Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Tusk - 2.5/5 - An interesting movie.  The reveal of the walrus gave me shivers.  It took me a few minutes to figure out who the actor playing the former detective is.  Didn't love it, didn't hate it.  I'll always watch a Kevin Smith film.  He makes what he wants and that's fine.

Ironclad: Battle For Blood - 1.5/5 - A let down for the most part. Some of the acting was okay, but the poor CG, horrible camera shaking and lack of budget, made this movie hard to watch.  It felt like a SyFy movie and probably had the same type of budget.  The characters say one thing and do the opposite in a later scene.  The ending made no sense. 

Lucy - 2.5/5 - The plot of this movie didn't pull me in and because of that I couldn't really enjoy it. 

Annabelle - 3/5 - It was a fun watch.  The musical effects were jarring to the ears and left me feeling uneasy.  A few scenes stand out as scary to me. 

What If - 3/5 - A nice little romance movie starring Daniel Radcliffe. 

Horns - 4/5 - Based on the book written by Joe Hill.  I went in with no expectations and I found myself enjoying this movie from the get go.  It took awhile to get used to Daniel Radcliffe's American accent, but I personally had no complaints once the credits rolled.

Gone Girl - 3.5/5 - I hated the first 20 minutes.  It almost felt like someone else had written that portion of the movie.  I didn't love the ending.

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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - 3/5.  Not enough Bilbo in this one which the book is all about.  Good action but nothing I've seen before in these movies.  I still prefer Desolation of Smaug.

The Poseidon Adventure:

It's a good popcorn film. What makes it so enjoyable are the set-pieces and stunts.That and the cast plays the material so straight.
I think your signatures should be the other way around.. would look better!

I watched Redline last night. Wow Hot Wheels on acid. I thought it was awesome.

Taken 3 - Crap film, should have just been a stand alone movie.

Predestination - I don't even know what I watched with this one, to me it was pretty messed up when you think about it. Plus I don't want to wrinkle my brain with all the time travel theories. I'm just gonna say as the movie title says's, it was all probably meant to happen. 

I think your signatures should be the other way around.. would look better!

I watched Redline last night. Wow Hot Wheels on acid. I thought it was awesome.
Redline was art porn to the fullest.

The 7th Voyage of Sinbad:

It's a lot fun. You watch it for the excellent stop-motion effects.

Big Trouble in Little China- lots of exposition, but leads the way for lots of humor and action. It's a film I would watch again, especially compared to the Thing. Kurt Russell is so John Wayne in this thing and it makes me wonder what crazy adventures he had while driving his truck. Too bad they never made more films.
Kurt Russell is actually the sidekick. ;)

A little corny in places,but the film holds up pretty well. The aerial dogfights are amazing even to this day. Amazing how they were able to do this in 1927.

Jupiter Ascending was horrible. I read all the bad things about it and how people walked out of it when it was shown at Sundance and honestly, all the hate is well deserved. I was blown away by how bad it was.

Did you like the designs? Maybe it's worth a watch with earbuds on.
The visuals are the only thing it had going for it, and they were very nice. it's pretty much Twilight in space. Useless female character with no personality constantly getting saved by a male character with no personality who fall in love with each other for some reason.

I watched Leadbelly, a 1970s biographical film about the life and times of Huddie William Ledbetter, a folk blues singer who became famous while serving his time in prison due to the efforts of chronicler John Lomax and his son. It starred Roger E. Mosley of Magnum PI fame.

Edit: Looks like John and Alan Lomax were total buttholes about what constituted authentic "Black music." A little history, since slaves and masters were living together, it was inevitable that their musical traditions would mix, especially when some slaves were forced to play Western standards like waltzes and stuff. Lomax in the 20th century decided to look for the "pure" Black song, but found "none" from civilians across the country of ours, as they sang pretty much the same songs White people sang. So he decided to search among the prison population and that's how our music history included people like Ledbetter.

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This movie SUCKED! The opening sequence was the only part I liked and it just goes downhill after that. Ryan Gostling looked like he was BORED during the filming. He can't act and tried too hard to be cool. I couldn't take his relationship with the woman seriously, it seemed forced. I honestly thought he was GAY up until the  elevator scene. I kept playing on my phone during the third act because it was just more interesting. Why should we care what happens to Driver if we know literally nothing about him except he drives cars? It was all just style over substance for me. 2/5

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This movie SUCKED! The opening sequence was the only part I liked and it just goes downhill after that. Ryan Gostling looked like he was BORED during the filming. He can't act and tried too hard to be cool. I couldn't take his relationship with the woman seriously, it seemed forced. I honestly thought he was GAY up until the elevator scene. I kept playing on my phone during the third act because it was just more interesting. Why should we care what happens to Driver if we know literally nothing about him except he drives cars? It was all just style over substance for me. 2/5
I love this review.
ion TV is replaying Transporter 2 alot. So I decided to check it out and I had fun with it. I looked up the character, and the director of the first two said he was gay. I didn't notice, but then again, didn't even notice he was straight either, so dude could've gone either way. Such a shame they didn't explore that concept further.

Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow
Freakin awesome! If you enjoy sci fi with great action you have to see this movie. Ending was a little anti climatic.

Side note. I always picture Bill Paxton as the older brother in Weird Science. And of course I think of when she turned him into pizza.
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Been watching a lot of John Wayne lately.

The Horse Soldiers:

A solid civil war film. It works well since John Wayne has really good character in this one,and his chemistry with William Holden is great.

The Quiet Man:

Has one of the best fights scenes I've ever seen.

She Wore a Yellow Ribbon:

Classic western.

Rushmore for the umpteenth time. Love the way Bill Murray plays his part. Can't get enough of Wes Anderson movies. The attention to detail is spectacular. Murray had me laughing out loud during at least two scenes. When he is smoking in the hospital and lights a second cigarette while still smoking the first is classic. When he has hit rock bottom and meets Schwartzman at the barber, He looks absolutely horrible. 5/5
Rushmore for the umpteenth time. Love the way Bill Murray plays his part. Can't get enough of Wes Anderson movies. The attention to detail is spectacular. Murray had me laughing out loud during at least two scenes. When he is smoking in the hospital and lights a second cigarette while still smoking the first is classic. When he has hit rock bottom and meets Schwartzman at the barber, He looks absolutely horrible. 5/5
I watched all this films I hadn't seen over a week sometime late last year. I don't think Wes has made a bad movie. Each one has a lot of value.

John Wick

Overall an enjoyable little action flick. Keanu Reeves really bugs me for some reason. I think it's his delivery. 80% of his lines sounds lower than the others. I just cannot understand why the bad guys didn't shoot him when he was tied up to the chair. The villain hypes him up as this "unbeatable Boogeyman" but when he's right there in front of you helpless, you just walk away? Whatever. The soundtrack is one of my favorites and fight scenes look legit. 3.5/5

Got back from Kingsman just now.  It was good but not nearly as good as I hoped.  I may just be desensitized but the violence was not nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be.  There is one lengthy scene that is definitely over the top but otherwise it was mostly run of the mill violence.  It may be one of those movies that are better on the second viewing. 

I don't like Moonrise Kingdom but I know most people do. The rest of his movies are A's in my book.
Think I agree with you on that, I've tried to like it but it's average at best to me.

I've watched birdman and whiplash this weekend. I think the hype was too much for me as they were good but not spectacular. Might have liked them more if I watched them initially.
The Conformist:

I love the whole theme of normality going on in. Every camera shot is just gorgeous. Hell the shaky cam is actually used well for once.

Captain Blood:

Classic Errol Flynn swashbuckling action.


A random movie I found. Figured I'd watch it. It's not terrible. It's also not that much different from the other movie about a wife cheating with an artist Unfaithful iirc. It has a black cast which is always interesting and as a minor spoiler
it takes the perspective of sex addiction
, which is sorta interesting. It does have a "stupid woman" plot line where expressing interest in wanting even more sex is obviously a sign that she's crazy but it's not nearly as bad as the synopsis I read of Temptation (if you want to read a synopsis that sounds like a terrible movie.. that's the one to read).

Gone Girl

Pretty damn good. Not a fan of very lengthy movies but the dialogue and the whole mystery element kept me wide awake. Rosamund better get the Oscar tonight so we can get a more packed second release of the blu-ray. 4.5/5

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In the Mood for Love:

Sad film. The two leads were great. One of those films that require multiple viewings to catch everything.


Started a little slow,but boy does it get good. I enjoy the realistic approach it went for. And then you have the classic car chase; no music or shitty dialogue todistract you.

Somebody Up There Likes Me:

It's a good boxing film mainly from Paul Newman's excellent performance. It's also very similar too Raging Bull in a lot ways.

bread's done