Steam/Origin etc Buy/Sell/Trade Thread! - READ THE OP! ONE POST EVERY THREE DAYS!

All deals currently on hold pending refund and possible revocation of keys.

Have: three two copies of Earth Defense Force 6 from a Humble Bundle 4-pack
Want: $13 each Paypal/Venmo/CashApp or 7 tf2 keys

Will increase the price tomorrow unless you're a long time CAG that I've dealt with before.

Edit: As with spoderman, it was from a price mistake and likewise if the purchase is refunded and keys are revoked I'll return payment. I've claimed the keys (and activated one myself) so it's pretty unlikely - in all these years I've never had Humble revoke a price mistake unless the key was given free. And yes, you should buy his cheaper ones first so long as he still has some available.

Final edit - keys were revoked on 10/7 and all payments made to me have been refunded.
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Have: Earth Defense Force 6 from Humble 4 pack price mistake (0 keys remaining)
Want: $10 paypal f&f each

Since this is a price mistake there is a chance that keys are revoked, if that happens I will refund you

EDIT: All keys have been sold.
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WuKong: NVIDIA Steam Key activated (No GPU Needed)-$45
Guardians of the Galaxy-$8
Jack Move$2
GhostRunner 2-$8
Astral Ascent-$2
Callisto Protocol-$5.00
Death Stranding Directors cut-$7.00
Katana Zero
Nioh 2 The complete editon-$5
Marvels Midnight Sons-$5 Sold
GhostWire Tokyo-$5
Death Stranding Directors Cut-$10
Blade Assault $2
Realms of Ruin Ultimate editon
From Space
Expeditions of Rome
Disco Elysium
There is no Light enhanced editon
The Pale Beyond
Trek to Yumi
Victoria 3
Fashion Squad Police Sold
Symphony of War
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow

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Get any below for $1 each or 2 for $1.50

Jumanji the video game
Walking Dead Season 1
Walking Dead Season 2
Jack move
Remnant Records
McPixel 3
Sticky Business
Darkside Detective
Darkside Detective fumble in the dark
Paradise Killer
Icewind Dale Enhanced edition
Maid of Sker
Imposter Factory
Five Dates
King of the Castle
Bravery and greed
Amanda the adventurer
Mediterranea Inferno
Pale Beyond
Last Call BBS
SCP secret files
Such Art
Meeple Station
Turbo Golf Racing
Monster Prom 2
Heros Hour
Hidden and dangerous action pack and 2
Morbid the seven acolytes

Pathfinder Kingmaker Enhanced edition $1.50
Season Pass $1.50

Buy both above for $2.50


PayPal f&f US based
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen - $0.50
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD - $0.50
The Legend of Tianding - $0.50
Iron Danger - $0.50
Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete - $0.50
Ultra Street Fighter® IV - $0.50
BattleStar Galactica: Deadlock - $0.50
Glitch Busters: Stuck on You - $0.50

Buy 2 Get 1 Free above :)

W: Paypal, Open to trades and bundle offersl
WTS Steam Keys

Autonauts vs Piratebots - $.50
Hot Brass - $.50
Jack Move - $1
King of the Castle - $.50
Legend of Tianding - $1
Lords and Villeins - $.50
Mediterranea Inferno - $1
Meeple Station - $.50
Revival Recolonization - $1
SCP Secret Files - $.50
Spirit of the Island - $.50
Station to Station - $2
Turbo Golf Racing - $.50

Want: Amazon/PayPal Friends and Family (Otherwise you pay fees)
Have : (All Steam Games)
Hero's black dungeon
Best Plumber
The Night of the Rabbit
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong
Eternal Edge+
Age of Wonders III
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition
Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Yakuza Like a Dragon

Also got alot of starterpacks for mobile/pc games and discounts.
Discord: affengangster

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[W] Spirit Hunter: Deathmark

[H] PayPal

I was wondering if anyone has an old key to this game. It's been bundled a few times I'm willing to pay a few bucks for it. Thanks!
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Have :
Carton 0.5€
Best Plumber 0.5€
The Night of the Rabbit 0.5€
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong 1.5€
Age of Wonders III 3 €
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition 3€
Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition 3 €
Devil May Cry HD Collection 4€
Yakuza Like a Dragon 3€

Also got alot of starterpacks for mobile/pc games and discounts.
Discord: affengangster

Paypal or offer also prizes are customizable
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Have (all steam keys)

Autonauts vs Piratebots - .35
Bravery and Greed - .35
King of the Castle - .35
McPixel 3 - .35
Meeple Station - .40
Station to Station - .50
The Red Lantern - .50
This Means Warp - .50
Universe for Sale - .50

Want : Paypal, Amazon GC

Am open to a discounted rate on prices if you buy 3+ titles
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h: unknown 9 awakening steam key via amd rewards. ill just give you the account and you click add to steam.

w $20 paypal ff or a Steam gift card. its a $50 release
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Have bunch of GOG codes from Prime Gaming:

Bioshock Remastered
Tomb Raider Legend
Hive Jump 2: Survivors
Kerbal Space Program
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Lego The Hobbit
Ghost Song
The Falconeer
9 Years of Shadows
Cursed to Golf
Hell Pie
GreedFall Gold Edition
Arcade Paradise
Spells & Secrets
En Garde!
Hard West 2
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical

Offers (Amazon, PSN credit, Xbox credit)
I'm not using GOG so I don't know how much is it worth, if it's worth something at all.
Steam Keys

Jack Move $1.00
Dome Keeper $1.50
Station to Station $1.50
Remnant Records $0.75
McPixel 3 $0.75
All for $3.00

Paypal F&F
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Ghostrunner 2 - $4
Saints Row - $3
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Realms of Ruin - $3
Astral Ascent - $2
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector - $2
Blacktail - $2
Figment 2 - $2
Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign - $2
Miasma Chronicles - $2
King of the Castle - $1.50
Universe for Sale - $1
This Means Warp - $1
Hyperviolent - $1
Sticky Business - $1
Mediterranea Inferno - $1
Children of Silentown - $1
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder - $1

Samurai Jack: Battle Through time - $4
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak DLC - $5
Pennys Big Breakaway - $5
Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - $5
Axiom Verge 2 - $4
Lunacid - $4
My Friendly Neighborhood - $3
Paleo Pines - $3

Have :
The Night of the Rabbit
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong
Age of Wonders III
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition
Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition
Devil May Cry HD Collection

Paypal or offer
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Have (All NA):


Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen $2

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record $2

Street Fighter V - Champion Edition $3

Resident Evil HD $3

Resident Evil Revelations $2

Resident Evil 6 Complete $3

Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition $2

Resident Evil 4 (2005) $3

Resident Evil 2 (Remake) $4

GOG (Expires October 28 2024)

Lego Lord of the Rings $2


Arcade Paradise $1

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided $2

Tomb Raider the Last Revelation + Chronicles $1

Spells & Secrets $2

Hard West 2 $1

Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness $1

Cat Quest II $1

SteamWorld Heist $2

South of the Circle $1


Paypal F&F
Hey Gang, selling the following:

- Dark Pictures House of Ashes - $2
- Dark Pictures Little Hope - $2

- Little Nightmares - $2
- Take them all for $5.99!!! 🤔

Want: PayPal. PM me. Thanks!!
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Have :
The Night of the Rabbit
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong
Age of Wonders III
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition
Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition
Devil May Cry HD Collection

Paypal or offer
Hey Gang, selling the following:

- Dark Pictures House of Ashes - $2
- Dark Pictures Little Hope - $2

- Little Nightmares - $2
- Take them all for $5.99!!! 🤔

Want: PayPal. PM me. Thanks!
WTS Steam Keys

$2 for all three
The Bookwalker
Hexarchy 4X Deckbuilding
Garden Life

Autonauts vs Piratebots - $.50
Hot Brass - $.50
Jack Move - $1
King of the Castle - $.50
Legend of Tianding - $1
Lords and Villeins - $.50
Mediterranea Inferno - $1
Meeple Station - $.50
Revival Recolonization - $1
SCP Secret Files - $.50
Spirit of the Island - $.50
Turbo Golf Racing - $.50

Want: Amazon/PayPal Friends and Family (Otherwise you pay fees)
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Have: Humble Choice November
Want: $5 for everything (but NOT Darktide and Persona 4) Sold

Have: Remnant Keeper, Dome Keeper, Jack Move, Station To Station.
Want: $1.50 for those 4 games together Sold
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bread's done