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I normally love most Walking Dead episodes (even the "boring" ones)...but this one really pissed me off...and not for the reason most would probably think.
I'm not sure who directed this episode, but I wonder if it was the same person who directed the episode where Rick and Michonne run into Daryl and the Claimed gang. That put them in such a bad position that it was just ridiculously stupid for them to all make it out alive. Even worse, they had Rick basically "Hulk up" and destroy the entire gang himself (remember when he bit the guy?)
As for Rick and the
It does make me wonder who will get the comic book treatment that
I'm not sure who directed this episode, but I wonder if it was the same person who directed the episode where Rick and Michonne run into Daryl and the Claimed gang. That put them in such a bad position that it was just ridiculously stupid for them to all make it out alive. Even worse, they had Rick basically "Hulk up" and destroy the entire gang himself (remember when he bit the guy?)
I got that exact same feeling in this episode...first with Glenn and Nicholas and the herd...and then again with Rick in the RV. There is NO
ING WAY Glenn should escape from the position they put him in. However, I also feel it was incredibly stupid that Nicholas shooting himself somehow caused Glenn to fall. It sells Glenn's character development INCREDIBLY short.
Was he trying to catch and "save" a character who had just offed himself? Or was Glenn so slow to react that he allowed Nicholas to fall into him and knock him over...without so much as grabbing onto the fence behind him? The scene was just dumb...and does feel like they're trying to set you up for some trickery of Glenn not actually being dead...which for reasons others have pointed out (the Walkers aren't just going to stop), is even more dumb.
I feel like they half assed it both ways, and didn't really commit to either outcome. If Glenn IS still alive, then it's stupid and ridiculous. But if Glenn ISN'T alive, then his death was dumb and pointless. For an original cast member, he deserved way better than that. To me, the scenario should have played out like this:
A) Nicholas decides to try to "sacrifice" himself, jumping into the Walkers (which is what I thought was going to happen when the camera stayed fixed on him for so long), Glenn tries to stop him (because that's the kind of person he is) and they both fall.
Or B) Glenn sets the building on fire (or any other building), accomplishing his mission and saving his group, but gets cornered in the process, and is killed...at least letting him die a hero. Another option I had even considered was maybe revealing that he had been bitten and that was why he was so insistent to Michonne that he be the one to set the building on fire.
Instead, we basically got the "sometimes your plans don't work out and life just sucks" ending. And fine...maybe that's realistic...but are they really going to do that to a character as beloved as Glenn? To me, all this adds up to him not really being dead...which circles us back to setting up a ridiculous (and stupid) escape scenario. If they're ready to kill Glenn, stop upping the ante on the close calls he gets in. Because it does feel like trolling.

Was he trying to catch and "save" a character who had just offed himself? Or was Glenn so slow to react that he allowed Nicholas to fall into him and knock him over...without so much as grabbing onto the fence behind him? The scene was just dumb...and does feel like they're trying to set you up for some trickery of Glenn not actually being dead...which for reasons others have pointed out (the Walkers aren't just going to stop), is even more dumb.
I feel like they half assed it both ways, and didn't really commit to either outcome. If Glenn IS still alive, then it's stupid and ridiculous. But if Glenn ISN'T alive, then his death was dumb and pointless. For an original cast member, he deserved way better than that. To me, the scenario should have played out like this:
A) Nicholas decides to try to "sacrifice" himself, jumping into the Walkers (which is what I thought was going to happen when the camera stayed fixed on him for so long), Glenn tries to stop him (because that's the kind of person he is) and they both fall.
Or B) Glenn sets the building on fire (or any other building), accomplishing his mission and saving his group, but gets cornered in the process, and is killed...at least letting him die a hero. Another option I had even considered was maybe revealing that he had been bitten and that was why he was so insistent to Michonne that he be the one to set the building on fire.
Instead, we basically got the "sometimes your plans don't work out and life just sucks" ending. And fine...maybe that's realistic...but are they really going to do that to a character as beloved as Glenn? To me, all this adds up to him not really being dead...which circles us back to setting up a ridiculous (and stupid) escape scenario. If they're ready to kill Glenn, stop upping the ante on the close calls he gets in. Because it does feel like trolling.
As for Rick and the
RV...who the hell are these Wolves? Sure, they are probably comprised of former computer programmers and accountants, but the show is trying to sell us that they've been "out there" and have had to survive on their own in this horrible world. Yet, when two of them get the jump on Rick...again, he just magically Hulks up and smashes them. I know Rick has seen some shit and is a bad ass. But heroes die from being ambushed all the damn time. That's why it's an ambush!
When Carol takes out multiple adversaries, they show her outsmarting them. But the writing with Rick is so lazy. He just outbeasts everybody. Stop putting him in situations that he shouldn't get out of unless you're going to also show how his cunning and zombie world experience aid his escape. It gets on my nerves, man. The fight scenes in Rambo movies are justified better, lol.
When Carol takes out multiple adversaries, they show her outsmarting them. But the writing with Rick is so lazy. He just outbeasts everybody. Stop putting him in situations that he shouldn't get out of unless you're going to also show how his cunning and zombie world experience aid his escape. It gets on my nerves, man. The fight scenes in Rambo movies are justified better, lol.
It does make me wonder who will get the comic book treatment that
Abraham's death got though. Because it's very contrary to that entire line of thinking...which I guess would totally shock the viewing audience. "Oh, cool. You're really tough and can beast through 15 walkers all by yourself. Well, the sniper in the trees gives zero
s about that." Every time they're standing around out in the open, I'm anticipating it now, haha.