GFW was by far my favorite gaming podcast. I really think they gave the most throught provoking game discussions, but they could balance that with genuine humor that didn't resort to the childish innuendo that most game podcasts resort to. It's a shame that the new Lan Party podcast won't continue, I still really enjoyed the cast after Jeff and Shawn left.
Ever since GFW ended Gamers With Jobs has been my podcast of choice. I think the show has gotten significantly better each month I listen to it, both in the discussions and the interactions of the podcasting crew. Plus they have had the former GFW crew (Jeff and Shawn) on a few times. Now that 1up is no more, this is by far the best podcast IMO. The only thing that holds it back for me is sometimes they devote too much time to MMO's. If you aren't playing the MMO being discussed, it can get boring fast.
I've tried many other gaming podcasts but I've had a lot of trouble finding podcasts that equal the quality of 1upyours and the former GFW Radio.
PCGamer - I would only recommend this if you are a big pc gamer. The podcast desperately needs some personality, and I'm surpised they don't delve into deeper discussion about games. It's more a news podcast with light commentary.
Playeronepodcast - I tried this a few times, none of the personalities really grabbed me
Sarcasticgamer - They had some funny skits, but when I listened a year ago, they completely dismissed the PC, PS3 and wii. I need a little more balance.
DrunkenGamers (formerly Team Freemont Live) - I tried a few times with this one, I couldn't get over the drunken gamer shtick, I felt like they kept reminding me they were drinking.
I'll have to give GiantBomb another try, I swear there was somebody on there that would constantly jump into announcer voice (not Jeff, and I couldn't get past it. But I'll give it another chance.
So I'm now down to just 3 or so gaming podcasts that I listen to weekly from the 6 I used to enjoy.
My RIP podcast list
Game Theory
GFW Radio
Lan Party
Still listen to:
I would love to get some recommendations too, especially any along the lines of a GFW Radio or Gamerswithjobs.