Well, I guess I'm the only Conservative~ish guy around. So I'll guess I'll argue some of these points?
Buy Jets for our army - The military needs jets, the current fleet is ancient, and will be grounded in 2014, and need replacement. Nobody contested that point, they just freaked out over the pricetag, and demanded we open it up to bidding or something. That's nonsense, the jet industry doesn't work that way. There are really only 4 current options out there. The F-22 is US exclusive, we can't buy it even if we wanted to. The Eurofighter is generally regarded as a piece of
. We could buy some old model from somewhere, that'd be cheaper, but we'd just have crap and would be looking to replace them relatively soon. That leaves the F-35, which the Liberals bought into the R&D for at the ground floor years ago (obviously intending to buy them at this point themselves). It was hands down the best model we could get, we had bargaining leverage in hand (which was used to drag jobs here and reduce the price). If we didn't bite now we would've lost our leverage and wouldn't have gotten nearly as good a deal. So it was kinda the obvious choice.
Cut in the culture and services. - Eh? I don't like my tax dollars going to pointless culture. If they can't make their own money then their work obviously isn't worth squat.
Not give a damn about the earth/global warming/kyoto threat - Conservatives do care apparently. They just point out the obvious, we're way smaller than say China. So why should we sign onto some agreement that'll just pointlessly fine us and not them? Beyond that we can regulate ourselves, right?
Stop the weapon registry - Makes sense. It's redundant, guns are already licensed, and the registry costs quite a bit and is full of holes. Most guns that'll be used to commit crimes aren't registered...
Against abortion and gay marriage, - Meh, somebody needs to represent the anti-abortion people, they're a large portion of the population. I don't really agree with that point, but somebody has to say it. I am against gay marriage. Not the fact of gays getting married, I'm against the state stepping on the civil liberties of churchs that are against it. If homosexuals want to persuade a church to do that for them they can go ahead and try. The government isn't there to force opinions and beliefs on the ignorant masses.
one of problems I have with Conservatives though. Their civil liberties track record is pretty poor. But I donno, I think all the parties are kinda bad when it comes to trying to push their beliefs on others...
You forgot the crime bill that says you to online privacy. - I hate that, outright hate. I wish there was some way to smack some sense into them...
And I'm not looking for "I voted Conservative because I didn't want Ignatieff being PM" or something similar. I'm honestly curious as to what made the Conservative government so popular this go around. - My only guess is everyone was tired of elections. If they didn't get a majority we'd be back to this in 2-3 years. I liked the government as a minority though, it was ineffectual and impotent. Never getting anything really done, mostly letting the status quo continue, and just running the day to day operations it needed to.