Finally got my Chun Li fightpad the other day and let me say this, it's a great controller, very nice d-pad.
Supers and Ultras bust out very easily, maybe even too easy. Sometimes i'm trying to do the DP motion and a super comes out.
I did notice after only 2 days of play (about 6 hrs/day) the controller seems to be malfunctioning already. Some of the things that happened was: The HP button was not working, the d-pad was moving my character right on it's own. Simple solution was to unplug it and plug it in. I love it, but I do not have high hopes for mad catz products. I will be testing it extensively over the next month before the 90 day warranty runs out. Overall, the controller is top notch, I say it is worth $30 but the $40 price tag is a little steep. The 6-face buttons are perfectly sized for a normal persons finger tips, like 2 rows of sega genesis buttons(top 3 are bigger than saturns XYZ's). Other than those I have no major complaints, if it can withstand the test of time. Also another note, the 360 controller comes with a SFIV Fightpad for PS3 instructions, no biggy.
So anyone watch the Legend of Chun Li yet?