Wow....nice contest. I got my 7 tickets. I could REALLY use one of these, as my Launch 360 has already been self-repaired once and is probably on its deathbed.
I asked about this before, but didn't see a reply. What if you happen to live outside North America, but you still have a North American mailing address? Can I possibly win?
I definitely need a new Xbox. My first one I bought last June was robbed outta my house in February. Been trying to get a new one for the last few months, but to no success. I'm glad I waited this long!
[quote name='Gunsou']Nice...maybe I can win myself a 360.
But according to this video the new slim 360 still scratches up the discs[/QUOTE]
Well, It IS going to scratch your disc if you move the console while the disc is spinning in it.
For whatever reason, the site is not accepting my password for Twitter. I know it's the right password, as it was just reset. So what can I do to get my ticket from Twitter?
Awesome! I've wanted to get a newer console but I figured I'd have to wait till the next version of each came out. However if I win this, that would be great. I just hope RRoD is a thing of the past.
the 360 slim took my virtual breath away. I was only expecting one or two things to interest me from this E3 and then this came along. Really hope i win this, if not, I'll just keep saving to buy my own when a great bundle comes along