Tons: (PS4) Toukiden 2, Y. Kiwami, V. Revolution, Nier Automata, Yakuza 0 --- WANTS: PS4 (MH World, Dragon Ball Fighter, misc)

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CML for Trade for Heavenly Sword, MGS 4 regular, and Siren New Translation.

I have mgs essentials and p3:fes im also willing to trade but they are not on my trade list.
Can you PM me prices for these PS3 games?

Heavenly Sword
MGS4: Regular Ed.
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Time Crisis Bundle

Probably nothing you want on my list, but CML anyway, if you'd like. Lots of stuff I'm interested in from you. I may be willing to pay as well.
cml for

Ninja G. Sigma :cold: ---- (orignial non GH)
Prince of Persia --- Limited Edition :cold::cold:

Siren: New Translation (Import Asia ver.) - in game text and voice overs are in English!!! :cold::cold::cold:

[quote name='kube00']Any interest in Excite Truck or Lego Star Wars TCS for Wii?[/quote]

don't have a Wii as of now, those titles sound pretty horrible
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