Posting because why the hell not.
Surreal_Sunshine CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #804 Everyone I know that games is playing Gears 3 so I feel really left out. Help me out CheapyD!
CodeRedOnly CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #806 This would be the second Gears game I got for free! (I won a copy of gears 2 at a Computer Science conference).
This would be the second Gears game I got for free! (I won a copy of gears 2 at a Computer Science conference).
Shaggy Sweetness CAGiversary! Feedback 34 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #810 Would love to get my hands on that
RockinTheRedDog CAGiversary! Feedback 15 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #812 ::throws hat into the ring:: Let's do this!
S Shark01 CAG Veteran Sep 21, 2011 #814 Too bad all the blockbusters around me have gone out of business. Still, here I am entering this as nothing beats FREE for a CheapAssGamer! Thanks CheapyD! Good luck everyone!
Too bad all the blockbusters around me have gone out of business. Still, here I am entering this as nothing beats FREE for a CheapAssGamer! Thanks CheapyD! Good luck everyone!
trekkieb47 CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #819 Would it be too punny if I said it would be EPIC to win this contest?
sweatysides CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #823 THIS would look fantastic with all my other signed goodies! thanks for the chance CheapyD!
lilykun CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #825 Would love to complete the trilogy with this... with my wallet crying JUST a little less than usual.
CapnYoAsse CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #827 Flippin' awesome! I'm excited enough that it's free! But signed?!?! Beautiful!
R rsra13 CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #831 I have the console and the Epic Edition of the game, but still want to win this.
sakanakami CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #832 This is an awesome contest. Who doesn't love autographed items?
P PicoDeGiao CAG Veteran Sep 21, 2011 #833 I guess I should play through GoW2 first...Made it through GoW1, never played GoW2.
B Born_Loser CAG Veteran Sep 21, 2011 #837 with my record being at like 0-40ish in these contests, this would void all those loses automatically
with my record being at like 0-40ish in these contests, this would void all those loses automatically
B BlazeHedgehog CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #838 I may not have liked Gears 1, but Gears 2 was pretty good and Gears 3 looks like it's going to be the best yet.
I may not have liked Gears 1, but Gears 2 was pretty good and Gears 3 looks like it's going to be the best yet.
KyleGamgee CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #840 I'm looking forward to how the story will play out. I am also looking forward to a level like the Krill, Razorhail, or the inside the Worm. Good stuff, man.
I'm looking forward to how the story will play out. I am also looking forward to a level like the Krill, Razorhail, or the inside the Worm. Good stuff, man.
anarchyburger CAGiversary! Feedback 21 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #841 Thanks for the contest Cheapy and the gang! All of my friends are playing Gears 3, hope I can win it cause I'm poor right now.
Thanks for the contest Cheapy and the gang! All of my friends are playing Gears 3, hope I can win it cause I'm poor right now.
D dougtron 3030 CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #843 This would be a good chance to see what the Gears love is all about. Thanks for the contest!
R reelgenius CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #844 It would be an epic win to win Epic... Games signed copy of Gears of War 3!
T theairforce1 CAG Veteran Sep 21, 2011 #846 Awesome, hope I win it. Would be sweet. Just finished Gears 2, looking to jump into Gears 3 after I finish Dead Island. Locusts!!!
Awesome, hope I win it. Would be sweet. Just finished Gears 2, looking to jump into Gears 3 after I finish Dead Island. Locusts!!!
G g0internetg0 CAG Veteran Sep 21, 2011 #847 Gears 3 has been getting some serious love from reviewers. Epic does not mess around, people.
F FinalBloodfest CAGiversary! Feedback 5 (100%) Sep 21, 2011 #849 wonder how many people would actually play the game if they won...
Z zwitterion117 CAGiversary! Sep 21, 2011 #850 Remember when a man could dream? How he could have hope for the future and face the coming day with joy in his heart? Those days are here again..
Remember when a man could dream? How he could have hope for the future and face the coming day with joy in his heart? Those days are here again..