[quote name='TheGuardianWolf']In English, yes, Microsoft helped fund the game for it to be timed exclusive, and the PS3 one was never localized. This is one of the better Tales games I've played, but it's not like other consoles don't have exclusive Tales games too...[/QUOTE]
Tales of Vesperia was never a timed exclusive. A namco community manager said it, but was forced by Namco to retract that statement because it wasn't true. The real reason why they didn't release the PS3 version is because of the extra work involved and they are afraid of not making enough sales to recoup costs (though I strongly disagree as I think there are a lot of current ToV owners who would buy the complete version).
Nintendo did fund Symphonia localization though, and that's why we never got the complete PS2 version (though unlike Vesperia, the extras were fairly minor)
Even if the game goes "OOP", there's always the $30 digital...