Street Fighter IV - Gen Discussion & Info

I won 19 ranked matches in a row last night. I started bragging to people that i was gonna win 20, but i lost to a pretty good Sagat. I got about 1600 BP's
[quote name='will52']I agree, but people would freak out if they had to wait 30 secs to a minute to find someone very close to their bracket. So I guess the system is 'better close in rank than waiting'. Ken/Ryu players don't bother me too much, they're usually just cannon fodder. Also there are people in the millions+ now, so really in the entire leaderboard, you are probably playing people in your bracket.[/quote]

I guess that is true but it still seems off. Can it really be that hard to search lets say +/- 200 points from your own BP total? I am getting guys who are a full thousand below me. Which means on the off chance that I do lose I am dropping like 300 points where as if I win I am only getting like 30.

As for the Ken/Ryu its not that I cant beat them..Lord only knows how many Ken/Ryu I have beat. Its not about winning or loosing. Its just that it makes the game really really repetitive that out of 10 games 7 will be Ken/Ryu.

I play as Blanka and Balrog and I have yet to even see another blanka and I have only seen 3 Balrogs. A simply filter would be awsome.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I guess that is true but it still seems off. Can it really be that hard to search lets say +/- 200 points from your own BP total? I am getting guys who are a full thousand below me. Which means on the off chance that I do lose I am dropping like 300 points where as if I win I am only getting like 30.

Yea that's definitely true. I can't stand that when some amazing guy is at like 50BP and I get destroyed and drop over 200BPs... that kinda sucks.

They need a better ranking system (one is coming I hope). Anyone who has played World of Warcraft and been involved in the Arena system knows that getting a ranking system right often takes time. I don't think blizzard has ever got theirs to be 100% perfect, but that's another OT story.
I completely relate. Killing noobs for an hour at 15 points a piece. And then having one bad match and ending up with less points then when you started is kind of bullshit
So what's the word on the $40 madcatz fight pads? Half the people say they don't work right and suck and the other half say they are great. Is it worth going out looking for one? I don't want to buy an arcade stick but it's pretty insane having to use trigger buttons, so a $40 pad isn't too bad as long as it works ok
I dont know Konga I am right there with you. I was thinking about picking one up and hoping I get a good one.

The 360 pad is just play horrid for this game. Half my move inputs are not working at vital times which gets me smashed in the face.
[quote name='KongaKing']So what's the word on the $40 madcatz fight pads? Half the people say they don't work right and suck and the other half say they are great. Is it worth going out looking for one? I don't want to buy an arcade stick but it's pretty insane having to use trigger buttons, so a $40 pad isn't too bad as long as it works ok[/quote]

I like mine a lot. Its easy to pull off special moves. On occasion it wont register, but most of the time it does. I do wonder how long the dpad will last though. But i would recommend one.
Can someone please fucking explain to me as to why I can never seem to block low sweeps even though I am clearly pressing down and back? Also, the instant shinruken is still giving me a problems. Its such bullshit because it gets pulled off in between my own moves and there really isnt a thing I can do about it.

As blanka if I death roll and actually hit him them all of a sudden I am getting shirukened for a 5 hit combo.

God damn I am sick of vsing kens.
I used your Blanka strategy to get the 5 win in a row cheez, Sood. However, there's a problem with it. If you slide just short of hitting them, you're wide open for a sweep + combo :/
Yeah, I know. But there is pretty much nothing you can do when vsing even a subpar Ken/Ryu player anyway.

Thats why I hate vsing them so much. As well has having a laughably easy move list they have a god damn counter to virtually everything that can be pulled off with virtually no thought what so ever for a decent amount of damage.

I still cant get over the fact that in the middle of one of my move that can instantly go into a shinruken. I death roll a guy, hit them and on the bounce back I get shirukened.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I like mine a lot. Its easy to pull off special moves. On occasion it wont register, but most of the time it does. I do wonder how long the dpad will last though. But i would recommend one.[/quote]

I've had mine for 2 weeks and already, after about 25 hours of playing SF4, it won't register QCF while facing right.
[quote name='Soodmeg']
I still cant get over the fact that in the middle of one of my move that can instantly go into a shinruken. I death roll a guy, hit them and on the bounce back I get shirukened.[/quote]

Maybe the start up on your move is slow ? When im in the middle of a combo I never get interrupted by a player.
CPU Seth/Gief on the other hand dont give a shit that you already are 4hits in a combo. they will grab you and toss u like a no ones business.
Yeah but here is the thing. Blanka as recoil. Most of blanka's moves whether they connect or not will make him bounce back slightly.

Here is the exact situation that I am talking about.

Ken throws a fireball....Blanka EX threw it with a death roll and connects knocking Ken to the ground..Blanka whether or not he connects will back flip out of the death that 1 second that he is back flipping Ken will hit the ground instantly recover into a Shiruken and hit me for 5.

There is really nothing I can do because Blanka doesnt back flip far enough away from the player to avoid instant attacks. I have tried tons of ways to get around this and just cant and most of the advice I have got is just shit.

I have had people tell me to stop doing death rolls!?!? I am fucking Blanka what else would I be doing? The only things that works is the fact that most people are just really surpirsed by the death roll so they dont think to do the shiruken or they just dont know how.
[quote name='seanr1221']My main is Zangief but the kens and ryus tear me up with constant fireballs. Any tips?[/quote]

Try and close the distance by using Lariat and the Green Hand move, so you can attempt to get up close and do some throws. Just takes practice.

Despite all the complaining about Ken/Ryu's, the game is pretty well balanced. The monotony of fighting the same 2-3 characters does suck, I agree, but they are not unbeatable scrub gods.

I've only been able to play 4 matches online so far (been busy) 2 were against Ryu/Ken, 1 Abel, 1 Boxer, and I'm 2-2 (lost to Ryu and Boxer) Lots of videos of high lvl Japanese players. You can see many matchups there. If anything you can see how advanced players handle certain matchups.
[quote name='seanr1221']My main is Zangief but the kens and ryus tear me up with constant fireballs. Any tips?[/quote]

Yeah, do his Double Lariat (three kicks or three punches simultaneously) and his banishing flat is pretty brutal against fireball spammers (performed like Ken/Ryu dragon punch)
[quote name='TLPRIME']Try and close the distance by using Lariat and the Green Hand move, so you can attempt to get up close and do some throws. Just takes practice.

Despite all the complaining about Ken/Ryu's, the game is pretty well balanced. The monotony of fighting the same 2-3 characters does suck, I agree, but they are not unbeatable scrub gods.

I've only been able to play 4 matches online so far (been busy) 2 were against Ryu/Ken, 1 Abel, 1 Boxer, and I'm 2-2 (lost to Ryu and Boxer) Lots of videos of high lvl Japanese players. You can see many matchups there. If anything you can see how advanced players handle certain matchups.[/quote]

You have only played 4 matches online.......wait to you get to 150 plus matches an then come back and comment about Ken/Ryu.

Thanks for the link though will check it out.
When dan loses does he say Mother....and the echo says mother. Or does he say mother..fucker?

I wonder what kind of stages they will add. I kind of want E honda stage with some hotties in the bathtub, or even a wrestling ring stage kind like Saturday night Slam Masters. That would be sweet.

I think my favorite level is the night time blanka level because the characters look so good on that background. Also like the volcano level, guiles level. But there are a lot of meh stages i think.
Well, I went around and no stores had any of the fightpads. They said maybe a shipment tomorrow.

[quote name='KingBroly']I've had mine for 2 weeks and already, after about 25 hours of playing SF4, it won't register QCF while facing right.[/QUOTE]

Do you know if madcatz is fixing these for free, ala the stick? Or if they break, oh well?
[quote name='The 7th Number']

I wonder what kind of stages they will add. I kind of want E honda stage with some hotties in the bathtub, or even a wrestling ring stage kind like Saturday night Slam Masters. That would be sweet.


What about Thailand? Sagat's Stage? I have unlocked 6-10 artwork items. One of which is a drawing of Ryu & Sagat in Sagat's stage. Funny how its completely missing from the game. :/
[quote name='greyzieoriental']You have to beat the game once with Akuma after you unlock him on any difficulty/round/time limit.
After that, you do the 2 Perfects and 3 Ultra Finishes with any character of your choice and no continues for Gouken.
Note: If you do not beat the game with Akuma, you can still fight Gouken but he will not be unlocked even if you beat him.

ie. Match 1,2 = Win with Perfects, Match 3,4,5 = Win with Ultra Finish and the rest just beat as normal, I wouldn't recommend finishing with a Super Finish. From what I understand, if you do a Ultra finish and get a perfect it doesn't count as 1 or each.

Anyways, I just realized that we don't get to break any barrels or destroy a car. What's up with that?[/QUOTE]

I know this, I beat it wish Akuma after I unlocked him. I think I still have to beat it with just 2 or 3 of the hidden fighters. I had my 2 perfects and 3 ultras done befor seth but can't remember the order I did them in. I want to say first one was an ultra then the second and third were perfects 4 was ultra and i think the one just before seth or the one befor it was the last ultra.
[quote name='The 7th Number']When dan loses does he say Mother....and the echo says mother. Or does he say mother..fucker?[/quote]

He's supposed to be saying Father. His father (Go Hibiki) died in a fight against Sagat. Go is the one who took his eye. I have it switched to Japanese. Does he say mother in English?
[quote name='woodcan']Funny because I think I've only played like 1 Ken and 1 Ryu online ranked. Then again I think I've played maybe 10 ranked matches since I was working on unlocking Seth. Now that I have Seth maybe I'll try some more ranked matches.

BTW, the Gouken unlock everyone keeps mis-informing about I have not found a single one that worked. The only way I got it was I did 2 ultra finishers and 1 perfect playing with Akuma since every other person I tried the same thing with and every single one of the previous quoted methods on this thread put me up against Akuma. Who knows maybe the games just kinda glitchy or something. Although, what I find pathetic is that the stupid Prima guide has the wrong/insufficient info on unlocking Akuma and Gouken....I mean come on they should have this shit straight.[/QUOTE]

Chances are Capcom changed how to unlock the 2 when Prima made the guide. I remember reading someplace that, that happens. Prima or someone else makes a guide but after all are printed or to the point where they can not be changed the game maker changes something and then the guid is wrong.
So I finally found a SE fight stick (why are these controllers so rare?)and I gotta say that it is a vast improvement over the EX2 I found from gamestop last week.

I hope that none of those technical issues come up with it, but Madcatz seems to be willing to do replacements tech support for them so its worth a gamble I guess

Also - I've been playing a ton of Cammy lately and really liking her - But, what the fuck is up with her priority? It seems every one of her moves has the world's lowest priority!!!
[quote name='KongaKing']Well, I went around and no stores had any of the fightpads. They said maybe a shipment tomorrow.

Do you know if madcatz is fixing these for free, ala the stick? Or if they break, oh well?[/quote]

They should fix them for free under the warranty period, which is for 90 days.
[quote name='Mindzeye82']So I finally found a SE fight stick (why are these controllers so rare?)and I gotta say that it is a vast improvement over the EX2 I found from gamestop last week.

I hope that none of those technical issues come up with it, but Madcatz seems to be willing to do replacements tech support for them so its worth a gamble I guess

Also - I've been playing a ton of Cammy lately and really liking her - But, what the fuck is up with her priority? It seems every one of her moves has the world's lowest priority!!![/quote]

I know what you mean. Blanka seems to be in that same boat.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Yeah but here is the thing. Blanka as recoil. Most of blanka's moves whether they connect or not will make him bounce back slightly.

Here is the exact situation that I am talking about.

Ken throws a fireball....Blanka EX threw it with a death roll and connects knocking Ken to the ground..Blanka whether or not he connects will back flip out of the death that 1 second that he is back flipping Ken will hit the ground instantly recover into a Shiruken and hit me for 5.

There is really nothing I can do because Blanka doesnt back flip far enough away from the player to avoid instant attacks. I have tried tons of ways to get around this and just cant and most of the advice I have got is just shit.

I have had people tell me to stop doing death rolls!?!? I am fucking Blanka what else would I be doing? The only things that works is the fact that most people are just really surpirsed by the death roll so they dont think to do the shiruken or they just dont know how.[/QUOTE]

If you feel that Blanka is imbalanced to other characters, why do you torture yourself and keep playing with him? Continuing to play with him in that circumstance isn't going to change the nature of the imbalance, so it's not exactly going to go away anytime soon...
What are you talking about by priority?

Priority refers to which attack will hit when two players attack at the same time. Here is an example - Ken and Ryu jump at each other. Ryu pulls a roundhouse kick while Ken does a hurricane kick. Ken's Hurricane Kick has higher priority, so Ryu will take damage and be knocked out of the air while Ken will land without a scratch.

Priorities are not something I worry about often (because I'm not that high level a player). However, in my recent matches against Sagat & Blanka as Cammy, I found myself getting knocked out of the air, land (and sea) no matter what I was doing.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I know what you mean. Blanka seems to be in that same boat.[/quote]
Frankly, Blanka's moves have low priority because if they didn't he would destroy the planet.
Any tips on Level 19 survival or level 16 timed. I think those are the ones, you have to beat without using special moves. So the Zangief move wont work with this. :(
7th number you can still use Super and Ultra Combos in those stages, so pick someone you are good with and remember to bust out those moves for time bonuses.
[quote name='TruVisionary']Frankly, Blanka's Chuck Norris' moves have low priority because if they didn't he would destroy the planet.[/quote]
[quote name='The 7th Number']Any tips on Level 19 survival or level 16 timed. I think those are the ones, you have to beat without using special moves. So the Zangief move wont work with this. :([/quote]

Timed 14 is the one you're referring to, and the only advice I can give you is to use the shit out of your Super and Ultra Combos (Those work). I did them both with Cammy (my main), but it took a while and a lot of frustration.
I beat the game on Hardest with Zangief, lost a round though so I couldn't fight Gouken. :(

Lol, the lariat thing is kind of dirty.
[quote name='KingBroly']They should fix them for free under the warranty period, which is for 90 days.[/QUOTE]

You know what I love? That the original warranties were going to be five years and they changed them like a month before release.
So. Mad Catz attempt at being a legit 3rd party gamer accelerator company fails as well all knew it would because lets face it.....Mad Catz is just plain shit.
[quote name='mike.m']I beat the game on Hardest with Zangief, lost a round though so I couldn't fight Gouken. :(

Lol, the lariat thing is kind of dirty.[/quote]

I got to try and master Zangief. People who can play him well always destroy me. Hits like a tank.
[quote name='KingBroly']Timed 14 is the one you're referring to, and the only advice I can give you is to use the shit out of your Super and Ultra Combos (Those work). I did them both with Cammy (my main), but it took a while and a lot of frustration.[/quote]

Man seriously, Survival 19 is impossible. I used seth and beat vega with about 75% life left. Then i ultra on gouken and he shoots like 20 fireballs in a row. The computer is cheap, i dont see how anyone who isnt an expert at this game can beat this. Especially with no specil moves. Sorry but im a casual gamer and i dont study, or try to learn one character like i have to master someone. Roar!
[quote name='will52']I got to try and master Zangief. People who can play him well always destroy me. Hits like a tank.[/quote]

He can be a monster in competition. But in the single player his double lariat confuses the computer so it goes through everyone except Cammy sometimes.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Man seriously, Survival 19 is impossible. I used seth and beat vega with about 75% life left. Then i ultra on gouken and he shoots like 20 fireballs in a row. The computer is cheap, i dont see how anyone who isnt an expert at this game can beat this. Especially with no specil moves. Sorry but im a casual gamer and i dont study, or try to learn one character like i have to master someone. Roar![/quote]

No, Survival 19 is a CAKEWALK compared to Time Attack 14. I'm not an expert at SFIV, or at fighting games, but I managed to do it somehow.
[quote name='WildWop']If you feel that Blanka is imbalanced to other characters, why do you torture yourself and keep playing with him? Continuing to play with him in that circumstance isn't going to change the nature of the imbalance, so it's not exactly going to go away anytime soon...[/quote]

Thats like telling me to stop using Yungsungin SoulCaliber.
There is a romanticism to playing with a handicapped low tier.
But so far Sagat trumps all but Akuma.
[quote name='vrblknch']Thats like telling me to stop using Yungsungin SoulCaliber.
There is a romanticism to playing with a handicapped low tier.
But so far Sagat trumps all but Akuma.[/quote]

Wha? Akuma is weak.
Do you only get icons if you WIN during online play? Cos im 1-10 so far. Man i suck. I just lost to a cammy when i gave her my ultra and she had 5% life left. Thought i would win, but nope. Also fought a rose and akuma that just sat back throwing fireballs. least i try to switch it up a little.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Do you only get icons if you WIN during online play? Cos im 1-10 so far. Man i suck. I just lost to a cammy when i gave her my ultra and she had 5% life left. Thought i would win, but nope. Also fought a rose and akuma that just sat back throwing fireballs. least i try to switch it up a little.[/quote]

Wins yes, otherwise challenges and such.
bread's done