The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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A tad late for posting my haul, but here's What I Got:

Valdis Story (Thanks Utopian Machine!)

Pinball FX Tables

  • Balance of the force Pack
  • Ms. Splosion Man
  • Captain America
  • Mars
  • Civil War
  • Excalibur
  • Fantastic Four
  • Marvel Vengeance and Virtue Pack
Blackwell Convergence

Blackwell Unbound

Blackwell Legacy

Mark of the Ninja: SE DLC

HL2: Episode Two

VVVVVV (Thanks Tsel)

Castle of Illusion (Amazon)

Ys Oath in Felghana

Ys Origin

Bit.Trip.Core (Amazon)

Dust: An Elysian Tail

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Long Live The Queen

Shank 2 (Thanks Palinn!)

Cargo Commander (Thanks again Palinn!)

Don't Starve (Thanks Jshackles!)

CoJ Gunslinger/FC3 Blood Dragon Double Pack

Cook, Serve, Delicious!

Time Gentlemen, Please (Thanks Asheskitty!)

Fable the Lost Chapters (Thanks Motoki!)

Left4Dead 2 (Thanks Gaben!)

Half-Life 2 (Thanks Captain Urahara!)

HL2 Episode One (Thanks again Captain!)

Bit.Trip Fate (Thanks DJBooba!)

Bit.Trip.Void (Thanks again DJ!)

Dead Space 2

Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies (GMG)

Tomb Raider (Thanks Sunasun!)

Max Payne Trilogy (Thanks again Sunasun!)

Spectromancer (Thanks again Utopian Machine!)

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit



Secret of the Magic Crystals (Thanks Pasports?)


Really Big Sky (Thanks again Ashes!)

Brothers (Thanks imac2much!)

Overall I had a pretty good sale I think ^_^

The middle finger on my left hand has been involuntarily twitching off and on today. Not just a little, either. It moves about 1/4 to 1/2 inch each twitch.

I have to wonder if that's the finger I type with the most, and I have been physically wounded by the holiday sale?
The middle finger on my left hand has been involuntarily twitching off and on today. Not just a little, either. It moves about 1/4 to 1/2 inch each twitch.
That happens to me often, though with much more of a defined motion. And, mostly when I'm around people I don't like. Which is pretty much anyone I don't already know. I get strange looks.
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PalmDesert just crafted all his cards. Level 1000 on the regular globes, and level 100 on the foil globes.

Steamwang level: 260. :bow:
That is just insane. I mean I probably have more badges than the average user, but 98% of them are all level 1's. To craft all those level 5's, foils and whatnot takes either supreme dedication or a massive head injury.
Numberwang. That's .. numberwang.

Did anyone see the linked video, or was it just me?
We already switched the board when someone said 260.

What video? We aren't allowed to post videos on CAG. See?


Did all that Steam go to your head?
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Weird, I they usually pull the steam page when they yank games from steam but they didn't for the classic Fallouts. They still even turn up in the search box...

Perhaps they're staying on steam, and will be available again after the paperwork gets done.
I don't think they'll be pulled from Steam since Bethesda loves them.

The only seem to hate DRM free money.

A tad late for posting my haul, but here's What I Got:

Valdis Story (Thanks Utopian Machine!)

Pinball FX Tables

  • Balance of the force Pack
  • Ms. Splosion Man
  • Captain America
  • Mars
  • Civil War
  • Excalibur
  • Fantastic Four
  • Marvel Vengeance and Virtue Pack
Blackwell Convergence

Blackwell Unbound

Blackwell Legacy

Mark of the Ninja: SE DLC

HL2: Episode Two

VVVVVV (Thanks Tsel)

Castle of Illusion (Amazon)

Ys Oath in Felghana

Ys Origin

Bit.Trip.Core (Amazon)

Dust: An Elysian Tail

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Long Live The Queen

Shank 2 (Thanks Palinn!)

Cargo Commander (Thanks again Palinn!)

Don't Starve (Thanks Jshackles!)

CoJ Gunslinger/FC3 Blood Dragon Double Pack

Cook, Serve, Delicious!

Time Gentlemen, Please (Thanks Asheskitty!)

Fable the Lost Chapters (Thanks Motoki!)

Left4Dead 2 (Thanks Gaben!)

Half-Life 2 (Thanks Captain Urahara!)

HL2 Episode One (Thanks again Captain!)

Bit.Trip Fate (Thanks DJBooba!)

Bit.Trip.Void (Thanks again DJ!)

Dead Space 2

Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies (GMG)

Tomb Raider (Thanks Sunasun!)

Max Payne Trilogy (Thanks again Sunasun!)

Spectromancer (Thanks again Utopian Machine!)

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit



Secret of the Magic Crystals (Thanks Pasports?)


Really Big Sky (Thanks again Ashes!)

Brothers (Thanks imac2much!)

Overall I had a pretty good sale I think ^_^
wait u didnt have l4d2 before free u suck heh whyu lame

Someone yesterday or the day before was talking about a game having hot profile backgrounds, can someone remind me which game that was? No reason, I was just curious. :whistle2:

Someone yesterday or the day before was talking about a game having hot profile backgrounds, can someone remind me which game that was? No reason, I was just curious. :whistle2:

Dang it wanted Agarest background for my steam page so bought up the rest of the cards i needed for about 1.20 or so, and get the one background that doesn't have a girl character on it....steam you fail me!!!!!
Edit: xanchui'd

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Someone yesterday or the day before was talking about a game having hot profile backgrounds, can someone remind me which game that was? No reason, I was just curious. :whistle2:
[customspoiler="Agarest: Generations of War"]



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Not really into anime but those are pretty hot... the hottest bg I own is this.


There were some nice looking Tomb Raider ones but they would do stupid shit like cut off half her face due to awful layout, it's like some of these guys don't even test the backgrounds they put out.

Been wanting to trade for my LAST card for days now.  I reset password because I was to lazy to travel up some stairs to another computer and it locked me out from the market/trading.  It is past the time it said I need to wait but it still isn't working.  Grr...

Ok, I'm trying to gift some games to a friend, but it won't let me purchase them because I already own them. How do I get around this? The Purchase for myself and purchase as a gift buttons are greyed out.

Ok, I'm trying to gift some games to a friend, but it won't let me purchase them because I already own them. How do I get around this? The Purchase for myself and purchase as a gift buttons are greyed out.
That is weird. You should be able to buy as a gift and add to your inventory.

Keep it for later:
Store the gift in my inventory to send later

Your gift will be kept on your account, to be delivered or traded later. You can manage your gifts in the Steam Client, or by viewing your Steam Inventory on your Profile.
the hottest bg I own is this.

I'm a bit concerned if that turns you on.

Been wanting to trade for my LAST card for days now. I reset password because I was to lazy to travel up some stairs to another computer and it locked me out from the market/trading. It is past the time it said I need to wait but it still isn't working. Grr...
Clearly it's Valve's fault you didn't remember your password and had to change it.

Stupid Valve.

Ok, I'm trying to gift some games to a friend, but it won't let me purchase them because I already own them. How do I get around this? The Purchase for myself and purchase as a gift buttons are greyed out.
Which game is it? The only reason I can think for "purchase as a gift" to be greyed out is if gifting has been disabled for that title (like Deus Ex HR DC was for a time).

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Not really into anime but those are pretty hot... the hottest bg I own is this.


There were some nice looking Tomb Raider ones but they would do stupid shit like cut off half her face due to awful layout, it's like some of these guys don't even test the backgrounds they put out.
The only 'exploitative' background I've decided to keep was Farmgirl and that is mainly because it's a Rare.

You know what a cool Enhanced Steam tool would be? A button that could buy all the cards needed for a certain badge at the lowest prices available. Trying to buy Snowglobe cards right now is a total pain in the ass.

I'm a bit concerned if that turns you on.

Clearly it's Valve's fault you didn't remember your password and had to change it.

Stupid Valve.

Which game is it? The only reason I can think for "purchase as a gift" to be greyed out is if gifting has been disabled for that title (like Deus Ex
I'm trying to buy Natural Selection 2 4 Pack, and a copy of Just Cause 2.

My Winter Haul - anything activated on Steam: Amazon, bundles, gifts, purchases, etc


Castle Crashers DLC: Pink Knight, Blacksmith
Don't Starve DLC: Soundtrack
Electronic Super Joy DLC: Bonus Content
Euro Truck Simulator 2 DLC: Halloween Paint Jobs
Magicka DLC: Tower of Niflheim
Mark of the Ninja DLC - Special Edition
Pinball FX2 DLC - Marvel Pinball Vengeance and Virtue Pack
Pinball FX2 DLC: Star Wars Balance of the Force Pack
Zombie Driver HD DLC: Apocalypse Pack
Aliens: Colonial Marines 
Anno 2070 Complete Edition
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
Bridge, The
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
Call of Juarez Gunslinger 
Castlestorm Complete Edition
Castle of Illusion
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Deadpool + DLC Merc with a Map Pack 
Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time
DuckTales Remastered
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
Frozen Hearth Gold
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Hacker Evolution Duality  + DLC Inception Part 1-3
Jack Lumber
Legend of Dungeon
Little Inferno
London 2012: The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games
Natural Selection 2 
Rise of the Triad
Shattered Haven
Rogue Legacy
Savant - Ascent
Skyward Collapse
Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory
Super Hexagon
Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Gold Edition
Teleglitch: Base Game
Test Drive Ferrari
Trackmania Stadium
Trackmania Valley
Unholy Heights
Valdis Story: Abyssal City
Wargame: European Escalation
Who's that Flying
Wizardry 6, 7, and 8
Ys I and II Chronicles
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I'm a bit concerned if that turns you on.

Clearly it's Valve's fault you didn't remember your password and had to change it.

Stupid Valve.

Which game is it? The only reason I can think for "purchase as a gift" to be greyed out is if gifting has been disabled for that title (like Deus Ex HR DC was for a time).
Actually mate, there is a different between resetting and changing password- which I didn't know. Did you know that?

I needed to change the password and to do so had to be on certain computer. OR I could reset it from anywhere. Only when you do it that way, that you are locked out from trading which they don't tell you when you reset. At least not the way I did it.

You know what a cool Enhanced Steam tool would be? A button that could buy all the cards needed for a certain badge at the lowest prices available. Trying to buy Snowglobe cards right now is a total pain in the ass.
That wouldn't be possible because you have to agree to Valve's ToS whenever you buy a card, and for anything for ES to auto check that box is a big no-no :shame:

I'm trying to buy Natural Selection 2 4 Pack, and a copy of Just Cause 2.
You can't buy the 4-Pack of NS2 because in multipacks one is auto redeemed for your account (not sure how Jake gets around this though). You shouldn't have any trouble buying JC2 however, if you remove NS2 from you cart.

Actually mate, there is a different between resetting and changing password- which I didn't know. Did you know that?
Actually yeah, since I changed my password a few weeks ago. Changing is done from within the client and doesn't lock you out, resetting is typical of resetting your password from any site (sends you an email with a link, etc.) which does lock you out. Valve has been tightening up security especially in terms of the community market, so it would be wise to check beforehand that doing something won't lock you out.

I'm not trying to come off as a jerk, and now that you've explained what happened I can see why you'd be annoyed, I just find when people get annoyed when Valve is trying to protect you to be a bit ridiculous.
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You know what a cool Enhanced Steam tool would be? A button that could buy all the cards needed for a certain badge at the lowest prices available. Trying to buy Snowglobe cards right now is a total pain in the ass.
I hate buying popular cards during the big sales. It's a huge hassle. They're almost always sold before you can click accept the disclaimer and buy unless you're willing to overpay for them.

Some of them go so fast I almost feel like some people must be using bots or something.

I'm trying to buy Natural Selection 2 4 Pack, and a copy of Just Cause 2.
Ah, it was cause I was trying to buy the 4 Pack of Natural Selection 2. So I guess you can't pick up a four pack as a gift? If not, I'd be willing to pay for 3 packs out of the 4.

You can't buy the 4-Pack of NS2 because in multipacks one is auto redeemed for your account (not sure how Jake gets around this though). You shouldn't have any trouble buying JC2 however, if you remove NS2 from you cart.
I just figured that out.

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