Alright, first of all take a Learning Theory class. Should be hosted by your university's Psychology department. Since I took that class, I've only got 2 B's, the rest A's, (this was like 6 semesters ago). Second of all, you gotta understand that everyone learns differently, although there are many universal patterns.
If you take this to heart, you'll do great in every class. Now, I'm not gonna tell you not to take notes... cuz for some people that works. I don't take notes though. Memorization can help in certain situations... such as short term cram learning, but when that final comes you're
ed. The only proper way to actually soak up the information for a fairly sufficient amount of time is to elaborate on it. Think about what it is you're supposed to know. Try to understand the logical connections between your past knowledge, your current knowledge, and what you think it might lead to further down the line. READ THE TEXTBOOKS that you have to pay like $500 for. I can't stress that enough. Read everything, don't skip sections you don't think you'll need. Also, don't just read, understand. Take breaks every paragraph (or every few sentences if you come upon something that confuses you) to sit there and just think about what it is you need to know. Also, why do you need to know it? How does it fit into the bigger picture?
Lastly, I'll say this. To get an A in a class, all you need to do is learn what the instructor tells you. If they say, "You need to know chapters 17-21 and all the lecture slides from last month to now", then well, that's all you need. But, if you're concerned that you're just not sufficiently ready. Look up whatever topic you're shaky about somewhere else. A second source can (usually) only help you. I swear by wikipedia. I mean yeah some people say it's bullshit, but
them wikipedia has given me many breakthough revelations before when I was having trouble.
Oh yea you also asked about reviewing. I'll tell you what I do. I gauge where I need to be and take it from there. If I have like a 95 in the class and the final is only worth like 10%, I probably won't study at all. I usually aim for around 91-92% in every class. Every semester I fall into the same pattern. At the beginning of the semester, I don't really do much studying at all. Then, I
up all my first tests. That's when I pick up the studying hardcore, I usually level my grade up to that 91-92% range I mentioned, or sometimes higher, depending on how easy the class is. Now, if my grade definitely depends on how I do on the final, I usually stay up all night and study (Adderall helps). The way I study is like this, I read chapter summaries, look over old tests, identify problem areas, and thoroughly view and review those areas. That usually helps me.