[quote name='Tarheel76']How many days did it take for MS to take the points back from those accounts that still had excess points available ? I'm also one of the many people that got 1,600 points added. (Although I'm already supposed to get 400pts from the SOA promotion & 240pts from last month's sports promo = 640 total)
I would go on a shopping spree to use the extra points THEY gave, but I just purchased an extra 4000pts a few days ago, and I don't want them debiting my account from those.
It's a pretty bad practice, (if you ask me), from a well known, multi billion dollar company to go back and take away points from people's accounts. (ESPECIALLY since they made the same mistake last year, and apparently didn't fix whatever they were supposed to !)
I kinda like to think of it as if you're at a store, and you pick up an item from the shelf based on the price that's marked on it, and then you go to the register and it rings up a higher price. The store should honor the mistake in the customer's favor.
OR think of it like the airline "EL AL" who had a glitch on their web site last month, and offered people a fare of $350 on roundtrip flights from New York to Tel Aviv. They honored their mistake.
** If they take all 1600 points back, who do people contact to get the either 400 (from SOA), 240 (from August XBL Rewards promo), OR BOTH amounts put back in their accounts ?! (PUH-LEASE don't say writing the support forum on the xbox website !)

Surely there's a phone #.[/QUOTE]
I think it's such a bad practice of a multi-billion dollar company to be giving away free money. Sure, mistakes happen once in a while, but random points showing up in people's accounts happens all the time. Microsoft is so tight with their points structure and pricing on games, to be giving away points is just moronic and should be unacceptable. I've never heard of PSN crediting people money incorrectly.
I'm happy for all the people who got the free money (I'd spend them in a second if I actually got them) but I just wonder WTF Microsoft is doing for this to happen so frequently...