[quote name='g-man']This game is amazing, and I'm sorry for everyone who is getting backordered messages. As to the guy who said it would take hundreds of hours to master the game and do the challenges, just no...just no sir to you. While it IS difficult, particularly the final challenge, it shouldn't take you much more than 20 hours to plat the game, unless you just genuinely suck at it. The final challenge is one of the most brutal challenges i've played in a long time, so I can see that some people might not be able to complete it. But it's absolutely doable, and in far far less than a hundred hours. Saying HundredS of hours is just absurd.[/QUOTE]
Ok, so I might have been over exaggerating but my point was that if you know how to play the game the main story is doing the same move-set over and over. The actual story is plagued by poor writing and a lack of imagination. The Challenges are the only fun to be had and the later ones are only challenging because some of the enemies can kill you in no time flat if you mess up just once (hence my learning to make yourself invulnerable comment).
Also: It's not a difficulty issue... if anything it's a lack of difficulty that frustrates me. I loved Ninja Gaiden 1 & 2 for their difficulty. I may have just expected too much from Vanquish and so it ruined my enjoyment of it.