So like many CAGs I have a pretty deep backlog and I am starting to wonder if I should just sell some of my games. It is mostly because I just don't/won't have time to complete them all. Almost all my games are in good shape with artwork, manual and scratch free (for the most part). A lot of the games I want to sell would get me around $5 after fees and shipping on Ebay so I am not sure if it is even worth the trouble to do it. Selling 30 of these games only nets me about $150 which is an ok amount. I am wondering if I am just better off hanging onto them and playing them whenever I have time even if it is 2 years from now. This is a partial list of games I am thinking of unloading.
All for the 360
Ghost Recon: Advanced War Fighter
Devil May Cry 4
Frontlines: Fuel of War
Dark Void
Condemned Criminal Origins
Perfect Dark Zero
Brutal Legend
FEAR 2: Project Origin
Brother's in Arms:Hells Highway
The Club
Resonance of Fate
The Bourne Conspiracy
Dark Sector
Bionic Commando
Viking:Battle for Asgard
F.E.A.R. 3
Too Human
Lost Planet 2
Two Worlds 2
Darksiders (I have it on PS+ now)
Dead to Rights:Retribution
Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days
Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena
Tomb Raider: Legend
Duke Nukem:Forever
Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Fable 2
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The Saboteur
Tomb Raider:Underworld
Army of Two
Dungeon Siege III
Alpha Protocol
Prince of Persia
Any thought? Better to just hold on and play them when I can? Or should I try to dump some of the ones getting better sales? The tomb raiders are getting $10+ on ebay right now. Seems silly to sell these for $7 and only get $4.
All for the 360
Ghost Recon: Advanced War Fighter
Devil May Cry 4
Frontlines: Fuel of War
Dark Void
Condemned Criminal Origins
Perfect Dark Zero
Brutal Legend
FEAR 2: Project Origin
Brother's in Arms:Hells Highway
The Club
Resonance of Fate
The Bourne Conspiracy
Dark Sector
Bionic Commando
Viking:Battle for Asgard
F.E.A.R. 3
Too Human
Lost Planet 2
Two Worlds 2
Darksiders (I have it on PS+ now)
Dead to Rights:Retribution
Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days
Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena
Tomb Raider: Legend
Duke Nukem:Forever
Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Fable 2
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The Saboteur
Tomb Raider:Underworld
Army of Two
Dungeon Siege III
Alpha Protocol
Prince of Persia
Any thought? Better to just hold on and play them when I can? Or should I try to dump some of the ones getting better sales? The tomb raiders are getting $10+ on ebay right now. Seems silly to sell these for $7 and only get $4.