Thanks for the contest!
Conkerkid11 CAGiversary! Feedback 6 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #757 Thanks Cheapy! Fantastic contest you've got going on here!
C CAG90210 CAGiversary! Feedback 16 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #761 I never won any of these contests before, maybe this is the one...
Y yodathe3rd CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #762 awesome contest gears 3 is so beast. The improvements are here and they rock.
megma42 CAGiversary! Feedback 57 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #765 awesome contest, thanks CAG and Blockbuster.
elguluso CAGiversary! Feedback 9 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #768 I hope I win since I can't afford the game right now, but it's on layaway.
D DJ Machismo CAG Veteran Sep 21, 2011 #769 This would be an excellent addition to the collection! Bring on the Gears!
R RandomEarthling CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #774 Just made it to Act III last night. Can't wait to go multiplayer on this. Thanks Cheapy!
Redeema CAGiversary! Feedback 66 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #775 Would enjoy winning this, it's been a while since I won anything.
S snyde255 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #778 Ive been excited for this game for awhile. Great contest.
TheRobReport CAGiversary! Feedback 86 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #780 another cheapassgamer contest, loving it!
C cheese3053 CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #783 Another awesome contest, even though I don't have a 360...
petedogman CAGiversary! Feedback 21 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #784 Horde mode is going to keep me busy just long enough for me to have my backlog increase into the double-digits again - but I don't care! It's such a great game!
Horde mode is going to keep me busy just long enough for me to have my backlog increase into the double-digits again - but I don't care! It's such a great game!
C Codename 47 CAG Veteran Sep 21, 2011 #785 Very exciting contest!!!! Good luck to everyone and my fingers are crossed
RedNectar CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #787 i hope i win i sure the hell don't want to pay for another gears game!
shigster CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #790 Aw, only a signed copy of the game and not the console bundle? Thanks for the contests as always!
ashe_Darkthorne CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #796 Thanks Cheapy for a great contest and the chance is awesome. Good luck to everyone.
T tinokun CAG Veteran Sep 21, 2011 #798 I think winning this would be the only instance in which I would EVER buy a keepsake box.