[quote name='strdr4']I played about 40 online matches today and most of my losses were from the bad dpad. Dashing forward after a focus attack is impossible. I have to shift my entire hand to pull off Ultra moves then I thought I would have to shift my hand when playing with the fightpad to do EX moves anyways so I would definately need a stick. I just wish the reg stick isn't so expensive.[/quote]
I really find this cheap and questionable. I found some fighting games, even with the 360's horrid d-pad, for me were manageable to play. It really seems cheap that they'd really make the game hard to play when they are really pushing these fight sticks or arcade pads they're making.
I swear this generation of games have used so many cheap tactics to sell stuff. I really can't see why Microsoft can't make more d-pads like that green UK one that came out and start using those as the primary pad template. It would make having to have a "fight pad" made for one game unnecessary and actually add more substance to the controller, which is expensive as is.
I know Capcom is known for SF-themed controllers (Anniversary Collection for one), but those seemed more like decoration or collectibles while these fight pads actually seem to be a required thing to be good at the game. As cool as the new fightpads look, the whole idea is questionable to me and I play a lot of fighting games.
To be positive again: one thing I love that some people have griped about is the song in the intro movie. I find it fantastic and catchy, whilst feeling still Street Fightery with the lyrics and imagery in the opening video. It's different, not a remix of a past theme which I appreciated. The music in the game is great, as expected.