The Steam Deals Thread v10

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Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Did you think I was referring to something else? Obviously DoA has its own orbit, how else do you explain the otherworldly boob physics?

Yeah, it's tempting, but it really looks like something that will be in a humble bundle (or something else) eventually.

That, and I could live without it. Still, for $1.49, if you're interested, not a bad buy at all.
While I usually disagree with the degree/speed at which it's now popular to say, a game will be bundled... This one looks much more like typical bundle fodder.

Apparently Kentucky Route Zero was a sale in Humble store and I missed it.

GLOB did you a favor, only 50% off and not all the episodes are out.

From everything I've read they don't have any plans to do so... And I can see why they won't. Its a huge fundamental change to the way the game plays. Its pretty much all or nothing.

I'm likely going to be alone in this... but I honestly don't consider D2 to be the best in the series.

The original is. And, no, I cannot really point out why I think that... The original just captured my attention more. *shrug*
Weird, I recall reading a while back that they will be rebalancing the drops with the expansion to eliminate dependence on the Auction House for the PC version too.

The original was awesome. I remember playing it back in the day. I suspect that D2's long life with no direct successor and it's net-play abilities + just as geeks were getting always-on broadband, have contributed to D2's standing in a big way. Also a swathe of gamers are too young to have played D1 before D2. While I was excited about D2's release, before LoD backpack space was a major downer for me. (Especially since you couldn't leave piles of stuff on the ground in the village, like in D1... which was just particuarly awesome to just see all your lewt laid out like that.)

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On a unrelated note, did they take away the user option to ignore/block certain user post? I remember it being available in the past but can't find it now. Been thinking of blocking certain users because it hurts trying to understand their post (looking at you Tebow!)
You have to add them in manually via "Ignore Settings" listed under your name up at the top of the page. CAG 4.0 needs a simple ignore button like we currently have with signatures.

While we're on forum settings, anyone know of a way to disable images? I found where to turn off avatars, but not images in posts.

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Weird, I recall reading a while back that they will be rebalancing the drops with the expansion to eliminate dependence on the Auction House for the PC version too.

The original was awesome. I remember playing it back in the day. I suspect the D2's long life with no direct successor, it's net-play abilities + just as geeks were getting always-on broadband, have contributed to D2's standing in a big way. Also a swathe of gamers are too young to have played D1 before D2. While I was excited about D2's release, before LoD backpack space was a major downer for me. (Especially since you couldn't leave piles of stuff on the ground in the village, like in D1... which was just particuarly awesome to just see all your lewt laid out like that.)
The auction house is gone, finished, fineto, bleeding out on the sidewalk, etc...

My comment was in reference to the gamepad control type coming to the PC... Its fundamentally different at the core level. It won't work. With the controller you can move a range character why attacking. No way to do that with the "mouse first" controller scheme of the diablo games. You would have to go full on "MMO controller" scheme (for those without gamepads) and that's allot of work for a game already out.... and for game that already has the bulk of its player based pissed at how MMO it is.

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The auction house is gone, finished, fineto, bleeding out on the sidewalk, etc...

My comment was in reference to the gamepad control type coming to the PC... Its fundamentally different at the core level. It won't work. With the controller you can move a range character why attacking. No way to do that with the "mouse first" controller scheme of the diablo games. You would have to go full on "MMO controller" scheme (for those without gamepads) and that's allot of work for a game already out.... and for game that already has the bulk of its player based pissed at how MMO it is.
You know? I wonder how Diablo will play using the Steam Controller? It'll probably be bad like playing DOTA 2 with the controller but I need to try this.

Oh, I would be remissed if I didn't toss out a shout to Marvel Heroes with all the talk about ARPGs...  Its come a long way since its reviews, hell, its come a long way since I played it heavily. 

Anyone looking for a free ARPG to play I say give it a try...  There's no real paywalls for enjoyment with one character...  Maybe two.  After that you really need to get a stash tab or two. 

The big hang up is that the base starter characters are pretty limited...  I think its been expanded but it use to be Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Storm, Daredevil, and Thing.

I've spent allot of time with Hawkeye and Daredevil.  Hawkeye feels very much like the Rogue from D1 (with allot more ways to kill) and Daredevil at one point in time (its been awhile since I played) was pretty much the most fun I had with a Melee fighter.  (Though Wolverine is pretty badass as well...  Daredevil just has more ways to do badass stuff.)

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[customspoiler='Nothing can go wrong, just throw whatever cool-looking mods in there!]


Skyrim GEMS is a great list of mods.
Pretty-boy like that, better not get caught stealing...

I look at D3 much the same as GT5 versus Forza in this respect: The original bad ass sim racer may not be king anymore but it's still a solid game in the genre.
*twitch* *twitch*

I've seen it as low as 10. I don't know where you're buying but 200 million is a bad deal.
Well, it's certainly worth the $10 that I spent on it.

So, did D3 make its $200 million back and then make a profit?

If yes - then that's not really that bad of a deal, business-wise and money-wise. :D

Whether the game pissed-off hardcore fans - well, that's another story entirely, hehe.

I think many hardcore D2 fans probably moved to Torchlight 2, Path of Exile, some other ARPG, and/or are hoping D3 expansion can find a way to improve things.


So you say it's not that bad, but then give no points as to why it's good and a slew of reasons it's worse than a game released more than a decade before?

I don't see how you are making your case for D3, if anything you are actually condemning it more so.
I wasn't talking about what I liked about D3. I was talking about why I don't think it should be compared to TQ and D2.

But, since you are asking - sure, I'll tell you what I liked about D3.

Now this has NOTHING to do w/ the unfriendly MMO-like DRM (which is only found in the PC-version), but D3 is the most single-player friendly Diablo out of the club. Anybody looking for much more emphasis on an actual attempt at some story-telling - this game's for you. Granted, it's not a great story or anything (this is NOT Planescape: Torment by any means, you know) - but it does try to make an emphasis on that. Do you want banter out of your companions that are NPC's and bots? Yep, that's here - and that certainly is more interesting than D2 just giving you a companion that doesn't say really anything.

The actual feel and sounds of the combat itself was actually fantastic. Everything sounds and feels like it's doing a number on enemies, when you're attacking.

Also, D3 is a blast and a lot of fun to play w/ people and friends online, as well.

These are the reasons to keep playing through until the very end, IMHO.

Now, I'm saving this last section here b/c depending on who you're talking to, this could be a pro or a con. While this part won't satisfy veterans (con), this part's a "pro" here for the no0bs who never played a ARPG or game like this - D3 is probably the best Diablo to begin with, gameplay-wise. It's hard to screw-up your character-build, since you really don't choose to unlock skills and supply point-numbers & stat-numbers into your character. These things...just unlock on their own, once you go along.

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D3 is still a pretty good game despite its online requirement.

What's a tragedy is how much EA screwed up my beloved SimCity! Arguably the game is not fully fixed and EA is releasing new overpriced DLC and patting themselves  on the back instead of fixing the many bugs that plague the game. I really dislike the online requirement for Simcity since Simcity has always been a solo game to me.

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Well, it's certainly worth the $10 that I spent on it.

So, did D3 make its $200 million back and then make a profit?
If yes - then that's not really that bad of a deal, business-wise and money-wise. :D

Whether the game pissed-off hardcore fans - well, that's another story entirely, hehe.

I think many hardcore D2 fans probably moved to Torchlight 2, Path of Exile, some other ARPG, and/or are hoping D3 expansion can find a way to improve things.
I'm pretty sure PoE is where all the dyed-in-blood ARPG fans have gone.

One thing that was kinda fishy was Blizz ran a promotion for a while where a 1-year WoW subscription netted you a free Diablo 3 pre-order. I don't recall seeing Blizz doing anything like that before. I still question if that was because of their doubts over WoW or D3...

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Bought Brothers. Started playing this morning. This game is &!?&#% good.

I will be surprised if I don't cry by the end. I'm sure part of this is because I lost my dad this year.

Oh, and
the villagers at the beginning are not very $&?!#% helpful.
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I liked D3 and enjoyed my time with it. Was it worth the wait? Hell no. But that doesn't mean it was a bad game. Is it as good as either of the previous incarnations? Again, no way. I don't understand why people put so much hate on D3 when it was still a fun game. It has its issues, and clearly has been passed by in the time it took to put out but that doesn't make it a bad game in its own right. I look at D3 much the same as GT5 versus Forza in this respect: The original bad ass sim racer may not be king anymore but it's still a solid game in the genre. I'm still looking forward to the future D3 expansions in the hopes that they make some major improvements.
This pretty much is my feelings on Deus Ex: Invisible War, Diablo 3 and DA2 - these games were made quite a bit more accessible and streamlined than their previous installment, resulting in pissing off its hardcore and rabid fan-base.

Gaming masterpieces like Deus Ex 1, Diablo 2, and Dragon Age: Origins not very often come along in our lifetime like such.


I'm pretty sure PoE is where all the dyed-in-blood ARPG fans have gone.

One thing that was kinda fishy was Blizz ran a promotion for a while where a 1-year WoW subscription netted you a free Diablo 3 pre-order. I don't recall seeing Blizz doing anything like that before. I still question if that was because of their doubts over WoW or D3...
Given how WoW's user-base was dropping like flies and the way D3 turned-out (i.e. nowhere on D2's level) - I'd say their doubts were on BOTH WoW and D3.

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Wait what? You want to play Diablo on a controller instead or mouse & keyboard? What is this blaspamy? I need holy water to banish this heathen!

On a unrelated note, did they take away the user option to ignore/block certain user post? I remember it being available in the past but can't find it now. Been thinking of blocking certain users because it hurts trying to understand their post (looking at you Tebow!)
I actually agree completely. I love the PS3 controls for Diablo III, way way better than I like using KB&M. It feels more fluid with rolling and such.

Wait what? You want to play Diablo on a controller instead or mouse & keyboard? What is this blaspamy? I need holy water to banish this heathen!

On a unrelated note, did they take away the user option to ignore/block certain user post? I remember it being available in the past but can't find it now. Been thinking of blocking certain users because it hurts trying to understand their post (looking at you Tebow!)
I say a gamer should play a game however they want: whether KB/mouse or gamepad.

As long as the developers go ahead + support it officially; or say developers are fine if modders do add mod support for it - who cares?


IMHO - since D3 also is on the consoles, it's pretty silly now that the PC-version doesn't support gamepads used here such as the X360 gamepad. Same goes for Mass Effect series on the PC, as well.

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D3 gold and auction houses are going down.  This announcement has been a dual edged sword.  It is helpful to be able to trade your stuff with other players and search for uniques that way.  Some people found ways to dupe items and other issues that effected the "economy".

The expansion should be interesting to see what base game improvements that Blizzard is going to roll out.  Honestly, I think that most players have the expansion basically downloaded waiting for activation.  I had a HUGE update that took a long time to download.  I am a little miffed that it seems that there is only one new character class coming out.  Hopefully the new act will be sizeable as I felt that Act 4 was too short.  Yes, I played D2 probably 8 times more than D3 hour wise.  Once I leveled all my characters out at 60 and beyond with paragon, I felt there was not really anything else to do.  I lost interest in part due to more games to play i.e. backlog, but in D2 I had multiple builds for each class and had to walk away from it due to having too much time into one thing.

The reason I think that I may have already expansion downloaded is also because I just activated StarCraft 2 Heart of the Swarm.  All is did was activate the code and I did not download anything to start playing including watching the cinematics, 

Blizzard makes good games and fantastic cinematics.  Stories are okay.  I am disappointed in the pricing i.e. Heart of the Swarm is supposed to be an expansion, but price was the same as Wings of Liberty.  It also appears that the expansion to D3 is going to be 40 or $60 based on standard vs deluxe editions.  My thought is since you have to have the base D3 game, the expansion should really be $20.

Blizzard makes good games and fantastic cinematics. Stories are okay. I am disappointed in the pricing i.e. Heart of the Swarm is supposed to be an expansion, but price was the same as Wings of Liberty. It also appears that the expansion to D3 is going to be 40 or $60 based on standard vs deluxe editions. My thought is since you have to have the base D3 game, the expansion should really be $20.
That's for Digital. It's $40 vs $80, yes $80 for the collector's edition. $80 for a Collectors Edition of an Expansion Pack...

I say a gamer should play a game however they want: whether KB/mouse or gamepad.

As long as the developers go ahead + support it officially; or say developers are fine if modders do add mod support for it - who cares?


IMHO - since D3 also is on the consoles, it's pretty silly now that the PC-version doesn't support gamepads used here such as the X360 gamepad. Same goes for Mass Effect series on the PC, as well.
I played a ton of D1 when it was released and still have D2 installed on my current build so I'm quite used to the KB/M play. I have to admit to being concerned about how they'd implement the console controls but D3 on the PS3 is a blast and they did an admirable job on the control scheme. My friends have a wide range of gaming experience and we have great 4 player couch coop sessions, and D3 is fun too! :D/

This pretty much is my feelings on Deus Ex: Invisible War, Diablo 3 and DA2 - these games were made quite a bit more accessible and streamlined than their previous installment, resulting in pissing off its hardcore and rabid fan-base.

Gaming masterpieces like Deus Ex 1, Diablo 2, and Dragon Age: Origins not very often come along in our lifetime like such.
"Streamlined" is the worst abuse of a euphemism in the history of the English language when it comes to Dragon Age 2. It was a gaunt and flickering shadow of the original.

Titan Quest is a dungeon crawler? It looked like some generic Greco/Roman themed rpg to me. I had never heard of it before. I actually really like dungeon crawlers. By calling it a turd I meant it was a poor choice compared to the two other games available in the voting. I actually wanted those, versus TQ I don't know or care about.
No, it's an ARPG and one of the best of its generation. Frankly I thought it was far superior to Diablo II, which may be one of the most overrated games of its generation.

I wasn't talking about what I liked about D3. I was talking about why I don't think it should be compared to TQ and D2.
But why is it unfair to compare them to each other? If you had said because of their age I'd agree with you, but you seem to be under an impression that because a game is a "masterpiece" it for some reason shouldn't be used to measure even continual games in the series. This is just ridiculous to me, because what exactly is the point of a sequel than to be better than its predecessor?

I feel I've had this conversation already though, so I should probably just shut up and take a breather.

Gaming masterpieces like Deus Ex 1, Diablo 2, and Dragon Age: Origins not very often come along in our lifetime like such.
You keep saying this, but video games aren't even old enough as a medium for this to be possible. Unless you started gaming at an extremely old age and promptly keeled over.

For Posterity: Community Vote Results
I knew it was too much to hope for Sounddodger, which was one of my biggest wants from this sale. I guess I can still hope for a flash sale...
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