bang Racing
Arcane Worlds
Survivor Squad
Face Noir
The 39 Steps
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Tiny And Grandpa Leftovers
Megabyte Punch
Gravity Badgers 
Not The Robots
Dawn Of Fantasy: Kingdom WarsLittle Racers STREET
Supreme Commander
Supreme Commander:Forged Alliance

Pool Nation
Beat Hazard Ultra
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extra bundle keys.


Newer list:
AI War Collection

Battlepaths (desura)


Box Out! (Desura)




Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos
Eryi's Action
Face Noir
Fairy Bloom Freesia

Frozen Hearth

Hero Of The Kingdom

Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World


Little Racers STREET

N.P.P.D. RUSH - The milk of Ultraviolet

Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart

Off-Road Drive

Party Of Sin

Plain Sight
Primal Fears

RACE: Injection

Raiden Legacy: The Return (Desura)

Shattered Haven
Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies
Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete

SpaceForce Rogue Universe

Supreme Commander

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
The 39 Steps
The Journey Down: Chapter One
Trainz Simulator 12
Vanguard Princess

Older list:
1953 - KGB Unleashed
A Valley Without Wind 1 & 2
Aerena - Clash of Champions
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded
Aura: Fate of Ages
Avencast: Rise of the Mage
Bad Bots
Dungeons: The Dark Lord
Dynamite Jack
Europa Universalis 3 Complete
Forge Starter Pack
Greed Corp
Grotesque Tactics 2
Hacker Evolution Duality
Hacker Evolution Duality: Inception Part 1 - 3 DLC & Hardcore Package 1
Hydrophobia: Prophecy
Legends Of Dawn
Little Inferno
King's Bounty: The Legend
Men of War: Condemned Heroes
Metro 2033
Naval Warfare
Pacific Storm Allies
Painkiller: Recurring Evil
Reign: Conflict of Nations
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45
RIP Trilogy
Sanctum 2
Sideway New York
Snuggle Truck
Space Pirates and Zombies
The Showdown Effect
Velvet Assassin
Victoria II
Warlock : Master of the Arcane
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Zeno Clash

Air control
Battle Group
Chompy Chomp Chomp
Gravity Badgers
Reversion: The Meeting

Other bundle keys that I don't have

Hexcells (from the current bundlestars Indie Capsule 2 bundle)

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Have (all Steam Gift)

$1.50 - Deus Ex: GOTY

$1 - Aerena - Clash of Champions

$1 - Interstellar Marines

$1 - The Ship Gift

Want PayPal (or Papers, Please)


steam gifts

spore $3.00

hitman collection $6.75
kingdoms of amalur reckoning $4.00

witcher 2 assassins of kings enhanced edition $4.50
Super House of Dead Ninjas $2.20

Super House of Dead Ninjas True Ninja Pack $1.00


deadpool merc with a map dlc key - $4.00


paypal gift

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Lego Steam games (have LotR and Super Heroes)

South Park




Limbo - key

Interstellar Marines - steam gift

Edge of Space [Steam Gift] -- $5.25
Full Mojo Rampage [Steam Gift] -- $5
Terraria [Steam Gift] -- $3
Paranautical Activity [Humble Gift Link] -- .35
Aerena [Steam Gift] -- .35
PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack [Steam Gift] -- .10
Pid [Steam Key] -- .10
Paypal Gift
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[H] Steam / Origin keys

-Magicka: Wizard Wars(Early Access) : Paypal Offer

Aura: Fate of the Ages ($.50 - Steam)
A Virus Named TOM ($.75 - Steam)

Bighead Bash (In-game content pack) ($.25)
Bob Came In Pieces ($.75 - Steam)
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box ($.50 - Origin)

Clive Barker's Jericho ($.50 - Steam)
Cognition Episode 1 ($.50 - Steam)

Cognition Episode 2 ($.50 - Steam)

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 ($.50 - Origin) (2)
Crusader Kings Complete ($.50 - Steam)
Damnation ($.75 - Steam)
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron game ($.50 - Steam)
Darwinia ($.50 - Steam)
Data Jammers: FastForward ($.75 - Steam)
Dead Space ($.75 - Origin) (2)
Dead Space 3 ($3 - Origin)

Dino D-Day ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Dollar Dash ($.75 - Steam)
East India Company Gold ($1 - Steam)
Eets Munchies ($1 - Steam)

Electronic Super Joy ($.75  - Steam)
Enclave ($.75  - Steam)
Europa Universalis III ($.75  - Steam) (3)

Fairy Bloom Freesia ($.75  - Steam)
Fantasy Wars ($.75  - Steam) (2)

Future Wars ($.75  - Steam)
Gorky 17 ($.75  - Steam)
Gravity Badgers
($.50 - Steam)

Greed: Black Border ($.50 - Steam)
Greed Corp ($.50 - Steam) (2)
Grotesque Tactics 2 ($.75 - Steam)

Hacker Evolution: Untold + 1DLC ($.75 - Steam)
Hacker Evolution Duality + 4 DLC's ($1 - Steam)
Hero of the Kingdom
($.75 - Steam)

Hydrophobia: Prophecy ($.50 - Steam) (2)

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet ($1.25 - Steam)
Intrusion 2 ($.75 - Steam)
Ion Assault ($1 - Steam)
King's Bounty: The Legend ($.75 - Steam)
King Arthur Collection ($2 - Steam)
Legendary ($.75 - Steam) (2)

Medal of Honor ($.50 - Origin)
Men of War ($.75 - Steam)
Men of War: Condemned Heroes ($1 - Steam)
Men of War: Red Tide ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Men of War: Vietnam ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Might & Magic Duel of Champions Starter Pack ($.50 - Steam)
Mirror's Edge ($.75 - Origin) (2)
Musaic Box ($.75 - Steam)

Naval War - Arctic Circle ($.75 - Steam)
Oil Rush ($1 - Steam)
Operation Flashpoint : Dragon Rising ($1.25 - Steam)
Operation Flashpoint : Red River ($1.25 - Steam)
Overlord & Overlord Raising Hell ($1 - Steam)
Overlord 2 ($1.25 - Steam)
Pacific Storm Allies ($.75 - Steam)

Plain Sight ($.75 - Steam)
Planets Under Attack ($1 - Steam) (2)
Primal Fears ($1 - Steam)
Project Aftermath ($.50 - Steam)
Puzzle Kingdoms ($.75 - Steam)
Race Injection ($1 - Steam)
Ravaged Zombie Apocalypse ($1.25 - Steam)

Razor2: Hidden Skies ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Reaxxion ($.75 - Steam)
Red Faction: Guerrilla ($3 - Steam-Gift)

Redshirt ($.50 - Steam) (2)

Reign: Conflict of Nations ($1 - Steam) (2)
Rig n Roll ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Satazius ($.75 - Steam)
Section 8 ($1 - Steam)
Shadows: Price for Our Sins - Bonus Edition
($1 - Steam)

SpaceChem + 1DLC ($.75 - Steam)
Space Pirates and Zombies ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Star Wolves 3: Civil War ($.75 - Steam) (7)
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition ($.75 - Steam) (2)

Tales of Maj'Eyal ($.75 - Steam)

The Adventures of Shuggy ($.75 - Steam)
The Ship ($.75 - Steam)

The Showdown Effect ($.75 - Steam)
The Whispered World ($1 - Steam)
Tower Wars ($.75 - Steam) (4)
Trainz Simulator 12 ($1.25 - Steam) (2)
Two Brothers ($.75 - Steam)

UFO Extraterrestrials Gold ($1.50 - Steam)
Uplink ($.75 - Steam)
Velvet Assassin ($.75 - Steam)

Vessel ($1 - Steam)
Victoria II ($1 - Steam)
Warlock - Master of the Arcane ($.75 - Steam) (2)
WWIII: Black Gold ($.75 - Steam)
Zombie Bowl-o-Rama ($.75 - Steam)

[W] Paypal - Offers welcome.

Warlock 2: 16$
Warlock 2 Lord Edition: 25$
Warlock 2 Great Mage Edition: 32$
Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse: 4.99$
Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z- 29$

Manga Maker -25$

Dead State -16$

Strider- 13$

Planet Explorers- 17$


Hegemony Rome - 18$
Lego: The Movie: The Videogame: The Book: The Graphic Novel: The Show- 17.5

Blackguards- 22$
Blackguards Deluxe Edition-29.9$

Resident Evil 4 HD Ultimate Edition- 18$

Divinity Original Sin -18$

Banner Saga -16$

Broken Age -17$

Broken Age+Soundtrack-18$
Starbound -10$

Starbound 4 pack- 31$

Rust- 15$

Overgrowth- 18$


Nidhog 2pack- 16$

I can get most Steam games cheaper. If you want a price check, just PM with the games you want.

Looking to trade one of these games (maybe even two at this point) for Metal Slug 3

[Have - keys]

SteamWorld Dig

Half Minute Hero


Metal Slug 3


Steam Gift

Divekick (2-pack available) *Offers* *Cards*
English Country Tune $0.75
Metro 2033 $2

Satazius $1.50 *Cards*

Humble Gift Link (Steam)
Papo & Yo $1

Paranautical Activity $0.75 $0.60
Revenge of the Titans $1 *Cards*
To the Moon $1
Zeno Clash $0.75 $0.50
Steam Key

39 Steps $0.40 $0.39 (Only a penny per step!)

AI War Collection $0.50

BEEP $0.50

Bionic Dues $0.50 *Cards*

Cubetractor $0.50

Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars $0.50

Fairy Bloom Freesia $0.50 *Cards*

Foreign Legions: Buckets of Blood $0.50

Gravity Badgers $0.50 *Cards*

Kairo $0.75 *Cards*

Little Racers Street  $0.25 *Cards*

Mirror's Edge $1.25 $1.00

Oniken $1.25 *Cards*

Saturday Morning RPG $0.50 *Cards*

Additional Steam Keys
*Make an offer*
Brazen Prototype: Humble
Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box $1.50
Capsized $0.75
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising $0.75
Crysis 2 Maximum $3
Dead Space $1.50 $1.25
Dear Esther $0.75
Doublefine Prototype Bundle
English Country Tune $0.75 $0.50
Fractal $0.75 $0.50
Indie Game: The Movie *Cards*
Intrusion 2 $0.75
McPixel $0.50 *Cards*
Medal of Honor $1.00
Nightsky $0.50
Oil Rush $0.50

Snapshot $0.50
Stealth Bastard Deluxe $0.75 *Cards*
Thomas Was Alone $0.50

Tiny & Big: Grandpa's Leftovers $0.50

Waking Mars $0.50

*Make an offer*
Bleed (Desura)
Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box (Origin)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising (Origin)
Crysis 2 Maximum (Origin)
Dead Space (Origin)

Eleusis (Desura)

eXceed: Gun Bullet Children (Desura)
Medal of Honor (Origin)
Mirror's Edge (Origin)

Paranautical Activity (Desura)

Underrail (Desura)

PopCap Humble Bundle (Peggle Deluxe, Bejeweled 3, Bookworm Deluxe, Escape Rosecliff Island, and Feeding Frenzy 2 Deluxe)(Origin) $0.40


Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God (EU Vita PSN)


Master Reboot and Rock of Ages (from Bundlestars)

Paper Sorcerer


Dark Souls II


Amazon Payments/GC

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Bundle: Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row 2, Risen 2: Dark Waters, and Sacred 2 Gold


Amazon/Paypal $3.50

Will also take non-bundle Steam games

Will also trade one bundle for Doorways CH 1 and 2 from the current indiegala!

Indie Gala Rise of Flight Full BTA Bundles - $2.50 (4 Left) 

Steam Keys for:

Megabyte Punch, Saturday Morning RPG, Arcane Worlds, Victory: The Age of Racing, Mini Motor Racing EVO, Rise of Flight: Channel Battles Edition, Solar Flux 

Desura Keys for:

Hippocampal, QbQbQb

Indie Gala Interstellar Marines Full BTA Bundles - $2.50 (10 Left)

Steam Keys for:

Pixeljunk Monsters, Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves, Pixeljunk Shooter, Rush Bros, Finding Teddy, Interstellar Marines, Beast Boxing Turbo, Dynamite Jack, 

Desura Keys for:


Accept: Paypal (Family and Friends or Regular*), Amazon Gift Card

* Regular Paypal payments add .40 cents to cover fees.

TF2 Key Policy:

I will trade 1 TF2 key for 1 Capsule Bundle

I will trade 2 TF2 keys for 1 Rise of Flight or Interstellar Marines bundle

I will trade 3 TF2 keys for your choice of any two bundles and you can get two copies of the same bundle under this trade if you want. 

Please PM if interested. 

Feedback Policy:
I don't require feedback, but I will return feedback here, on Steam or on Steamtrades if you want. So if you want feedback just post it, let me know, and I will return it.

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Tradeable Steam Gifts

Aerena - Clash of Champions
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Hotline Miami 
Interstellar Marines
Risk of Rain
Zombie Driver HD
Castle Crashers
Coupons - Gimme a random steam card(s) and they are yours.

[customspoiler='See Coupons']Currently Out![/customspoiler]

Desura Keys - $0.15 Each!

[customspoiler='Desura Keys']Millennium - A New Hope, Laxius Force, Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe, The Body Changer, Ultoionus, Two Brothers, Cubicity[/customspoiler]


The Dead Linger

Super Motherload


TowerFall Ascension


7 Grand Steps (Humble Bundle Weekly: Inciecade)

Buy something guys! =D I need 3 bucks :p


* PayDay 2 [Steam Key From Amazon] ---- $7.5

* Max Payne 3 - [Steam Key From Amazon] ---- $4 (Base game, no DLCs included)

* Full Rampage Mojo [Steam Gift] ---- $5
* Far Cry 3 Deluxe Ed. [Steam Gift] ---- $8

* Final Fantasy VII [Steam Key From Amazon] ---- $5

* Final Fantasy VIII [Steam Key From Amazon] ---- $5

* Last Knight Adventure [Desura / Steam Key] ---- $1 (Games launches in less than 2 days)

* Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD  [Steam Key From Amazon] ---- $10 (This item will be available on March 27, 2014 at 12:00 AM US/Pacific, Not sure if I get the code after buy it or I have to wait until 27 but you will get the key asap in any case)


PayPal Gift (pls be sure you can send as gift)

Also can buy Amazon Deals in exchange of PayPal Gift

feel free to pm


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Currently looking to buy Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle out of The Underground Bundle for 50 cents or so! A trade would also work.
Borderlands 2 - $7 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Last Knight - $3
Freedom Fall - $4 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Talisman Prologue - $2 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Shelter - $2 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Saturday Morning RPG - $1 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Arcane Worlds - $1
99 Levels to Hell - $3 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Oniken$2 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Zack Zero - $2 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Retrovirus - $2 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Mini Motor Racing EVO - $1 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Blade Symphony - $6
Darkout - $3
Grimind - $3
//N.P.P.D. Rush// : The Milk Of Ultraviolet - $3 
Afterfall Insanity - $2 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Hammerfight - $2
Gun Metal - $1
Survivor Squad - $1 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Satazius - $1
The Showdown Effect - $1 (Has Steam trading cards!)
A Virus Named Tom - $1
Majicka + 2 DLC - $1 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Blockland - $1 (Has Steam trading cards!)
AI War Collection - $1
Space Pirates and Zombies - $1 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Pid - $0.5
Time Gentlemen Please - Ben There, Dan That - $0.5
Or take ALL Steam keys above for $37!
Dysfunctional Systems - $1
Krater - $1 (Has Steam trading cards!)
Turba - $1
Larva Mortus - $1
Space Trader: Merchant Marine - $1
Greed: Black Border - $1
Dead Space - $1
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box - $1
Crysis 2: Maximum Edition - $1
Mirror's Edge - $1
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising - $1
Or take ALL Steam keys above for $8!

Cognition Episode 1 - $1
Cognition Episode 2 - $1
Cherry Tree High Comedy Club - $1
Miner Warfare - $0.5
Or take ALL Desura keys above for $3!
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising - $1
Kerbal Space Program
Edge of Space
Games with cards that I don't have (Trades only!)


Steam keys (unless noted)

  • Company of Heroes 2 - Multiplayer Commander DLC
  • Jagged Alliance - Raven Pack DLC
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth
  • Mafia II
  • Civilization V (5)
  • Enclave
  • Pid
  • Borderlands 2 – Headhunter 4: Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre (DLC) 
Desura Keys

  • [SIZE=12pt]Humble Indie Bundle 2 (x2)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Humble Indie Bunde 3 (x1)[/SIZE]
Onlive Keys

  • [SIZE=12pt]Braid[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Osmos[/SIZE]


Spec Ops: The Line

Amazon $$$ 

Offers (Steam or 360)
No Paypal please

Games I already own http://steamcommunit..../games?tab=all
Trades only

Selling Steam keys for the following games:

- Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos $0.58

- Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart $0.58 (Cards)

- Frozen Hearth $0.58

Or all 3 for $1.64.

- Trainz Simulator 12 $0.24
- Hydrophobia Prophecy $0.34
Or both for $0.48.

Selling Steam gift/tradeable copies of:

- The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct $7.98
- The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct + Walker Herd DLC $8.28

I'm also open to offers if you want to buy multiple games together at a lower price.
I accept payment via Paypal, gift card (keys only), or Steam wallet (keys only; +15% due to market fees.)

(All Steam keys)
Rush Bros
Interstellar Marines
Thunder Wolves
AI War Collection
Gun Monkeys 
Bang Bang Racing
Arcane Worlds
Survivor Squad
Face Noir
The 39 Steps
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Tiny And Grandpa Leftovers
Megabyte Punch
Gravity Badgers 
Not The Robots
Dawn Of Fantasy: Kingdom WarsLittle Racers STREET
Supreme Commander
Supreme Commander:Forged Alliance
Shattered Haven

Pool Nation
Beat Hazard Ultra
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Games are Steam keys unless otherwise mentioned.

[Have] - [Want, Paypal]

Borderlands GOTY -$5
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - $2.50
Command and Conquer Ultimate Collection - $4.99
Dead Space 3 (Origin) - $4.99
Duke Nukem Forever Complete Pack -$4
Far Cry 3 - $7,49
GTA III + San Andreas + Vice City - $6
Hitman Absolution - $6
Legacy of Kain Pack - $4
Max Payne 1 +2 -$4
The Secret World (not Steam) - $9.99
The Walking Dead + 400 Days - $7,49
The XCOM Collection - $9.99
Tomb Raider 2013 - $5
XCOM: Enemy Within - $8

Hey everyone        :)
I have a bunch of leftover steam keys which i am willing to sell for Paypal. Here goes:
Feel free to PM or add or offer here.
Update: 3/24/2014

 List too long so i use spoiler.

Steam Keys:

  • Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi : $2
  • Doctor Who Adventures : $2.50
  • Supreme commander : $1
  • Supreme commander forged alliance : $1
  • Blacksoul : $1.75
  • Holy avatar and maiden something : $1.75
  • Oniken : $1.75
  • Blacksoul: Extended edition : $1.50
  • Diehard Dungeon : $1.40
  • Saturday night RPG : $1.75
  • Ethan : Meteor hunter : $0.80
  • Super Killer Hornet Resurrection : $0.90
  • Sideways New York : $0.75
  • I have no mouth and i must scream : $0.85
  • Gun Metal : $1.50
  • Guilty Gear Isuka : $1.90
  • Stealth Bastard Deluxe : $1.50
  • Steel Storm: Complete Edition: $0.85
  • Naval Warfare : $0.75
  • Pid : $0.50
  • Conicylsm : $0.75
  • star wolves 3 : $0.75
  • Driftmoon $1.75
  • Chainz 2 : $0.50
  • Lucius : $0.50
  • Zombie Shooter 2 : $0.50
  • Bullet Candy : $1.50
  • Aztaka : $0.50
  • Cognition Ep 1: $0.75
  • Cognition Ep 2: $0.75
  • Men of war : Red tide : $0.75
  • Starvoid (redeeming the key will give an extra copy in your inventory): $1
  • Zombie Driver HD Dlc soundtrack (This is only the DLC): $0.25
  • Hackers Evolution Duality: $0.50
  • Razer 2 : Hidden skies: $0.50
  • Enclave : $0.75
  • Rig'n Roll: $0.50
  • Anodyne: $1
  • Trainz 12: $1
  • Satazius : $1
  • Naval War: $0.75
  • Anamoly - Warzone earth : $0.75
  • Exceed: $1
  • Hydrophobia: $0.50
  • Reign : Conflicts of nation: $0.50
  • Death to spies Gold (Has both 1 and 2 games): $1
  • Gorky 17: $1
  • Draw a stickman epic : $1
  • Snuggle Truck : $0.75
  • Fortix: $0.50
  • Men of war: Condemned heroes: $0.75
  • Ufo: Afterlight (No longer available on steam to buy): $4
  • Garshasp :  $0.75
  • 39 steps : $0.50
  • Brutal legend: $1
  • Dead Hungry Diner: $0.75
  • Lucid : $0.50
  • Reign:Conflicts of nations: $0.50
  • Insecticide: $0.75
  • Elven Legacy (No longer available on steam to buy): $5
  • Larva Mortis: $0.50
  • Avadon: $0.50
  • Obulis: $0.50
  • Tidalis: $0.75
  • Showdown effect: $0.75
  • Warlock Master of arcane: $0.75
  • Space traders: $0.50
  • Trapped dead: $1
  • post apocalyptic mayhem: $1
  • Majesty 2: $0.75
  • Super sanctum TD: $1
  • Doc Clock: The toasted sandwich : $0.75
  • Skyward collapse : $1
  • Avernum : Escape from the pit : $0.65
  • Sacraboar : $0.75
  • Agriculture Simulator 2011 : $0.75
  • Arena wars 2 : $0.50
Humble Gifts:

  • Worms Pinball : $0.75
  • F.E.A.R 2 : $1
  • Faerie Solitaire : $0.75
  • Dwarfs?! : $0.75
  • Zeno Clash : $0.75
  • The Bard's tale : $1.25
  • AaaaaaAAAaaaAaAA! For the awesome : $1
  • Hero Academy + Gold pack : $2
  • Gemini Rue : $1
  • Solar 2 : $1
  • Bit.Trip Runner 2 : $2
  • Papo & yo : $1
  • Joe Danger 2: The Movie : $1
  • To the moon : $1
  • Hoard : $1.50
  • Reus : $3
  • Surgeon Simulator : $2
  • Toki Tori 2+ : $2.50
  • Alpha Prime : $1
  • Fish Fillets 2 : $1
  • UFO After light (New Steam ID one) : $1
  • Arma Cold war assault : $2
  • Arma 2 : $2
  • Arma - Gold - $1.50
  • Carrier command : $4


  • Paypal

  • Slender
  • Master Reboot
  • Expeditions: Conquistador
  • other games i don't have yet
  • Retro/Grade (From humble weekly)
*Please note the list is not 100% accurate and some games might not be available as i was away from PC for like ~1 month.


[H] Steam / Origin keys

-Magicka: Wizard Wars(Early Access) : Paypal Offer

Aura: Fate of the Ages ($.50 - Steam)
A Virus Named TOM ($.75 - Steam)

Bighead Bash (In-game content pack) ($.25)
Bob Came In Pieces ($.75 - Steam)
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box ($.50 - Origin)

Clive Barker's Jericho ($.50 - Steam)
Cognition Episode 1 ($.50 - Steam)

Cognition Episode 2 ($.50 - Steam)

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 ($.50 - Origin) (2)
Crusader Kings Complete ($.50 - Steam)
Damnation ($.75 - Steam)
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron game ($.50 - Steam)
Darwinia ($.50 - Steam)
Data Jammers: FastForward ($.75 - Steam)
Dead Space ($.75 - Origin) (2)
Dead Space 3 ($3 - Origin)

Dino D-Day ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Dollar Dash ($.75 - Steam)
East India Company Gold ($1 - Steam)
Eets Munchies ($1 - Steam)

Electronic Super Joy ($.75  - Steam)
Enclave ($.75  - Steam)
Europa Universalis III ($.75  - Steam) (3)

Fairy Bloom Freesia ($.75  - Steam)
Fantasy Wars ($.75  - Steam) (2)

Future Wars ($.75  - Steam)
Gorky 17 ($.75  - Steam)
Gravity Badgers
($.50 - Steam)

Greed: Black Border ($.50 - Steam)
Greed Corp ($.50 - Steam) (2)
Grotesque Tactics 2 ($.75 - Steam)

Hacker Evolution: Untold + 1DLC ($.75 - Steam)
Hacker Evolution Duality + 4 DLC's ($1 - Steam)
Hero of the Kingdom
($.75 - Steam)

Hydrophobia: Prophecy ($.50 - Steam) (2)

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet ($1.25 - Steam)
Intrusion 2 ($.75 - Steam)
Ion Assault ($1 - Steam)
King's Bounty: The Legend ($.75 - Steam)
King Arthur Collection ($2 - Steam)
Legendary ($.75 - Steam) (2)

Medal of Honor ($.50 - Origin)
Men of War ($.75 - Steam)
Men of War: Condemned Heroes ($1 - Steam)
Men of War: Red Tide ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Men of War: Vietnam ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Might & Magic Duel of Champions Starter Pack ($.50 - Steam)
Mirror's Edge ($.75 - Origin) (2)
Musaic Box ($.75 - Steam)

Naval War - Arctic Circle ($.75 - Steam)
Oil Rush ($1 - Steam)
Operation Flashpoint : Dragon Rising ($1.25 - Steam)
Operation Flashpoint : Red River ($1.25 - Steam)
Overlord & Overlord Raising Hell ($1 - Steam)
Overlord 2 ($1.25 - Steam)
Pacific Storm Allies ($.75 - Steam)

Plain Sight ($.75 - Steam)
Planets Under Attack ($1 - Steam) (2)
Primal Fears ($1 - Steam)
Project Aftermath ($.50 - Steam)
Puzzle Kingdoms ($.75 - Steam)
Race Injection ($1 - Steam)
Ravaged Zombie Apocalypse ($1.25 - Steam)

Razor2: Hidden Skies ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Reaxxion ($.75 - Steam)
Red Faction: Guerrilla ($3 - Steam-Gift)

Redshirt ($.50 - Steam) (2)

Reign: Conflict of Nations ($1 - Steam) (2)
Rig n Roll ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Satazius ($.75 - Steam)
Section 8 ($1 - Steam)
Shadows: Price for Our Sins - Bonus Edition
($1 - Steam)

SpaceChem + 1DLC ($.75 - Steam)
Space Pirates and Zombies ($.75 - Steam) (2)
Star Wolves 3: Civil War ($.75 - Steam) (7)
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition ($.75 - Steam) (2)

Tales of Maj'Eyal ($.75 - Steam)

The Adventures of Shuggy ($.75 - Steam)
The Ship ($.75 - Steam)

The Showdown Effect ($.75 - Steam)
The Whispered World ($1 - Steam)
Tower Wars ($.75 - Steam) (4)
Trainz Simulator 12 ($1.25 - Steam) (2)
Two Brothers ($.75 - Steam)

UFO Extraterrestrials Gold ($1.50 - Steam)
Uplink ($.75 - Steam)
Velvet Assassin ($.75 - Steam)

Vessel ($1 - Steam)
Victoria II ($1 - Steam)
Warlock - Master of the Arcane ($.75 - Steam) (2)
WWIII: Black Gold ($.75 - Steam)
Zombie Bowl-o-Rama ($.75 - Steam)

[W] Paypal - Offers welcome.


* Castle of Illusion [Steam gift] ---- $3

* Max Payne 3 - [Steam Key From Amazon] ---- $4 (Base game, no DLCs included)

* Full Rampage Mojo [Steam Gift] ---- $5
* Far Cry 3 Deluxe Ed. [Steam Gift] ---- $8

* Final Fantasy VII [Steam Key From Amazon] ---- $5

* Final Fantasy VIII [Steam Key From Amazon] ---- $5

* Last Knight Adventure [Desura / Steam Key] ---- $1 (Games launches in less than 2 days)

* Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD  [Steam Key From Amazon] ---- $10 (This item will be available on March 27, 2014 at 12:00 AM US/Pacific, Not sure if I get the code after buy it or I have to wait until 27 but you will get the key asap in any case)


PayPal Gift (pls be sure you can send as gift)

Also can buy Amazon Deals in exchange of PayPal Gift

feel free to pm


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Steam Keys/Humble Gifts: $0.50 each

1953: KGB Unleashed
A-Train 8
And Yet It Moves
Archon Classic
Dear Esther
Dino D-Day
Dynamite Jack
Finding Teddy
Gorky 17
Gun Metal
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
Infected: The Twin Vaccine
Interstellar Marines
Ittle Dew
Light of Altair
Little Racers STREET
Magical Diary
Offspring Fling!
Probably Archery
Race Injection
Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves
Shadows: Price for Our Sins
Shufflepuck Cantina
Space Pirates and Zombies
Syberia II
Takedown: Red Sabre
Thunder Wolves
Velvet Assassin

Final Fantasy VII - $5

Steam Bundle Keys:

Humble Indie Bundle 3 - $2

(Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV, Hammerfight, And Yet It Moves, Steel Storm, Atom Zombie Smasher)

Desura Keys: $0.10 each

Airship Dragoon
Arson & Plunder
Crater Maker
Hippocampal (Check Indie Gala profile Steam)
Shufflepuck Cantina
Telepath RPG: Servants of God
The Body Changer
Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge



 Jade Empire Special Edition - $5

 MDK Combo - $5

 Current Bundle Steam Keys:


  Storm in a Teacup

  Depth Hunter




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Amnesia Fortnight 2012 Prototypes  0.25

Arcane Worlds  0.40

Doctor Who: The Adventure Games  1.25

Dysfunctional Systems  0.50

Fortix 2  0.25

Frozen Hearth  0.50

Hero of the Kingdom  0.25

Hero Siege  0.50

Nightmares From the Deep: The Cursed Heart  0.50

Strategic War in Europe  1.00

Surgeon Simulator  0.75


Always Remember Me  0.25

Cognition Episode 2  0.10

Pester  0.15

Raiden Legacy The Return 0.25




Trade for other games:

Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny



Etherlords 2

Expedition: Conqistadors

Master Reboot

Kaptain Brawe


Doorways: Chapter 1 & 2

Steam Keys

A Virus Named Tom
Air Buccaneers
Alien Breed 2: Assault
ARES: Extinction Agenda
Astro Tripper
Aura: Fate of the Ages
Avadon: the Black Fortress
Avencast: Rise of the Mage
Avernum: The Great Trials Trilogy
Beast Boxing Turbo
Beat Hazard
Beat Hazard Ultra
Bientôt l'été
Crayon Physics Deluxe
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
Dear Esther
Defense Grid: The Awakening + Resurgence Map Packs 1-4
Depths of Peril
Dynamite Jack
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
Electronic Super Joy
Ether Vapor Remaster
eXceed - Gun Bullet Children
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Galactic Arms Race
Geneforge Saga
Greed Corp.
Hamilton's Great Adventure
Hard Reset Extended Edition
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
Hell Yeah Pimp My Rabbit DLC
Holy Maidens vs Avatar of the Dead
Huntsman: the Orphanage
Hydrophobia: Prophecy
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
Interstellar Marines
Intrusion 2
Ironclads Anthology
La Mulana
Metal Drift
Mutant Storm Reloaded
Painkiller Black
Painkiller: Overdose
Painkiller: Redemption
Post Apocalyptic Mayhem
Primal Fears
Project Aftermath
Rush Bros.
Serious Sam: The First Encounter HD
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter HD
Showdown Effect, The
Sideway New York
Sol Survivor
Solar 2
Starpoint Gemini
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
Superbros. Sword & Sworcery EP
Takedown: Red Saber
Tales of Maj'Eyal
The Void
Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers
Tobe's Vertical Adventure
Trainz 2012
Trainz 2012 - Aerotrain
Trainz 2012 - Coronation Scot
Trine 2: The Complete Story
Two Brothers
Two Worlds II
Vegas: Make it Big
Waking Mars
Zombie Shooter
Zombie Shooter 2

Humble Gift Links
Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Psychonauts, Limbo, Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Aura: Fate of the Ages
Dust: An Elysian Tail
F.E.A.R. 3
Faerie Solitaire
Giana Sisters
Guacamelee Gold Edition
Lord of the Rings: War in the North
Magicka + 2 DLC
Papo y Yo
Sanctum Collection
Take on Helicopters
To the Moon
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Zeno Clash


Winter Voices Episodes 3 - 6 (on sale now for $.49 each)

Any bundle / greenlit / non-bundle games I don't have (
Wishlist (

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H: Steam keys unless noted otherwise

Tomb Raider 2013 $5

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet $2

Resident Evil 5 (Steam tradeable) $5


Amazon GC

Paypal, no fee, friends and family only


Steam keys:

Major Mayhem

Party of Sin

Bridge Project

Air Conflicts: Vietnam


$0.25 each or take all for $0.75 Paypal

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[w] larva mortus
Where should I send them?


bread's done