spmahn, what's with all the insulting comments? No need to be so negative. Also...
[quote name='spmahn']People on Amazon are free to sell their items at whatever price they want, it has no baring whatsoever on value. I could list a copy of Mario 3 on there for $100, does that mean it's worth $100? Check out past eBay auctions and you will see that Mario 3 can easily be had for > $5[/QUOTE]
Here are the prices (including shipping, of course, and as of this post) of the last ten copies of Super Mario Bros. 3 that sold on Ebay:
Within the last 30 days, only two copies sold for $6.00, and none for $5.00. The vast majority are 10 dollars and up. For the record, an item is always worth at least what it sells for. So yes, if you list a copy of SMB3 for $100 and it sells, that copy was worth $100. Amazon and Ebay, like 'em or not, pretty much dictate fair market value for second-hand and collectible items.