[quote name='shingletingle']Explain to me how Valve is endorsing this DRM. If a store puts a certain brand of mp3 player on sale, does that mean they are endorsing that mp3 player as the best of all? Ummm...no. It means it is on sale. You're one of those people that likes to complain just to complain about something.[/QUOTE]
I am quite amused that you are making sweeping generalizations about my personality based on one post. Hope people don't do the same to you.
A more appropriate analogy would be something like this:
A grocery store, in a ridiculous and misguided attempt to reduce theft, sells you food from a certain manufacturer packaged in high-tech containers that automatically open once you arrive home (but cannot be opened until then). You provide your house address to them when you buy the food.
Unfortunately, you live in an RV, so the container may or may not unlock itself, or may even constantly open and close at random, depending on if your RV is recognized by these containers. In other words, whether you can enjoy the food you bought is completely beyond your control until you find a new place to live that is more compatible with their system.