The 2024 Gamestop Thread


Yoinked from the 2022/2023 thread!


Where is the weekly ad?
They ended the weekly ad for more rotation of deals. Please check the homepage and deal link for the current deals.

I can't find a trade in value for an item?
It might not be tradable or calling a store to find the value may be the only option.

How many copies of a game can I trade in?
You are allowed to trade in 4 copies of the same game (same system) within a rolling 30 day period.

Are there trade limits?
Yes, $500 cash minus some electronic trade ins and or $2000 trade credit in a rolling 30 day period.

Where is the weekly ad?
They ended the weekly ad for more rotation of deals in a period.

The website isn't loading properly?

Try to clear your cookies and see if that works,

Can I use the $5 monthly coupon on gift cards?

Yes you can in store but not online please note not all gift cards will apply to this rule.

I have a $XX.xx pre-owned reward certificate, and I want to use it on a B2G1 transaction. Should I?
It depends. If the three games are equal value, do not use your certificate. The value of the certificate would be applied to the free game, which would not benefit you. If one game is more expensive, you can use the certificate to make it the same value as the other two games ($5 reward certificate applied to transaction with two $10 games and one $15 game would make all three games $10).

ASL/SL: Assistant Store Leader, Store Leader; manager positions at GS.
B2G1: Buy two, get one free.
GS: GameStop
JD: Junior detective, an employee who is out to get someone
LP: Loss Prevention; this is the department that actually bans accounts after being flagged.
TC/TiC: Trade credit.
TIV/TV: Trade in value, or what a game currently trades for. When posting a TV for a game, always use the base value.
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Is there any indication we are going to get those insane trade-in values this year? I remember couple years ago we were getting like $56 store credit for switch games and I definitely took advantage.
Truthfully doubt it. They are planning to close stores in January (don’t think they’ll tell people until Jan 2 or something) so no way they want extra inventory that they’d have to sell cheap or ship to stores that aren’t closing.
Is there any indication we are going to get those insane trade-in values this year? I remember couple years ago we were getting like $56 store credit for switch games and I definitely took advantage.
No, and we didn’t have this last year either, it was truly interesting a few years back, $75+ for Joy Cons was absolutely insane. Even broken pairs fetched almost $70 trade. I don’t think I’ve seen the same wild values since 2022.
Someone went crazy for COD lol


This reminds me of the good ol days using Trade4cash dot com
Any leaks as to whether or not Xmas week/end will have B2G1F? After loading up with discounted giftcards, been itching to grab HZDR for $30 post-promo.
How does trade bonus on trade in work? I know it’s towards eligible preorders but ..

Is it 20 or 30 percent boost for pro members , and a boost from which value as the baseline to calculate off of? Tia
How does trade bonus on trade in work? I know it’s towards eligible preorders but ..

Is it 20 or 30 percent boost for pro members , and a boost from which value as the baseline to calculate off of? Tia
It's pre-orders and new purchases. $10 diablo IV gave a 30% boost from the base TIV this past weekend. I don't see why $10 COD MW3 wouldn't work either, but can't confirm that yet since I didn't buy it.
How does trade bonus on trade in work? I know it’s towards eligible preorders but ..

Is it 20 or 30 percent boost for pro members , and a boost from which value as the baseline to calculate off of? Tia
Bonuses are always calculated on the base trade value. 20% bonus for trading towards a pre order or new game purchase and 10% bonus for being pro. So if the base trade value is $20, you'd get $26 towards pre order/new game or $22 without trading towards pre order/new game.

What I typically do is tell them I'd like to put $5 on x pre order, once they ring that up I tell them I have some trades too, at this point the computer will just do all the magic. In the past I've had employees see the bump happen in real time if a pre order gets added after the trade and they've made me put the whole promo increase amount on the pre order so if you don't intend on keeping the pre order best to do it that way.
Went to a GameStop in my mall that's bigger than another one close to me and was informed that they don't carry any clearance items. So then went to the other GameStop and all I really saw that I guess interested me were three phone cases left so I used my $5 monthly on them and paid $1.77. I'll either try to sell them for $5 each on OfferUp or give them to anyone I come across that owns the models of the phone cases.
They're probably capitalizing on the fact that BO6 is absolute shite and the potentiality of players wanting to go back to MWIII, the lesser of two recent poisons, and bank off of gunplay "nostalgia". Even for $20 each, that's a $10 ROI.
TIV already up to $12 base, $15.60 with pro and preorder. not sure if that is enough for a trade ban, but i guess if you are buying that many games you have multiple accounts, if nothing more than to have an account if one gets burned as a reseller.
TIV already up to $12 base, $15.60 with pro and preorder. not sure if that is enough for a trade ban, but i guess if you are buying that many games you have multiple accounts, if nothing more than to have an account if one gets burned as a reseller.

account is tied to your credit card and email. Trade limit is 2 copies a day; 3 copies total for a month
account is tied to your credit card and email. Trade limit is 2 copies a day; 3 copies total for a month
Incorrect, credit cards and emails have no bearing on account trade-in status. Once your ID is flagged from overtrading, you are permabanned from making any future trade-ins with GS even when you're beyond the grave. You can buy however many games you want from them, but they won't ever let you sell however many games you want.
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also there is no "trade limit" 4 in a rolling 30 has always been believed to get you banned, but it is still allowed. nothing in the POS will stop multiple trade ins, getting an employee that doesn't care about getting fired has always been the problem.
It's been awhile since I got temp banned from trading, but 4 copies of a title in a rolling 30 day period was fine. I wasn't keeping track and accidentally traded in a 5th copy within the 30 days period. I had bought a bunch of Angry Birds Wii at Toys R Us for $1 each, GameStop was giving $4-5 per copy. I believe that ban lasted 90 days, but this was a number of years ago. I imagine trading in a lot of consoles or newer tech items could get you flagged for a permanent ban or trading in a lot more than 5 of the same title per platform. I think only once i traded in 2 copies of the same game and platform, back when there was a 70% trade bonus or something crazy. I think it was some spider-man game that you could get cheap at wal-mart and then trade in at gamestop.
Fun fact: just got told that you can't trade in a disc drive model PS5 as a digital only even with a cover because the sku is going to say that it's a drive model and it's missing the disk drive.
Not sure if I got lucky, but I was able to trade in two PS5 Slim Disc Systems as PS5 Slim Digital systems last Saturday. I wanted both disc drives as I was trading up to a PS5 Pro and had a friend looking around for a PS5 Disc Attachment. The trade in value for the PS5 Slim Digital was the same as a PS5 Slim Disc system ($300) so I figured why not. I traded one of the systems with the PS5 Disc Panel but told them I wanted to trade it in as a PS5 Digital & then swap out the panel from the new PS5 Pro that I was buying.

They were A-OK with it and gladly traded both of them in as digital systems. Granted, this was my "home store" and I've known the staff for years so they didn't think anything of it.
I find it funny CAGs are complaining about Red Bull free offers being valid for a limited time. Do you really want them that bad and free?

Head to your local tribal casino, sit down and pretend you are playing with some chips with whatever buy in amount. You'll get a free meal, coffee, boba tapioca, energy drinks, you name it!
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It wasn't a normally listed price. It was an entire graphic / banner that advertised $24.99 today only. It was a botched promo. Perhaps it was meant for mon or tue this week instead.
account is tied to your credit card and email. Trade limit is 2 copies a day; 3 copies total for a month
Account is tied to the phone number currently registered to the account and that's it. And you can change it at any time, but preorders will stay attached to the original phone number until picked up, which is the only real issue. All other account info can be changed and swapped around at will, including emails and payment methods. This may be slightly different in states that require ID for an account, but none near me do that I have ever needed to work around it.

Trade limit is 4 of the same SKU - game, console, accessory - within a rolling 30-day period. 5th = 90-day trade ban. There is no limit per transaction or day. I have traded 40+ of the same SKU in a transaction with a DM's permission.
Lots of price in increases at gamestop, more games up to $139.99, 129.99, and 119.99.

Super Mario 3D All Stars up to 109.99 now lol. Not sure why they are pricing it so high. Brand new copies barely sell for that much.
Lots of price in increases at gamestop, more games up to $139.99, 129.99, and 119.99.

Super Mario 3D All Stars up to 109.99 now lol. Not sure why they are pricing it so high. Brand new copies barely sell for that much.
Been keeping tabs on some games I want for the next B2G1F promo. Pikmin 4 was $37.99; now, it's $54.99...GS is a circus.
I have a gamestop question if anyone can help. I tried to call the store. I bought a PS5 Disc Drive thinking it would work in the digital. I opened the box but left everything in there and after watching a YT Video found out it was just for the Slim and Pro. Can I return this or since I opened the box am I screwed? Thanks so much in advance. It's my own fault I just thought it was universal.
I have a gamestop question if anyone can help. I tried to call the store. I bought a PS5 Disc Drive thinking it would work in the digital. I opened the box but left everything in there and after watching a YT Video found out it was just for the Slim and Pro. Can I return this or since I opened the box am I screwed? Thanks so much in advance. It's my own fault I just thought it was universal.
got to call the store and explain that to them and see what they say. Where did you find a fat PS5 digital?
got to call the store and explain that to them and see what they say. Where did you find a fat PS5 digital?

I have tried calling them. I've had the digital for a year and a half or so and just recently bought a Series X so I thought I'd enjoy having disc games for the PS5 as well.
I have tried calling them. I've had the digital for a year and a half or so and just recently bought a Series X so I thought I'd enjoy having disc games for the PS5 as well.
Well if they wont let you return it I guess the laugh is on them because you could turn around and sell it on Facebook marketplace or something even opend for like $100
Man, that would’ve been sweet! I’d take a Pro for $600.
It's available as refurbished for $604.67 before tax, but f*ck that noise. I'm just going to wait for the eventual price drop. I just picked up an extra ps5 for $200 from a pawn shop this week. Really hard to justify buying another ps5 at that price point.
It's available as refurbished for $604.67 before tax, but f*ck that noise. I'm just going to wait for the eventual price drop. I just picked up an extra ps5 for $200 from a pawn shop this week. Really hard to justify buying another ps5 at that price point.
Its gonna tank hard in no time, I wouldn't even bother for the tiny upgrades it made.
Is there any way to find out existing pre-orders made in-store?


I visited a Gamestop today for the first time in over a year. I was nearby so I figured I would find something to use the Pro Monthly Reward on.

I just grab something and head in line. At the register, after I give my Pro info he tells me I got full credit on a game from 2022, which I had no clue about. The thing is, I told this guy that I wanted to use my Monthly Reward.

I just checked the receipt and the MF'er instead used the trade credit to complete the transaction instead of the $5 Monthly Reward. I didn't check this until I got home. I don't know if they do this to make you come back or what, but it seems they don't prioritize the Monthly Reward, and would rather burn through your trade credit first.
Is there any way to find out existing pre-orders made in-store?


I visited a Gamestop today for the first time in over a year. I was nearby so I figured I would find something to use the Pro Monthly Reward on.

I just grab something and head in line. At the register, after I give my Pro info he tells me I got full credit on a game from 2022, which I had no clue about. The thing is, I told this guy that I wanted to use my Monthly Reward.

I just checked the receipt and the MF'er instead used the trade credit to complete the transaction instead of the $5 Monthly Reward. I didn't check this until I got home. I don't know if they do this to make you come back or what, but it seems they don't prioritize the Monthly Reward, and would rather burn through your trade credit first.
Yes, you can ask the employee to print out your current preorders and you'll see how much you've put towards each, as well as the respective GS location.
bread's done