Street Fighter IV - Gen Discussion & Info

Try to get good at guessing the timing of when people are going to throw a fireball so you can river run under them.

Use the quick jump (LT) to dunk in and out and score grabs plus you can use this to bait Shotos into Shirukens and then grab on the way down.

Again get the timing down of when you think players will jump beacuse the Blanka Ball is crushing in the air.

Also you can control the timing of his ultra and super by holding down the button longer...this is great because people will try to jump over it..which you can stall it out and they will land on top of you.

Also...learn to take close loses like a grain of salt beacuse Blanka has no priority so you get nicked a lot.

So are some quick off the top of my head.
I'm at about 175-20. I've never played against a Dhalsim and only one or two times have i played a Balrog, Gen, Sakura, etc. 90% of the people play Ken/Ryu and I guess its fine because im doing well against them, but it does get a little old.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Try to get good at guessing the timing of when people are going to throw a fireball so you can river run under them.

Use the quick jump (LT) to dunk in and out and score grabs plus you can use this to bait Shotos into Shirukens and then grab on the way down.

Again get the timing down of when you think players will jump beacuse the Blanka Ball is crushing in the air.

Also you can control the timing of his ultra and super by holding down the button longer...this is great because people will try to jump over it..which you can stall it out and they will land on top of you.

Also...learn to take close loses like a grain of salt beacuse Blanka has no priority so you get nicked a lot.

So are some quick off the top of my head.[/QUOTE]

Thanks I will try that the next time I'm on. If anyone wants to have a match or 2 my gamertag is Shazo.
[quote name='GenghisJohn']I'm at about 175-20. I've never played against a Dhalsim and only one or two times have i played a Balrog, Gen, Sakura, etc. 90% of the people play Ken/Ryu and I guess its fine because im doing well against them, but it does get a little old.[/quote]

Who are you playing as?
[quote name='Soodmeg']Who are you playing as?[/QUOTE]

Balrog. With him being able to jump as high as everyone else,a dn being able to EX dash punch through fireballs makes him really awesome
I've heard (not from any truly reliable source, mind you) that the reason the HRAP EX sticks are sold out everywhere/discontinued is because they are quickly trying to get a revised one out that has the Sanwa buttons...I believe Hori has done this in the past but I'm not really a joystick enthusiast so I could be wrong. Anyone know?
Hey i hope its not a douche move posting this, but I was pretty proud of myself. I won 50 in a row, they were all against noobs, but still I think 50 in a row is a lot.

How do you only have 2018 BP when you won 50 in a row? I have 2200 (ish) with twice as many loses?

........damn it thats what I get for looking at the picture first and not reading what you said.
Anyone able to give a pro tip on the timing of pulling off an ultra after a focus attack (with Cammy especially?)

I can't seem to get the focus into her full ultra - I either miss completely or just partially hit them.

Also, I've found that a fun tactic against Ken's is to knock them down and stand over their bodies with backdown held. They invariably pop up with a shoryuken which gets blocked (you do take the chip damage) and then throw them when they land. I did this about 3 times in a row before the other guy caught on.
Has anyone gone through the arcade mode and the computer just goes ape shit on you?

I put the game on easiest and chose E. Honda since I have never really played as him before. The first fight was a normal fight for easiest, then I fought Chun-li and she ultra combo'ed me to half life ... thought that was odd considering it being on easiest and when I was unlocking chars I never got ultra'ed at all.

Then I fought Rufus who kicked the crap out of me so many times I litterally had to exit arcade mode to make sure it was on easiest. I would slowly take him down and he would get his ultra combo off then go nuts on me ... to the point I couldn't even get another quarter of his life off. Then the last round I played he just went fuckin bannanas on me. He got a perfect on me even. He was aggressive as hell with move after move and blockin everything I threw. I couldn't grab him or anything because he would tech. out of it. Hell I couldn't even jump strait up cuz he would come and finger poke me to death in the throat.

That's when I backed out of arcade saw it was on easiest and had to shut the damn xbox off lol.

Anyone else go through this?
Nice, this games lag is horrible during the day. Ive had 4 or more matches now with lag. At night when i usually play i never have bad lag. I had a fight against an akuma and had his power down to like 2% and i had half my bar full and he does his ultra and it killed me. WTF. Talk about over powered. Such bullshit. Then i fight a chun li that just kept jumping over and over, and a sagat who kept doing tiger flame. Id spam moves but im not a cheap bitch.

I love how Cammys Spiral Arrow is inferior to the Shoryuken even though she is in a position where the person doing the shoryuken couldnt punch her. IMO her spiral arrow should win in this situation, but not in this game.
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I just got 3 wins in a row and now am around 6 or 7 and 28. The last win was against someone using Ken and just tried to spam the same movie over and over. First round I was almost dead but then was able to get them in the corner and used the electric attack that blanka has over and over. I won that and the same thing happend in the second round and I ended up winning it too. The guy sent me a voice message bitching about doing that but the way I see it if your going to spam then so am I. I'm sick of all the Ken and Ryu matches that are just them spaming the same thing. I fought another Ken and a Ryu that both started out to be good matches then after I was about half health they started to spam the same thing. I don't mind losing when they don't spam but you get someone that is spaming and doing the same thing thats when I hate to play it online.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Someone just sent me a message saying "lol femme fatale pack".


Did you buy it/use one of the costumes in an online match with that person?
[quote name='KaneRobot']Did you buy it/use one of the costumes in an online match with that person?[/quote]

Yes..... but i dont get it. Yeah i know i bought it.

Wow i just played a ken, so i decided to go against him with ken too. It was a shoryuken fest. But this is the best part, his shoryuken beat my ultra. I swear nothing can beat the almighty shoryuken.
does a shoryuken(jab) on wake up break a focus attack? I been trying to get this combo down w/ a focus attack. pretty much sweep > Focus attack > combo. i got it so it doesn't seem like they could even grab me out of it...but im wondering if the allmighy shoryuken can bust through it. my guess probably since the game loves shoryukens.
It would have been nice to be able to see my record, go through icons/titles i unlocked, or even view the characters movesets while i sit here for 1-5 minutes waiting for someone to join my lobby.

If anyone who wins 30% of the time or less, wants to add me as a friend that would be cool. It would be nice to fight someone of the same skill level as me.
I think my win percent is 26. Infact I think I fought you online once because I remember seeing your name on live.
[quote name='naiku']does a shoryuken(jab) on wake up break a focus attack? I been trying to get this combo down w/ a focus attack. pretty much sweep > Focus attack > combo. i got it so it doesn't seem like they could even grab me out of it...but im wondering if the allmighy shoryuken can bust through it. my guess probably since the game loves shoryukens.[/quote]
Shoryuken doesn't do armor breaking alone. The main issue though is that most players will combo a shoryuken with a standing fierce or a jab or similar. Your focus will only absorb one attack.
Originally Posted by naiku
does a shoryuken(jab) on wake up break a focus attack? I been trying to get this combo down w/ a focus attack. pretty much sweep > Focus attack > combo. i got it so it doesn't seem like they could even grab me out of it...but im wondering if the allmighy shoryuken can bust through it. my guess probably since the game loves shoryukens
Also ken's fierce shoryuken is three hits, which would break through your focus attack if you weren't almost at the hit animation. And the EX shoryuken is invulnerable during the first few frames, so even if they didn't get the first two hits in, your focus attack wouldn't register. That isn't the safest strategy - better to block and throw em. The block and throw strategy at least teaches them to stop throwing out the shoryuken, which gives you more options on their recovery.
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[quote name='The 7th Number']I love how Cammys Spiral Arrow is inferior to the Shoryuken even though she is in a position where the person doing the shoryuken couldnt punch her. IMO her spiral arrow should win in this situation, but not in this game.[/quote]

The point is that the Shoryuken is a general move counter, similar to Cammy's Cannon Spike. The hit detection on it is larger and it has more priority because it's intended to be used as a counter to oncoming attacks. The downside is that they're very punishable. In the case of the Shoryuken, they have the entire way down to get hit. By comparison, Cammy's Cannon Spike is actually less risky on a blocked opponent.

The Spiral Arrow isn't inferior to the Shoryuken. They're just completely different moves, used to do completely different things. The Shoryuken was intended to counter moves like the Spiral Arrow.

On a similar note, I'm pretty sure that the Shoryuken has armor breaking properties. It doesn't matter how many hits the move actually is (although any multihitting move WILL break a focus attack), there are some moves that hit once and have focus attack breaking properties to them. Unless I'm mistaken, the Shoryuken is one of those moves.

If people are having trouble against Shoryukens, just block. They're meant to be punished. Just Ultra them on their way down.
Is there a CAG buddy list, kind of like we had for Gears of War 2, CoD4, and other games? Be nice to get challenged by some CAGers instead of random folks. (Even though I'm STILL going to get my butt whooped)
[quote name='Aku']Is there a CAG buddy list, kind of like we had for Gears of War 2, CoD4, and other games? Be nice to get challenged by some CAGers instead of random folks. (Even though I'm STILL going to get my butt whooped)[/quote]

I'd just add a bunch of people in this thread. YOu can add me if you want.
[quote name='GuardianE']
If people are having trouble against Shoryukens, just block. They're meant to be punished. Just Ultra them on their way down.[/quote]
That's usually me. The guy getting hit lol
[quote name='grndoom']That's usually me. The guy getting hit lol[/quote]

I just walk up and throw people after dragon punches. Even better. If I knock them down, I jump in and do nothing but block. Usually they'll try a dragon punch and I'll throw them again. Its kind of funny actually. A great tactic to mix things up though.
[quote name='mike.m']I just walk up and throw people after dragon punches. Even better. If I knock them down, I jump in and do nothing but block. Usually they'll try a dragon punch and I'll throw them again. Its kind of funny actually. A great tactic to mix things up though.[/quote]
Haha, never thought about it like that. That would definitely make me say "Doh!"
[quote name='grndoom']Haha, never thought about it like that. That would definitely make me say "Doh!"[/quote]

You wouldn't believe how many people I catch with that. Anyone that has a move that can knock you out of the air.
[quote name='The 7th Number']How come none of my Arcade mode scores show up on the leader board?[/quote]

You sure you arent filtering it right?
Is there a way to counter throws? I keep getting thrown over and over and over again by characters like Zangief in Arcade Mode and it's hella frustrating. Reading through FAQs and other guides on this game is really quite mind-boggling the stuff that you can pay mind to.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Is there a way to counter throws? I keep getting thrown over and over and over again by characters like Zangief in Arcade Mode and it's hella frustrating. Reading through FAQs and other guides on this game is really quite mind-boggling the stuff that you can pay mind to.[/quote]

Um, depends on the "throw". If its a special move, no you can't counter it. You have to avoid it. If its just a regular throw then yes, hit forward + LP and LK at the same time you are getting thrown.
I just ordered SF4 from GameRoomDeals and should have it by Monday/Tuesday. I've never played a Street Fighter game (all I know is QCF + P = fireball) and I'll be using the 360 controller for now.

Add me if you'd have any time teaching me how to play.
im going to start adding some CAGs to my list.

if you get a friend request from SoldatCrinale...its me.

Im kinda sick of playing people with Mics who act like halo/COD children. I know it comes with the game lol. But im going to add up people who post in this group.

did you guys sign up for the CAG tourney yet?

edit 2: im dont for the night though. Have a early saturday presentation i have to get ready for. So prep and rehearsal will take up the rest of my night.

EDIT 3- Sent friend requests to the following accept or not its ok ;)

The 7th Number(thanks for the quick add)
Rodimus Donut

if i missed anyone just shoot me a friend request. Hopefully if they add the quarter system in this game...we can finally have a CAG night of Street Fighter.
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Chun-Li makes playing with a 360 controller a bit easier. At least from the sense that the Ultra Combos work. No QCF's for her. At least until I get my fightpad back, Chun-Li is my main.

Also, I noticed something while playing online tonight. A graphical glitch for my Gamertag. Anyone else notice this? Or is my 360 screwed?
Add me if you want, but i suck and i dont like losing all the time. lol

Speaking of losing....i just had 3 depressing losses.

1. Had the guy beat, went to do my Ultra with ken to finish him off, didnt work, got hit and beat.
2. Had the guy beat, went to finish him off, he does his ultra with ken and finishes me off with like 40% power left.
3. Ken vs Ryu....both power down, him (ken) does his ultra, then me as ryu hit my ultra right after his and my fireball goes straight through him untouched while his ultra hits me from 2 feet away and he gets the win.

Yesterday morning, I faced Seth for the first a ranked match. I actually beat him in 3 rounds with Sakura. Maybe the player was not used to him or something. Next time, I might not be lucky and he will be cheap like in Arcade Mode.
Finally got my Chun Li fightpad the other day and let me say this, it's a great controller, very nice d-pad.
Supers and Ultras bust out very easily, maybe even too easy. Sometimes i'm trying to do the DP motion and a super comes out.

I did notice after only 2 days of play (about 6 hrs/day) the controller seems to be malfunctioning already. Some of the things that happened was: The HP button was not working, the d-pad was moving my character right on it's own. Simple solution was to unplug it and plug it in. I love it, but I do not have high hopes for mad catz products. I will be testing it extensively over the next month before the 90 day warranty runs out. Overall, the controller is top notch, I say it is worth $30 but the $40 price tag is a little steep. The 6-face buttons are perfectly sized for a normal persons finger tips, like 2 rows of sega genesis buttons(top 3 are bigger than saturns XYZ's). Other than those I have no major complaints, if it can withstand the test of time. Also another note, the 360 controller comes with a SFIV Fightpad for PS3 instructions, no biggy.

So anyone watch the Legend of Chun Li yet?
[quote name='greyzieoriental']So anyone watch the Legend of Chun Li yet?[/quote]

I haven't but it's been getting awful reviews. Currently Rotten Tomatoes has it at 0% with 15 reviews which is very bad. I knew it was gonna be bad but it seems to have exceeded my expectations. It'll probably be one of those movies where I watch it with a bunch of friends just to make fun of it.
Holy shit. Everytime i go to do my ultra they jump over it. Even ken just jumped over it and it should have hit him. But when Akuma does his ultra against me and my cammy was supposed to jump over him easily, the game makes her fall short right in front of him. fucking BS. There is no doubt in my mind cammy should have jumped over akuma easy. But man, i need help doing my ultras. I almost never connect them anymore and its the reason why i lose so much.

EDIT..... awww shit.

bread's done