[quote name='aTaRiFrEaK223']$60 for the regular 2 pack? I'll wait.[/QUOTE]Amazon does tend to price their initial listings for movies as higher than when they actually release, and they follow Best Buy, Target and Walmart weekly ads pretty closely, so if this does go cheaper by release date, you'll have that price, plus the coupon discount. They all have pre-order price protection, so you will get the cheaper price.
Some items that had coupons on them (Bambi, Secretariat) have dropped in price at least once before they released, so you have the coupon benefit on top of the cheaper price, all from Amazon. Bambi dropped once, Secretariat dropped three times.
[quote name='thelonepig']Amazon has a $5 coupon up on it now. Clip to redeem.[/QUOTE]I think the coupon works on only one of the three versions, so if you want the coupon, think hard about which one you want with it.
When I "clipped it" for the two-movie non-LE version, it came up as showing to be "clipped" for the two-movie LE version. Coupon appears to work on multiple items in the promotion, as I put both the two-movie LE and the two-movie non-LE into my cart, checked out, and both coupon discounts of $5 were on the order.
I'll lock in an order for both versions, with the coupon, and cancel the version I don't want closer to the release date. That way, I have the pre-order price guarantee and the coupon discount locked up.