I can really use this, since i'm still saving up for a new one. Thank you Cheapy for this offer!
roguejedi5 CAGiversary! Nov 21, 2012 #1,901 I can really use this, since i'm still saving up for a new one. Thank you Cheapy for this offer!
sirdudeoi CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 21, 2012 #1,902 Awesome prize! Thanks for the contest Cheapy.
Skandalous CAG Veteran Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 21, 2012 #1,904 Thanks for the contest. I've been through 5 Xbox's non of them lasted more than a year lol so it'd be nice to win one.
Thanks for the contest. I've been through 5 Xbox's non of them lasted more than a year lol so it'd be nice to win one.
KnightPaladin CAGiversary! Nov 21, 2012 #1,909 thanks for the chance to win. wanted a chance to pick up Halo 4.
teddybass CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 21, 2012 #1,912 thank you for the contest, that xbox looks awesome
Falion CAGiversary! Nov 21, 2012 #1,917 Thanks for the contest! I could definitely use a new Xbox 360, since mine is soooo loud!
F fragilis CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 21, 2012 #1,921 Thanks for running this awesome website. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Kirbska CAGiversary! Nov 21, 2012 #1,923 I've never owned a 360 so this could be good, thanks for the contest!
sinned47 CAGiversary! Feedback 34 (100%) Nov 21, 2012 #1,937 maybe this is the year i get lucky and win! :]
raistlin CAGiversary! Nov 21, 2012 #1,939 I haven't entered one of these in quite some time, thanks for having a raffle cheapy.
L Lonedrifter1989 CAGiversary! Nov 21, 2012 #1,949 I'd love to win this console! my favorite one that's available.