This past week's sales was of such quality, it made the post count on this thread jumping. A great change of pace from the "blegh" or "meh" of many weeks. I too lost a lot of Microsoft Points from the sales on
Alan Wake's American Nightmare,
Rayman 3 HD, the 2nd Marvel pack on
Pinball FX2, the War for Cybertron DLC packs, and the final one and only pack of cars which was not on sale before for
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. While it does add to the backlog, I am happier knowing I have stuff I will enjoy at lowered prices. I did choose to pass on a lot of 200MSP games this sale, even when I regret not getting a few titles which were offered at 240MSP or less price, I am just getting a bit more picky to adding to my backlog (just a bit). This sale made it less easy to have Microsoft points at the ready for more surprise great sales, but that's how I would love it to be consistently. Coupled with the upcoming XBLA releases of
Jet Set Radio and
NiGHTS: Into Dreams the next couple months which I intend on purchasing at 800MSP each, I will have to hit the rewards and Bing a bit harder (sorry,
Marvel Vs. Capcom Origins, I desire you but your base price tells me to wait on a sale).
Sine Mora and
Sonic 4 episode 2, you guys need to get a larger discount for me to bite. Hope to see you guys again on a sale, but only if you are at a more palpable price. I'm still holding out for an ultimate edition of Forza 4 as I did with
Forza Motorsport 3 which included almost all the DLC, but knowing that EA owns the rights to Porsche vehicles in video games, think this is my only chance to have this particular DLC on a discount? Also, I do not know if I will purchase
Metro 2033, and the DLC does tempt me a bit. Think I should?
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Theres nothing wrong with it being fake and scripted, it is simply entertainment afterall, though it shouldn't be considered a sport.
I always found it to be more akin to a soap opera than a comic honestly.[/QUOTE]
Even all the way back in the day, I had felt it was odd how the real life combatants fight, never trying to disrupt their opponent's balance/equilibrium by attacking their base and slingshot-like borders to the arena forcing a grown man/woman to uncontrollably run. In a video game, I accepted it as the game's play mechanics. So NES
Pro Wrestling, arcade WWF
Superstars, N64 titles by AKI, and Fire Pro were just entertaining fighting/brawlers to me. Just being a video game, the context makes it more acceptable to me than a television program.
Speaking of which, dunno if I had mentioned it before, but the screenshots on the Xbox Dashboard for
Wrestlefest looks like a poor XBLIG title. I do remember the original in pixel art, but this release for XBLA looks more like a cheaper
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix drawn over to me. I'm not saying anything about the quality of the game, just my impressions from the dashboard screenshots. I hope the developers give consideration to the format of the game on XBLA, since the original was purposed for arcades taking in money to extend play by buying in for more health/extend play, the game mechanics hopefully changed to account for a home system owned purchase (controls, difficulty, online multiplayer, etc.).
[quote name='BudzMcGee']Hey everyone, figure this is a good place to mention that the
Indie Games Uprising III for XBLIG starts today. 9 games released between now and the 20th. All the games combined only cost $11! My site has previews of each game and interviews with all the developers (click the image in my sig) if you want more info.
Great value and some really fantastic looking games.[/QUOTE]
I do like to support some indie titles. After seeing the list, I was sad a title I had anticipated for XBLIG is not on that promotion, when it was due out a while back. I just learned it is no longer planned for XBLIG and went to just Steam for now =(.
They Bleed Pixels, you were supposed to be XBLIG I wanted to give Microsoft Points to. Ah well, I'll look up these games and see if anything catches my favor like
They Bleed Pixels did, because I've not purchased from XBLIG in a while.
The game looks so good to me ... ... you can see in the older videos, it was supposed to be an XBLIG. What will it take from Microsoft or the developer to bring this to my 360?