Thursday, May 01, 2003
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Welcome to!
$50 is a lot of money. That being said, most new games simply aren't worth that much. We all hate feeling ripped off after dropping half a bill on a game, that soon becomes clear, was not worth it. If we avoided paying full price, we probably wouldn't feel as bad and, that's the whole idea behind this site, feeling better about ourselves.
Well, that's part of it, its really about stretching your gaming dollar further so you can play more games for less money. I search the web and try to find quality games at cheap ass prices. Hopefully, you guys will submit deals you find, and then we'll have an up-to-date listing of the best game deals.
This site is a work in progress (created May 2003), so bear with me while I figure this stuff out.
p.s. If you are going to buy the game anyway, try to buy it through the "Cheap ass link" on my site. I get a small commission (and I mean small!) from every sale, but it helps cover hosting fees and it lets me know that people are actually making use of the site. So far (as of 5/21/03), we've made 75 cents, so to whoever bought Eternal Darkness for $15...
p.s.s. I would also like to thank Ben from for introducing me to the joy of deals and lending me the inspiration to create this site.