[quote name='greyzieoriental']You have to beat the game once with Akuma after you unlock him on any difficulty/round/time limit.
After that, you do the 2 Perfects and 3 Ultra Finishes with any character of your choice and no continues for Gouken.
Note: If you do not beat the game with Akuma, you can still fight Gouken but he will not be unlocked even if you beat him.
ie. Match 1,2 = Win with Perfects, Match 3,4,5 = Win with Ultra Finish and the rest just beat as normal, I wouldn't recommend finishing with a Super Finish. From what I understand, if you do a Ultra finish and get a perfect it doesn't count as 1 or each.
Anyways, I just realized that we don't get to break any barrels or destroy a car. What's up with that?[/QUOTE]
I know this, I beat it wish Akuma after I unlocked him. I think I still have to beat it with just 2 or 3 of the hidden fighters. I had my 2 perfects and 3 ultras done befor seth but can't remember the order I did them in. I want to say first one was an ultra then the second and third were perfects 4 was ultra and i think the one just before seth or the one befor it was the last ultra.