The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Does anyone know if baldurs gate or baldurs gate 2 have ever been cheaper than what they are now? I kind of want to buy one of them or both but they're just not at that right price yet on steam or amazon.
Does anyone know if baldurs gate or baldurs gate 2 have ever been cheaper than what they are now? I kind of want to buy one of them or both but they're just not at that right price yet on steam or amazon.
i assume you mean enhanced edition...if so, baldurs gate 1 has never been cheaper than 5 dollars. I'm pretty sure it's more expensive than that rite now (didn't check) baldur's gate 2, though, is probably as cheap now as it ever has been, as it was just released about a month ago

Biggest gamble with TDU2 is whether the servers will still be up by the time you get around to that 4th activation.

I love that game to death, and am pleasantly surprised whenever I decide to pick it back up (like tonight) and see that I still can log in.
Yeah, losing online play doesn't bother me a huge amount, but Securom definitely does.

BTW: does it actually require an account to play offline?
fixed that for you

have you tried Amazon?


Giving away a Lil Inferno Steam key

There is a song which has the word Inferno in it. Do an image search using this song's name, and find the image with a pope and purple cups.

First to post the image wins the key!

(sunasun's answer was not correct)

All this chatter about weak about something for free? I'm going to switch things up and have a guessing game.

Those that are involved in Late Night with tebow are unfortunately excluded as they may already know the answer.
Please only guess if you can use all or most of the gift.

Question: What primary ethnicity/ethnicities am I? (Sorry, changed to use the proper terminology. 8-[ )

Reward: Valve Complete Pack (Steam Key)

y u discriminate against me?


Okay, i'm conflicted. Every bundle that pops up gets met with a chorus of WORST BUNDLE IN THE HISTORY OF BUNDLES OR AT LEAST THIS WEEK.

Yet we continually are advised to wait for games to be bundled....

If I wait for Spelunky to be bundled, will that game be tarnished by its own bundleness?
And that is known as 'The Cag Paradox'

I just got a Guacamelee foil but it's only worth fifty cents even though there aren't even that many of them. Why is it always a race to the bottom? This is what it sounds like when doves cry.

I just got a Guacamelee foil but it's only worth fifty cents even though there aren't even that many of them. Why is it always a race to the bottom? This is what it sounds like when doves cry.
I sold my foil for like sixty cents when I got Guacamelee from Humble store a few days ago, I suppose the flash sale plus getting steam funds to buy other games is the main reason why cards value depreciate a lot during these major sales event. Gone are the old days where you can sell a foil for $10.

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I sold my foil for like sixty cents when I got Guacamelee from Humble store a few days ago, I suppose the flash sale plus getting steam funds to buy other games is the main reason why cards value depreciate a lot during these major sales event. Gone are the old days where you can sell a foil for $10.
sheesh I can't remember the last time a foil sold for even over a $1.00

I just got a Guacamelee foil but it's only worth fifty cents even though there aren't even that many of them. Why is it always a race to the bottom? This is what it sounds like when doves cry.
Foils can be frustrating. Obviously for any popular game, the foils are worthless based on the amount of them. However, for niche games I think it really just depends on the people that get the foil. Are they willing to wait their turn to sell their foil? They don't sell anywhere as quickly as regular cards, so I think people panic and want to make sure that if a foil sells, theirs is the one that goes. So then people just start trying to undercut each other and everyone loses (except for the people crafting foils I guess).

So it is true that it requires an account officially? Ouch.
Well yeah, it's an online racer. That's the draw, cruising around with other people...or driving around and randomly getting smashed by them. The community is decent now, but it's kinda impossible to find people who want to do anything other than race supercars. Most of my time is just spent painting roads (the gps will display roads you have already driven on in a different color). Guess I could do that offline, but I like the idea of just randomly seeing a real person in the middle of nowhere. Also, the single player story/campaign is ludicrously plot of Just Cause 2 bad.

TDU2 has tons of obvious and glaring flaws: physics, handling, customization, obtaining money, car wash girls... but it scratches an itch for me that no other game can reach.

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For those of you grumbling about Test Drive Unlimited 2's limited activations...

  1. You're missing out on a fantastic racing game.
  2. Get TDU2 for $5 from Amazon . If you run out of activations, Amazon offers unlimited activations (they'll re-serial you).
From Tony's OP.

3. Note on DRM with limited activations:

Our Policy

Biggest gamble with TDU2 is whether the servers will still be up by the time you get around to that 4th activation.

I love that game to death, and am pleasantly surprised whenever I decide to pick it back up (like tonight) and see that I still can log in.
This! I'll still play it in offline mode... but I like the racing MMO feel.. And yes, of course I was in Auto Assault, the only car-based MMO.

I just got a Guacamelee foil but it's only worth fifty cents even though there aren't even that many of them. Why is it always a race to the bottom? This is what it sounds like when doves cry.
The efficiencies of market capitalism, comrade.

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Well yeah, it's an online racer. That's the draw, cruising around with other people...or driving around and randomly getting smashed by them. The community is decent now, but it's kinda impossible to find people who want to do anything other than race supercars. Most of my time is just spent painting roads (the gps will display roads you have already driven on in a different color). Guess I could do that offline, but I like the idea of just randomly seeing a real person in the middle of nowhere. Also, the single player story/campaign is ludicrously plot of Just Cause 2 bad.

TDU2 has tons of obvious and glaring flaws: physics, handling, customization, obtaining money, car wash girls... but it scratches an itch for me that no other game can reach.
Personally I love the physics / handling in that game (with all assists off, well maybe with automatic transmission -- I can't be arsed to shift gears when playing with a controller... plays better with a controller, but is fun with a wheel too).

Sweet.  Was going to buy Call of Juarez: Gunslinger from Amazon but I'll buy it on Steam instead.  10¢ more but I can use GabeN Fun Bux.  Plus nothing on the Amazon EC list makes me worry about not having enough coupons.

Everything's comin' up Syntax Error!

Even using that Amazon policy it still involves me having to contact someone and get something revoked or reissued or whatever. I need unlimited without any kind of contacting anyone ever because of the number of machines I bounce between and the frequency with which I change operating systems and configurations.

Just last week I was messing with systems and would have burned through that 4 machine limit probably 3 times easy thus resulting in me contacting Amazon however many times and them probably thinking that I was abusing their generosity. I get a bug up my ass and start conducting wild OS/config/hardware experiments all the's part of my job and part of my hobby. :booty:

I bought Gunslinger on Amazon and was going to get Blood Dragon later and now I see if I waited an extra day, I could've got both for cheaper. The lesson here is never buy anything.

As a heads-up, Remedy Entertainment released bonus material DLC for Alan Wake at the low price of FREE. Adds in the Alan Wake American Nightmare OST, bonus videos, and more. It does NOT include the Alan Wake OST as that is the Collector's Edition DLC.

You can download it here(requires Alan Wake base game)

If you bought the Humble Weekly Sale: Alan Wake via Humble Bundle then you already have all of the bonuses(both OST, videos, etc.) and they can be accessed via your download page on Humble Bundle, not your Steam account.

You can still add the DLC to your account(it is free after all) as the bonuses from the Humble Weekly are not registered to your Steam account, only your Humble account.

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He's pretty much just here to complain as far as I can tell...



Sorry about the complaining. Its just infuriating. And this is the only place to vent.

can you stand to use something besides your steam wallet? may also want to contact steam support...they might prioritize your complaint since it's costing them moneyz

timeos is short for timeos to complain
Not really any money left due to traveling expenses to family and friends.

Uh… at this point I'm guessing it's a problem on your end.
Yeah, you'd have to be extremely unlucky to experience a Steam-end billing problem that lasts that long (and fails that many times.)
I already contacted Support and they are quiet as usual during

Oh well. Hows everyone's Holidays/week?

If you bought the Humble Weekly Sale: Alan Wake via Humble Bundle then you already have all of the bonuses(both OST, videos, etc.) and they can be accessed via your download page on Humble Bundle, not your Steam account.
I was able to add it to my account straight through Steam. (Humble version)

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As a heads-up, Remedy Entertainment released bonus material DLC for Alan Wake at the low price of FREE. Adds in the Alan Wake American Nightmare OST, bonus videos, and more. It does NOT include the Alan Wake OST as that is the Collector's Edition DLC.

You can download it here(requires Alan Wake base game)

If you bought the Humble Weekly Sale: Alan Wake via Humble Bundle then you already have all of the bonuses(both OST, videos, etc.) and they can be accessed via your download page on Humble Bundle, not your Steam account.

You can still add the DLC to your account(it is free after all) as the bonuses from the Humble Weekly are not registered to your Steam account, only your Humble account.
Just what everyone needs more of...


You can add the DLC to your copy of Alan Wake even if you bought the Humble Weekly. Just wanted to let people know that they don't have to, especially when they probably already have the stuff from the Humble Weekly.
^_^ I too prefer it this way... bonus material through steam needlessly bloat their steam-folder size.

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Personally I love the physics / handling in that game (with all assists off, well maybe with automatic transmission -- I can't be arsed to shift gears when playing with a controller... plays better with a controller, but is fun with a wheel too).
The handling really doesn't bother me. It's one of the few driving games that encourages me to do something other than just mash the gas. Usually takes me about half an hour of crashing into stuff before I remember. Not that I stop crashing after that, but at least I start to make attempts to avoid traffic.

I have absolutely no idea which to back in this round of voting.

If the Steam Butt Plug could be bought with GabeNBucks and got an 80% sale...

sheesh I can't remember the last time a foil sold for even over a $1.00
I sold a Syder Arcade foil for over a buck and a half yesterday. Granted, it sat at a higher price for a long while before I relisted it four days prior...

Sooo 60 failed transactions and counting.

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The handling really doesn't bother me. It's one of the few driving games that encourages me to do something other than just mash the gas. Usually takes me about half an hour of crashing into stuff before I remember. Not that I stop crashing after that, but at least I start to make attempts to avoid traffic.
^_^ This. Gently mashing the accelerator is key... especially with the assists off. Also...

Your tires have a finite amount of traction, doing the following uses traction:

  • Accelerating
  • Braking
  • Turning
Try not to do too much of these at the same time. Traction is a precious resource. Save the traction.

Sorry, disappointing steam "sale" is making me a little loopy.

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